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Polk County Confederate and Union Pension Application Information

Many years ago I made copies of microfilm pages of information taken from applications of some individuals with names I was researching at the Cleveland Public Library. Unfortunately, I did not make note of the reel number. As I find the pages, I will transcribe here. Cathy Hall


James B. Douglas
Certificate 195 195

Private, Company H, Tenth Tennessee Cavalry, Union ARmy Volunteers.
Died while in service at Pulaski, Tenn., of the measles.
Claim for pension filed by James H. Douglas, father, on October 10, 1876.
Attorney: H. H. Walker, Corss Keys, DeKalb County.
The address of the father was given as Gaddistown, Fannin County, GA..
Father said he married mother of the soldier in Campbell County, Tennessee, September 10, 1829.
That the soldier was born on July 22, 1846 and that he was single. That the mother of the soldier died April 28, 1875.
Pension: $8 per month to father from April 28, 1875.
No date of his death in the file.

William M. Stephenson
XC 2637641

Private, Company L, Fifth Indiana Cavalry
Sweetwater, Monroe County, Tennessee
File claim for pension December 7, 1892
Attorney: J. H. Worthy, Hiawassee College, Monroe County, Tennessee
Adjutant General of the Army reported to the Commissioner of Pensions
that William M. Stephenson of the above service deserted on March 31, 1864.
No pension. Claim rejected July 11, 1893.

Aura Lea”
MIDI sequence arrangement by Benjamin Robert Tubb
Composer, Composer, G. R. Poulton

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This page is maintained by Cathy Hall & Connie Baumann. Last updated 06/6/03