Letters from the Past


Thanks to Nicole Kilgore Pinson for this contribution.

Hiwassee Hotel, June 7, 1876

E.J. Nicholson [Enoch Jeptha]:

Dear Sir:

I believe I have left in your charge to look after the following named
persons' subscriptions to The Baptist Reflector:

Joseph Chancy
M.L. Chancy
W.W. Reese
L.N. Nicholson [Leander Newton]
John S. Pickle
David Mulkey
A.W. Hughes
G.H. Austin
J.P. Mulkey
John Dyke

W.C. Chancy
Absalom Barfield
Nancy Duff C.H.
A.B. Roberts C.H.
M.L. Rose C.H.
James W. Upton C.H.
C.N. Ledford C.H.
Wm. McDowell C.H.

[two names I can't read]

together with such others as you may be able to induce to subscribe ???
I not able to see McDowell or Ledford. Possibly I may before I leave for home, but probably not.
Hope you will be able to send $30. Pay postage and registry free or money order out of the funds in your
hands and I will see that Brother Norton sends you a receipt for your paper for one year.

Respectfully and in the bonds of Brotherly Love,
J.S. Warner, Agent

Letters from William H. Williamson

Thanks to Janeane Rogers Herring for sharing these letters!

Page one Dec 20 1936 at home Benton Tenn

Dear Nerive

I will write you a letter for your xmas present. We are all well I belive at present, of course I have had trouble of my oun. First I had to have a tooth pulled and have to chew tobacco on the wrong side, and I haven't done anything since then. I fill over a stick with a load of wood and knocked a gunn boil on my elbow, and I haven't done anything since then. Some body left the door half open and I missed it with my stick and it knocked a goose bump on my forehead, and I haven't done any thing since, but as a general thing I am getting along fine.
John Hutchen's wife died Nov. 8. John wasn't able to go to the funeral. He hasn't been able to be out since on Dec. 11, 1936.
They let the contract for a new courthouse at Benton for 87964___________________ Which was in Dec. 1897. I am the only one living that worked on the Court house, that I know of. Maggie, Aunt Mary, Jim's wife was here a few days ago. She said Jim had helt up for the winter but she hadn't, as she was going to have a hair cut and a permant wave soon. George Gilliland is now helping his wife run her resturant, and learning how two work. Remember work up the cat's M__ to swell soup. He is a second cousin of your husband and a 3 cousin of yours.
Auther Lane all ways send me a xmas card, he has lived in Chattanooge since 1922, but he never for get's me. Auther is like my self. He is getting older all the time. He has no hair on the top of his head, the place where the woole ought to grow. The last time I talked with him, I said Auther your picture was in the Benton paper the other day and he said , yes my wife saw the picture and didn't know who the hell it was. I got Maggie to read these pages over for me, and she was very much ashamed at my writing, trying to be smart she said. Yes as George Gilliland was learning to make soup. She couldn't read it . I will write it again.
More death has come since I wrote you the other letter. Andy McClare's daughter 15 yrs. old. Morad Rass at Occoe and Henry S__ of Ale but, Come seruge Cutwork on Nov. 23. A Dr Ball shot and killed a percy Mayfield, noted Cleveland Lawyer. Because he couldn't collect some bills. Dr. Bill shot Carnty Eldridge Sept 3. far some bills but the Judge got will. I went to town the other day and Fred Loue said to Cap. Lillard, say Cap did you hear about the preacher's wife having a Negro baby at Etawah last night. Cap said no what preacher's wife was it. Fred said who it was the Negro preacher's wife ofcourse. Cap said what you telling me far. I am not interested in Negro babys. Since Carrie Lyles died her husband Gus Lyles makes his home with Hattie his youngest daughter, out the old home place and they tell me that their isn't the slightest of any hair on his head a growing.
Jim Link is very sick at present. He is working at the Rock Church at the Old Bluff. He has a bail under his arm. I don't know if he will be able to roll the rocks after this or not. Marnim Lowony? Hauled and carried him to the elevator. He lives on the old Ocar Miller place at the Cookston Creek. Ocar Miller died many years ago, and his son lives on the old place. The morning of the election in Benton young Miller walk in to Hob Lowe and Hob said you just get out. Miller said no I just got out come to find out he had come in to town the night before and they had put him in jail for drunk. Last Christmas some boys put a large firecracker in Young Miller's car. So when he started the starter it fired, Miller jumped from out of the car and run like old Nick was after him. Some one said to him what is the matter, you afraid of the car, he said it wasn't the car he was afraid of but the trimble of the land was what scared this German.
John Burns has been in Washington since August the first. Lina says John and Henry has got a small apartment and John does the cooking. John works at the store and Henry in day time. John sleeps in their room 12 foot sq. in day time and Henry at night time. Henry wife won't live with him, and when she got sick and called on him and got all she could out of him. She got 400 dollars out of him. The last time she was sick got well then, told Henry to go to Hell, and she went back to her work. She is a Government Clerk in some apartment. John worte and said to tell Mother: O Day winter was coming . On the 3rd day of Aug. in 1492 Christrop Colombus set sail for the discovery of the new world of America. Well on the 3rd day of Aug. 1866, 374 years afterwards I was born in Benton, Ten. So last 3rd of Aug I was 3 score and 11, in 30 more years I will be 100. I am not as gay 'less as I was at 21, but I suppose I am doing very well as far a man of my age .I want to be a fine old gentleman. I am one of the oldest, I think I have wrote that before. Foy Gilliland has been running the community grocery store in Benton, salary $90 per month. One morning he put a sign on the door that they would see him no more and he disappeared. So the stock store the goods everthing seem to be all right so they employed a man then Foy comes back and is very angery. He said he had come back to run the store. So he is helping his wife who is manager of a restarant and is working with out pay. Making what Cat Penny would call soup. His grandmother on his mothers side was Jane Rogers Christan.
I saw Mary Lou Prince yesterday her husband is named Bill Anderson. He is her husband they live in Washington D. C. He works with the gorvermant. She said she remembered you. I don't know wheather she canned the other husband or not guess made hash out of them. They were like worm of agers hogs any way, fine hell of a set. Will Bishop has bought a new radio and six truck loads of wood. So he can keep warm thru the winter and run it. Will is chief power manta the rock dump up at our old Bluff and is making money.
Billie Harrison come up to talk to me about on night out of a week. Last winter I had a fine old rocking chair for him and when I would tell him a long story he would go to sleep and I wouldn't know it untill he'd wake from his sleep and then tell me, so this winter I have a strait back chair for him and the last time he was hear he liked to have fell on the floor. When he went to nodding then I got a big sweet potato and a biscut apiace for us, and warmed them up.
We have had bad weather the last few days it blew then it snowed then it far got to freeze. Christmas nearly here at night I hear the ringing of the commonball fire crackers down town. If I had a little more wood, and a few more things I can't think of guess now I would be ready for Christmas. When I get this letter off all my duties will be formed. When I write you at xmas I don't know but what it the last letter. Tell Welcome Newton that I expect him to hear this letter read and make one for all. It some job to write when you can't see the letter. There for I do the best I can, as I do at everything. I have presentment present, I don't know wheather I am entilied of credit for keeping jolly and for good heart. While I am getting old and declining blindness.
One of Maggie's dogs walks on 3 legs and the other one has his nose just about cut off, running thrw barb wire fences. She is nearly out of dogs. Jim Williamson feeds his dogs on natural herbs. I haven't learnt wheather he feed his new wife that or not.
The present election went off O.K. here, and the best I can find went Democrate ever where, except main the only Rebublican elected here was Butch Woody, beat Jessa Ryner for the Legerlation. Jesse Rymer was the son of Preacher Will Rymer. I heard that Walter Hutchins was drunk on election day and slapped Elsie Rogers Hutchins in the face at the electon and Charles Williams caught Walter by the throught and like to have chocked him to death before the sherriff could pull him off. I don't know how much he hurt him but they put Walter in jail the rest of the day. If Elsie live with Hutchins she has to take her own affair. May be Rogers Williams wouldn't take George Williams ways. Mary's of doing and she sent him away and has done much better since then. No decent woman can live with a man like Geo. Williams. Geo has a wife or several lady friends. John Hutchins got out early and got drunk and they took him home that disposed of him. J. P. Hutchins went with me when I noted he is my friend.
Herbie Hannah died on Nov. 8 1936 at New Port Ten he was R. R. commishner for Ten. For the last 30 years he nominated Curwall hale for president of U.S. at Houston, Tex. In 1928. When Al Smith was nominated. His grandfather was Cap. John Hannah of Parksville, Ten. John Hannah was a brother of Mrs. Jane Ferguson your great grandmother, and that made him a third cousin of yours, in politickes they called him the Little Black Bull of Roam County, Ten.
Also on the 8 of Nov. 1936 Mrs. Dr. Nickles was married to Duke Higgins. Duke is a little over 50 years and she is 10 or 15 years older, but that makes no different when love and weddings are in fashion. She acts like she is only 16. They tell me and Duke use to have the repation of bing the biggest liar in town.
W. H. Williamson

This a letter written to Minivera Gilliland Oct. 5 1939.

Dear Nervie

I will try to write you a letter again. We are all well at present. The weather is cold and dry. Ever body is picking cotton in the country and ever body in town is trying to collect it what they can. Rush Howard died Oct. 2 his father died in Aug. 1937. His father Wesley Howard was a great leader of Danval Burns. He lived on the river west of my place he and John Burns use to walk to gather to church on Sunday morning. Mr. Howard was a pall bearer at John's furneral. And died six months later. Well war goes on, the strick is still on at Duck town, but the mines are still running with part of men at work. The guards are still there . I went to town this morning to get some window panes to fix my windows, to keep the cold wind out this winter. I met _______ Rogers who married Harrison Helton. I had to go with her to the pension office to tell them how old she was. She was born the 29 day of Feb. 1872 and is 67 years old. She has a birthday ever 4 years. I finely got through and came home. I was in Charlie Witt office. He is all ways mighty good and accomading to me, like we was kin. I heard someone say they saw Billie Harrison going near the Ocoee river, with a tin bucket in his hand going yon way. I don't suppose he was going fishing. So John Williamson at Chattnooge sent you a copy of his so called Williamson history did he. He sent me one it was all wrong and sent him a short history, it aggravets me to have the Williamson history churned up in any such way. It is not a history or hardly a tail, he said Jims' name was James Hardison, it is James Hoyle he said that my father in coming from Ark. Come down the White river runs then the Misourie river. Well the White River runs south of Menphis and the Misorrire river runs into the Mississippi river at St. James. He missed it 6 or 7 hundred miles. He said my father took the train at Cha----- to his home at Benton TN the fact is my Father home was in GA he had never seen Benton that time 1852 and it was 54 years before the railroad ever built to Benton. He said the Bibles was kin to the Jameson at Bradley. I said they are not kin and I am proud of it. He said the Bibles settled in Bradley county. I say they settled on the west side of quarter section 4 town sight one range 2 east of the --------Ocoee district in Dec. 1839 and Benton was laid out in the Spring of 1840 of one mile north of the Bible farm. Later your Unkle Tom was born there. I suppose he thinks his Dad was born on Bradley Creek. He said that Mose Ferguson built the ford Mill at Parksville and owned the land later. I say he did not. John Stubberfield and his brother Robert built the ford mill. John Hannah farm run down the river then from the L-------- farm. John Stubblefield sold the mill to John Bible in 1849. Bible sold it to all so to Sam Parkswill and the Parkvill was named after him. Capt R------- bought the Hannah farm and mill and rebuilt the mill. John history is not true. No good. I have written you true history of the Williamson and Bible which I will send to you it is true if you can read it. I wrote John and pointed out some of his blunders. I guess it made him mad. He hasn't answerd it yet this is an old record. What says that Mr. Stubberfield place . John Hannah and Mose Ferguerson helped the Stubberfield build the ford mill at Parkville and the Stubberfield and Mose Ferguerson had a fight about who got the most of it. Stuggerfield lived and owned the Aunt Caroline Rogers farm and the Burnes place in the 30. My renter has sold 2 bales of cotton off of my place they got 10cents per pound and 40 cents per. bu. for seed. That is better then we have been doing in servral years. Harve Cronen? was gone for 9 days to Ducktown when his wife went up there and brought him home. He made $45 she was afraid some body would take a shot at him. Sam Iuntrall stayed guard 3 weeks and come home with $105 he is 74 years old and he couldent stand it any longer. Walter Hutchens went as guard he got drunk again and again he is back at his place. John Hutchens is very sick last month they thought he was going to die , but he is better he gets that way when he get some whiskey. Judy Lates who is Billie Harrison sister was setting up with him one night and he told her that she didn't do anything but sleep in the chair and snored so loud that he couldn't sleep. That made Judy mad so she didn't go back any more On the 13 of Sept 1939 we elected a new congresman for the 3rd congredanl district to fill the vancaney caused by the death of Sam McKey. He was a lawer Chattanooga when he was elected. He wrote me a letter from Washington didn't many vote nobody had any tax recipts only the old men and women could vote so I didn't hear the ruseing of the Sile Sraca . A new sile (steel) mill is going work a Jan. 1 1940 I hear that they have a man from Benton who is secretly taken names and applications for jobs. Why it is secretly I didin't know . They are going to take in 200 young men and 300 girls and women but evenly on of the boys and girls are to be high school graduate and are to have a social sceurity number. Maggie has all these things and her applican went with the understanding that her would keep the job she had as long as it last. They told her she may be a bookeeper for the women. She said she was going to see about that when she took the job the mill are at -------one mile from Benton. Billy Harrson hasn't been up to see me for some time maybe he is staying with the bees. Billy has been for all then all then some. He has sell lot these season and has money left. A Mrs. Michel who works at the court house in the Libary helped me in the court house when a new lady comes along I take right up with them. I for get that I am not young and handsome any more. I still feel good looking. On Williamson power the great Lord give us to see ourselfs as others see us. Nervia, I will tell you something of my recloction of Jim Gilliland your father in law . He was 10 years or more older then me in 1873 when I was 7 years old. My father took us all to town and had our pitcure taken. A few days afterwards us school childern were all down at the Bible Springs at 12 o'clock and Jim Gilliland told me he saw our pitcure at the artist down town and he said it was the uglist picture he ever saw in his life. He didn't know they were sutch ugly people in the country. I felt mighty bad I don't know whether I cryed or not. I goes and tell my Mamma she said never mind what Jim Gilliland says the pitcure looks better than he does. She said he only jocking anyway. I took a look at the pitcure and it looked fine to me. So I felt better. An other time at Xmas I had a toy pistal that would shoot paper clips Jim Gilliland said let me shoot it he put a lighted fire cracker in the barral and shot part of the barral off. He said he was sorry but it would still shoot. When Jim was a young man I have seen him going around with Buck Handcock but not much. Jim was a gentelman while Buck was a bully untill John Celmmer knocked him in the head with a base ball bat. They carried Buck home when he got well Mr. Handcock told him to go back to school and whip the Johnnie boy. Before he come back home Buck went back and knocked John in the head with a rock then they carried John home. They are all dead now. I suppose Billie Harrison is a good trader he swoped a little Indian stone for a stone 8 inches long and 9 in dimantor the stone has a hole in it the long ways I ask him what it was . he didn't know thats why he traded for it. Woodrow Bishop had a fight with his Mother-in-law , Charlie Seltons wife and Jack McNelly daughter he knocked her down and she had him arrested. I had not known before but it seems to against the law to whip your mother-in-law in the State of TN. The 4 mile Babptist church had a meeting in the summer and one in Oct. they seemed to be growing in members. The Holy rollers made lots of noise at their church over on pine ridge. I could hear them going on and it sounded to me like a bull dog fighting on a tin roof. There was a man the other day who wanted to buy car load of horses. I didn't learn how many he got. If the price of dogs go high I will sell a couple of them. When I get mad at them and Maggie is a way. I recived you rabbit foot letter of Sept 13. I kept the rabbit foot card. Billie wanted the letter to put in his cabnit where he keeps all my writing . All my writing is in his curisty shop. Billie has 49 old cow bells hung upon a wall so he can show them off and ring them all at once. They moved Maggie office in the basement of the court house. So they gave her the attormy gerneal office. Two floors high up she is at the front can see the bank, post office and ever thing thats on that side of town. Everbody likes the change except Alice wife of Jimmie Taylor. She has to walk up the stairway Allice is George Williams Secertary.

Oct. 11, 1939
Dear Nerva I will write some more today I recived a card from you yesterday. You are going to Ft. Worth . I have been all over Ft. Worth. I would like to see it again I am wondering who would keep the wolfs from getting your chickens and who would keep the lions , tiggers and elephants from bitting your little sheep. You go to states's great city and see many thousand people. It looks to me like you would for get your Old Unkle awaye back on the banks of the Ococc, I want you to answere a few questions so I can compleat my family history. Where were you and Robert born and when was you married and where. And by what preacher. John Hutchen drank a bottle of caster oil. Elsie Hutchen came down to see him servel of his nighbours was there. They said he was cold and about dead. Elsie went back home got some whiskey. gave him a spoonfull and he came alive again he will die some of these days. He is about 86. Elsie was over to see Maggie at the court house yesterday. She seems to be getting along better without Palar. Nervie have I been writting to you for 10 years. If so I have spoiled lots of good paper and you must have stackes of letters, did any one ever write you that many letters with lots of words that don't amount to much. I wrote to your Unkle Newton the same kind of letters for 25 years. He got so he couldn't ansewer them, then I quite and went to writting you when you can't answer I will have to hunt me another corspondent. I don't know and more in Texas that I would be interest in writing too. Our well and pond is dry. There is plenty water in sistern.

Oct. 12 1939
I saw wood and work an hour or so ever moring then I rest . This moring I took my dull saw down to Billie Harrison he sharpened it then I came back and sawed wood. Billie was going to take dinner with Mrs. Couch and her brother Mr. Penny who lives near Old L. Stoeton. Billie told me that Barton and Mary Sweny had a cousin a Mrs Thornberry visting them. He all so told me that Mrs. Barton Love , daughter of Wild Clemmer sold her farm house lot and every thing to Tom Chrykers. She is going to live with her married daughter at Knoxwell TN. This farm is right across the road from my house. She will see the time when she ought to have kept her property. Billie H. and I were counting the old widows and old widowers between the river and the mountains. The are 24 widowes and 9 widowers. The ladys are Mrs. Harve Hitzer--- --- --- Mrs. Jasper McLear and daughter Charls Rymu, Mrs. Dal Lewis, Mrs. John Rogers, Mrs. Truman Rogers, Addie Jane Lewis, Mrs. ---- Bishop, Mrs. Mary Gronnrs, Mrs. Oscar Polk, Mrs. Andy------ Mrs Will Howard, Mrs Reed Howard,, Mrs. Barton Love, Mrs. Annie Clemmer, Mrs. Couch, Mrs. Christian, Mrs. Mallie Day, Mrs. Luke Lyles, Mrs. Jennie Nix or Jennie Rolens. And all the old widowers are John Hutchens, Bud Harbeson, Gus Lyls, Jim Plemmer, Will Taylor, to say nothing of Billie H and my self.

Sunday Oct. 15
Nerva dear , I hope you excuse me for the side slipping on page 9 the hook took clean out at top of my writting board that helt the paper and it slipped cross ways some how. I straightened it out and checked it again as soon as I found it out. A great singing convention at 4 mile church today ever body will be crowed up there. Autos will be parked from the church to town, the house won't hold the people. I had rather be home. Birch Biggs has a pinple on his nose. He scratched it and his face swelled up like blood poisioning is better now. Fate Higgins died that way several years ago at the Old Fort only the pimple came on his upper lip. John Nickelison daughterRetta married Mr. Andrews and live between my house and town says there will be no fruit next year. So peeled and canned apples until she burnt her hand and it swelled up to her elbow.She got better when her foot burnt too. Now she is down again. It may kill her. I don't see how in the world Retta can tell that there will be no apples and peaches next year. They have all moved away from the Benton Springs except O. K. Franklin and Mr.Cobb. He runs a garage. I think I told you about the suvaroys running a line thru my farm. It goes over the hightest hill and the lowest bottom on my place. The have now strung another line across my place it come up across feild in front of my hen house to barn lot and on through to the south. Oct. 17 the morning paper had the death of William J. Lawson in it. He is Billie Lawson who married Laura Kimsbrow a second cousin of Lou. His daughter died a few years ago and Laura came near losing her mind, they have a son Clarnce Lawson 45 years old living in Cleveland. Bill moved there 30 or 40 years age. Hulda Bishop was up yesterday she will get her part of old age pension check on the 2nd of this month so she has been notfide Robert Bishop son Bob and Ada Bishop went to Ducktown as guard the first of Sept. but he couldent do any thing but sleep while on duty and he didn't take a pillow with him it is against the rule to sleep while on the job without a pillow , so they sent him in they have sent home all the sorry men up there. The good responsable men all they got lift. It is a sorry men that can't get $5 a day doing nothing and get fired for that. All sorry men is no good and where. Jim Parks presisent of the Benton Bank is out of a job which the bank now. Miss Coffee is the casher. I talked to her the other day, and like wind in summer singing her voice is low and sweet. Jimmie Taylor is the president he known about as much running a bank as I know about making a watch if he works as slow as he talks it would take him all day to cut enough stove wood to get breakfast with. Barton and Mary Sweeny will their Unkle Bill Lawson funeral at Cleveland today. The old roster came in the front yard and crowed 16 times fir me I suppose he thought I would like to hear him as I was lonesome, 50 hens and 3 rosters and 2 dogs and my self is company around here.

Oct. 19 1939
The moon shine to night along the Ocaee. From the feild come the breath of new mone hay. Throu the oak trees the car lights are gleaming on the banks of the Ocoee for away. The Govermant of TN and KY have declared Nov. 30 for Thankgiving day. The KY and TN big ball game will play at Nashville that day and General work and all state employs will have a Holiday that day. But President R_______ has declared that Nov. 23 will be Thanksgiving day and all goverment employes will have a holiday that day too. Miss Margareth (Maggie) being Gov. employe has been notified that date 23 is a holiday. Billie Harrison was up here last night and we had a long talk he was over the mountian Monday. He said they was building a changing house at Lake McKenny. I said I not going over there to get my money changed. He said it was not a money changing house it was a house to change yours clothes in when you go in swimming . He said after Hulda Bishop got her penison maybe she would pay him back what she owed him. Abe Lillard visted me this moring and we talked on hour or more. He brought us a big pumkin he said he brought Mami Arp. and Ritta Maningale one each all so. He said Ritta was getting better. He said his son Ray Lillard was teaching school in Knoxwill would be home Thanksgiving and would be up to see me. Abe wife was Nora Kimbrow Ray is not like the other Lillards some how he is a great school teacher.

Oct. 20 1939
I will have the most exquestie pleasure of writting to you this evening. Charles Dickens made a concreat hearth for Margaret this moring she is going to put a new cole burriner stove. I am going to get me one wood burner one have 2 truck loads of slabs and I have 15 hundred sticks all ready cut for the cool stove. Jim Barks is back pres---of the Benton Bank He has been out six months they say he has quit drinking beer and has lost his bay window in front. Birch Biggs is back at work his face is better. Birch is sherriff he is builling a new brick house on the west side of Annie Clemmer. Bill Prince live there where you all lived on Dodd place built new house next to Street that went up the hill between the Prince barn. I wrote a copy of my life work ever thing that I ever built or worked on the date where and when. Roy Lillard made 3 copies of it. He kept one. Billie Harrison got one I got one to put in my history. Then I wanted Billie to make one so I could send it to you but it was to big a of a job for Billie. He said he would try and get Roy Lillard to make some more.

Oct. 21
I went to town this eveing and got back about sundown I had a long talk with Sam Ovintrell he was raised at Ducktown he said Ducktown was named after an Old Indian Chief Duck who lived there when the land was stelled a little over 100 years ago. I saw and talked to Will Lawson he lives at Ocoee. He is Lee Lawson oldest son and married Addie Jane Rogers oldest girl Fannie Jane Rogers Lawson. Will worked for me in the brick yard several summers.

Oct. 22 Sunday
When you write me again tell me how Mrs. Cal Rogers is getting along can she walk or get about as well as ever All so tell me if Welcome Rogers was burnt on the face and hands when he had that accident with the gasloine engin. When they fired Walter Hutchins of at Ducktown he------ ------- -------- the company. He said some one stole it they took $26 out of his pay roll to pay for it. A few days ago a Howard boy wrecked his car between here and town turned over and broke all the glass windows. John Shamblin's daughter Agns wrecked her mother's car. Jack Morehead while driving into the Clemmar Garage run into a telephone pole and tore the car all to pieces he was drunk and wasn't hurt. They picked up a man this moring on the Concreat highway, between here and GA line he had been struck behind by a car while walking on the highway . His name is Dunn and lived on the Connasaga River the amblulance brought him in to town this morning . Bud Harblison were up to see me this eveing we sat on front poarch and talked all evening it is dry here the water works at Etoiva has gone dry and they are pumping water down at the river and ever body has to boil the water before they can drink it. Billie H--- was up to night I will write you a xmas letter as I all ways do so good by a true Unkle
W. H. Williamson at Benton

Letters from Joseph Leander McDowell, MD

Thanks to David Scarbrough for this contribution! Or visit David's at his website.


Joseph Leander McDowell MD, local doctor for Polk County, was born 25 Nov 1861 at Cherokee Co., NC. He died 25 May 1914 at Benton, TN. He is buried at Old Ocoee Cemetery Benton TN Hwy 314. Joseph and his wife Nancy Emmaline Abernathy b: 6 Jan 1866 had thirteen children. Louise Anabel "Belle" b: 31 Dec 1889, married William Oscar Scarbrough. In 1911-1912, they moved to Cottle County, Texas to build a homestead. Belle hated Texas, and I can understand why. The homestead is located 8 miles west of Kirkland, Texas. Kirkland really doesn't exist today except for a few homes left standing from 1900. Considering she had to walk down a hill to draw water from a well and carry buckets back to the house in the Texas heat, it was extremely difficult at best. The land in that region is very flat and no shade of any kind. They built a homestead on the only hill within many miles. You can easily see the curvature of the earth in all directions even today. There is a cemetery named Tennessee Valley Cemetery located on Texas Farm Road #1033. This cemetery is the final resting place for the Scarbrough and Wallen (spelled Wallin in Texas) who moved from Polk County to Texas in the 1890s. Belle returned to Polk county in 1915. Below are two letters her father wrote her while she was in Texas. Joseph died a year after these letters were written.
David Scarbrough

Benton, TN May 11, 1913
Dear Belle and Family:

Yours of late date to hand contents noted. Replying will say we are all in common health. There is nothing new in Polk, everything moving along as usual. I have been very busy since you all left - looking after small-pox. They are all dying and some now I think will soon "fizzle out" as Caesar said about the prayer meeting. Alice and Granville were here for a call to-day. Setepa and Shane moved in with us a while. I recon you are having a good time away out-in old Texas. How would you like to drink of our old spring these warm days. Write us all you can. Your mother is doing about as well as usual. I am still loosing in weight - I only weigh 155# now. If I keep on loosing I will soon have to stand twice in a place to make a shadow.
As Ever Affectionally, JL McDowell

June 9, Your mother said to tell you that she still had all your "old hymns" and was going to keep them for you till you get back to Arkansas. We are having lots of rain up here in Tennessee. Out stuff looks "foine" as the Irishman says, so let us here from you soon. Poor little old Setepa is very much grieved over the loss of little Velma who died yesterday morning. Was buried at four mile to sleep that sweet and unbroken slimber that knows no awakening till thy last trump shall blow. (God rest it.) It was lovely little corpse. Looked like it was a sleep and having a pleasant dream, only so pale. Your poor old mother is nearly broken down. We slept last night without lights for the first night in 3 months. I am still losing flesh and looking very thin now. Will soon peter out without change.
Yours Affectionally, JL McDowell

PS - if you need help to get away from there let us know. JLM

Letter from Columbus Mason

Thanks toVan Tate for this contribution!

Greetings! I am sending to you a copy of a letter written by Columbus Mason. It is self explanatory and very significant to Polk Co. history. My ggreat grandmother is Lizzie of the document. I am researching this family and hope to contact family in Polk Co. area. If you or others can help me fill in the gaps I would like to communicate. I live in AR where this family migrated to in 1871. The letter is of course typed by others but we retained the spelling, etc. as written. I have not been able to get beyone John Moore or Jane Garmley so help is needed in this area for sure. Hope the letter helps you all and also will help family connect and fill in details.

Van Tate
2275 Gum Springs Rd.
Searcy,Ar. 72143

Mason family tree......., as written by Columbus M. Mason

John Mason lived and reared his family in north Carolina. he was a inglishman and I suppose Grandmother was Scotch, dad told me he was inglish and scotch. Scotland is a part of ingland the two go to make up Grate Britton. the names of their famley were John, Bill, Jessa, Richard, Golman and Babe.

soon after the sivl war John went to Texas. we were told that he had a large famley several boys. Goldman was married to Mary More. Babe died during the SiVI war. they had two girls, Pagy and Rachel. One of them married a man named Rogers and her son Richard Rogers came with Goldman to Ark. now our Grand mother Jane More's name was Garmley. her Grandfather was Cherkee indian but she was mostly Irish.

Grand Dad More was Irish. and he was killed when mother was a small girl. An enemy struck him with a hand spike. As a working the hand spike is a heavy stick or a small pole bout 6 ft. long that the men would put under a log make sever for heavy timber the men would get on each side get hold of the spiks lift the log up carry it where they worked that is the way we used to handle the logs in building log houses or barns. the More children nems were Mary, Harrison and Lemual and Maly Arbella who married Bill Bains. he deserted her and the two little girls. their names were Ida and Nola. then Grandmother married an old man named Edwards. some cruel men tide him to a tree plased him with Bayonets and shot him. their children names were William and Johnney.

Dad and Mother Mason lived in Tennessee in or near Ductown or Copper town. hear are the names of their children. 1 girl namd Jasima 2 Willie 3 Melvon 4 Josa 5 Willis 6 James 7 Vergial 8 Columbus 9 Belle 10 Erastus 11 Lizzie 12 Alvin. the three first ones past on very young proply during the sivle war. Dad was in the Army Mother had a real hard time previding and carin for her little children she was afraid of Indians and outlaws cold bushwackers. Josa, Jim, Willis and maby Vergal were born in Tenn. about the year 1871 they loded the wagon hitched the old ox team on and headed for Ark. acrost the Missippi river on feary Boat. landed in vain burron County and lived there for a while. and their the little boy baby past away they had to leave him there. about the first of the year 1872 they bought a clame just over in Madison County near Wesley just a one room log cabin. their is where I was born. October 19,1873. they build another house back away from the creek moved their where I was about one year old. here are the names and deaths or marriages. Josa married Willis Boyd - past on leaving two little boys- Vergal and Lemual. Willas married Lizzie French 16th Cherry Indian past on at Colinsville,Ok. in sping of 1897. little Willis born later. James married Angaline Boyd sister to Willis Boyd. Columbus married Ella Duncan Septembr 6, 1896 she past on June 26, 1956. Bell married Jerry Burnett now living at Tulare, California. Erastus married Anna Callico passed on. Lizzie [ Mary Elizabeth] married Littleton Johnson. Alvin married Dona Hash - passed away leaving no children about age 23.