Polk County, Tennessee
1840 Census Alphabetical Index

The complete 1840 Polk County TN census can now be viewed online at USGenWeb Project Tennessee Archives

The 1840 census does not contain a lot of information, but it can tell you the head of household (which is the name shown in the index) and the age and number of people living in the household. Below is the explanation of the columns listed for the 1840 census. When you send a request for 1840 information on a person shown in the index, you will received it in the following form, with each number representing a column...the first set representing males in the household and the second set representing females:

Pg. 6 Evan Campbell 211001-111001
2 males 0-4/1 male 5-9/1 males 10-14/0 males 15-20/0 male 20-30/1 male 30-40
1 female 0-4/1 female 5-9/1 female 10-15/0 female 15-20/0 female 20-40/1 female 30-40

Page Number-Name of Head of Household
Number of Free White Males under 5 (age 0-4)
""" 5 and up but under 10 (age 5-9)
""" 10 and up but under 15 (age 10-14)
""" 15 and up but under 20 (age 15-19)
""" 20 and up but under 30 (age 20-29)
""" 30-39
""" 40-49
""" 50-59
""" 60-69
""" 70-79
""" 80-89
""" 90-99
""" 100 and upwards

Adams, Elijah Dalrymple, George Jackson, A. S. Rogers, James
Adams, William Daugherty, Evan Jenkins, William Rogers, John
Airy, John Daugherty, Joseph Johnston, Samuel H. Rogers, Seabourn
Ainsworth, James Daugherty, Josiah Joice, Tinsley Rogers, Travis
Amos, John F. Daugherty, Preston Jones Drury Rose, Zachariah
Anderson, Daniel Davis, Adam Jones, Hosea H. Ross, John
Anderson, John Davis, Benjamin Jones, James M. Rowan, Nathaniel
Armstrong, C. A. Davis, John (2) Jones, Thomas Rue, John
Armstrong, Sarah Davis, Robert Jones, William Runnions, John
Austin, John Davis, Robert B. Jordan, Calvin Rush, William
Authur, Lewis Davis, Solomon Jordan, Jackson Russell, Major
Ayers Moses H. Davis, William H. Kain, Leonard Rymer, Eli
Bailey, Robert Davis, Young Kenady, John Rymer, Isaac
Baily, John Deadmond, William Kenady, Samuel Sartin, John
Baker, Andrew Deavers, Gabriel Keneister, Reuben Selvage, Absalom
Baker, George Dennis, Jesse I. Killings, James Selvidge, Spencer
Baker, George W. Devine, John Kindrick, Francis Shamblin, George
Baker, James Dickerson, John Kinser, Jacob Shamblin, John
Baker, Joseph Dickey, John F. Kitchen, Rachel Shamblin, Loch
Baker, William Dickey, Rebecca Ladd, Amos Shelton, Joseph
Barnett, Tabitha Doan, Ira Ladd, Bales E. Shelton, Park
Beauford, A. W. Dodd, William Lain, John B. Shields, Banner
Bert see Birt Dodson, Jesse Lambert, Aaron Sheilds, James
Bible, Rachel Dodson, Warren Langston, James Shields, John
Biggs, William bl. Duff, James F. Lawson, Nelson Shields, Robert
Bird, Matthew Duggan, Hugh Lawson, Stephen Shields, William
Birt, John Duggan, Robert Lea, Abner Short, John B.
Bivens, Joseph Duggan, Samuel Lea, William P. Shurat, John
Bivens, Nathaniel Duggan, Wilson Lemons, H. C. Shurat, Sarah
Blackwell, John P. Dunn, Margaret Lemons, Jesse Silcox, Burton
Blackwell, Samuel Easly, Samuel L. Lemons, Nathan Slatton, Wade H.
Blackwell, Sarah Edmonson, John Lemons, Reuben Sloan, James
Blackwell, Sylvester Elledge, Jacob Lemons, Robert Smedery, Jesse
Blankenship, John Ellis, Henry Lemons, Sarah Smith, David (2)
Blankenship, Spenser Ellis, John Lemons, Thomas Smith, G. W.
Blankenship, Stephen Erby, Nancy Leopard, Westley Smith, Isaac
Blanton, Hiram H. Evans, Patrick Lillard, Abraham Smith, John
Blanton, Joseph Fagan, John Lillard, Jeremiah Smith, Thomas
Blanton, Lewis Fagg, Sarah Lingerfelt, Jacob Smith, Thomas C.
Belch, George Farner, Isaac Logan, Abner Snider, Isabella
Bowling, Collens Ferguson, Moses C. Longley, Joel Spencer, Jesse B.
Bowman, James A. Fetter, George Longley, John C. Spradling, Zilpha
Bowman, Josiah Fetter, Isaac Longley, William Standridge, Jane
Boyd, Erby Finney, Elizabeth Love, Jeremiah D. Stansberry, Solomon
Bradford, G. C. Firestone, David Lowery, Christopher Stepenson, Robert
Bradford, Henry Forscythe, Beaty Lucky, John Stephens, Levi
Bradford, Michael Foster, Cornelius Lutrell, James Stephenson, Andrew R.
Bradford, Patton A. Foster, Simpson McCammick, Stephen Stephenson, Robert
Branham, Thomas Fout, Solomon McClary, Robert W. Stephenson, William M.
Brannum, Jeremiah Fox, Abraham McClary, Thos. R. Stilwell, Jeremiah
Brawner, Bozel H. Fox, Anderson McConnel, Samuel Stilwell, Mary
Breedwell, Armstead Fox, Ann McCoy, Thomas Strowd, Morris
Brooks, James Freeland, Howell McCray, Hugh Summy, Solomon
Brown, James Fry, Demarcus McCray, Joel Sutton, Elijah
Brown, James R. Fry, George McJunkin, John Swafford, Thos.
Brown, John (2) Fry, Harvey McKamy, James Swafford, William
Brown, William Fry, Newel C. McKinney, David Taylor, Alfred
Brummett, Samuel Fry, Tillman McKissick, Abraham Taylor, James
Bryant, John Gasaway, Ezekiel W. McLemore, Young Taylor, John N.
Burns, Berry Gasaway, Henry McNabb, Matthew Thurman, William
Burns, Tillmon Gasaway, Ira Massengale, William Todd, Elizabeth
Cagle, Isaac Gee, John Mattocks, Joseph Toute, Leonard
Cameron, William Gee, John H. Mattocks, Nathaniel Towns, John
Campbell, Evan Gideons, Harrison Maxwell, David Towns, Thomas w/
John Towns family
Campbell, Jesse Giles, William Maxwell, John Tummins, Samuel H.
Campbell, John F. Gilliland, James May, William Tuomey, Thomas L.
Cantrell, Minter Glass, James Mayfield, Nancy Turner, John G.
Carden, James Goins, Solomon Mays, Caleb Turner, Joseph
Carden, John Gold, Christopher Melton, Daniel Thomas, Adonijah
Carden, Reuben Gordon, John Mitchell, John Thomas, James
Carden, Thomas Green, Elisha Mitchell, Mordeca Thomas, William
Carr, Andrew Green, James Moore, Jacob Thomas, William, Jr
Carr, William Green, John Moore, Jesse C. Thomas, William, Sr.
Carson, John Green, Thomas Morris, Shadrack C. Thompson, William (2)
Carson, Nancy Greenlee, Lewis Mulky, William Thruwitt, Lewis L.
Carson, William A. Griffin, Sanders Madin, Samuel Walker, Isaac
Carter, Amos Grigg, John R. Martin, Nancy Walker, Samuel w/ Will
Parker family
Carter, Benjamine Grogan, Albert Mashburn, Huldah Waller, George
Carter, Robert Guinn, Almon Mashburn, Matthew Waller, Samuel
Carter, Samuel w/Amos Guinn, Joshua Mason, John Ward, E. W.
Carter, Samuel M. Gunter, Reuben Mathes, Elijah Washbourn, Nancy
Cartwright, Thomas Gusta, Sarah Matlock, Jacent Watkins, William
Caruth, Walter Haggard, John R. Maynor, Foures Wear, John
Cass, John Hagler, Wade Merrit, Samuel Wear, John
Cates, James Hainey, Robert Messimore, Thomas Wear, Samuel
Cates, John Hainey, William Millburn, Sarah Weaver, Alfred G.
Chambers, Moses Hambright, William S. Mitchell, Nathaniel Weaver, Elias
Childress, Archibald Hamby, Permelia Morgan, Albert G. Weaver, Jacob
Childress, Burrell Hamilton, Joshua H.
Hammonds, Isham
Morgan, William, (2)
Morgan, Gabriel
Weaver, John
Weaver, William
Childress, Josiah, Jr. Hancock, William W. Morrison, James Webb, Pleasant
Chunn, Samuel L. Hanley, Michael Morrison, Thomas West, Thomas
Clayton, Elijah Hannah, Jane Morrow, James M. White, Comadore
Clemmer, Jacob Hannah, John F. Naves, Michael White, David
Cloud, Isaac Hanson, Thomas S. Newcome, Thorton White, Eaden
Cobb, Robert Harberson, G. W. Nicholson, Lucretia White, Elizabeth
Cockram, John Harper, Martin Nixon, Samuel White, John (2)
Cockram, Lucinda Harper, Thomas Norman, John Wise, David
Coe, Vincent Harrell, William Norris, Emily Witt, Andrew
Coffee, Jesse Harrison, Josiah Norris, Wyatt Witt, Bird
Coker, A. B. Harvy, Charles O'Daniel, James T. Witt, Burgess
Coleman, Absalom Harvy, Joel Y. O'Neal, John S. Witt, James H.
Coleman, Jesse (2) Harvy, John Orr, Robert Witt, Rutherford
Coleman, Thomas W. Haskins, Dennis Orr, William Witt, William
Coleman, William Hauser see Hanson Pack, Jeremiah Womble, William
Collake, William Hawkins, James Panky, Willie Wrock(Womack), Alexander
Conner, Alfred B. Hawkins, Joseph Park, W. W. Yancy, Hiram
Conner, Henderson Hawkins, Michael Parker, Anderson York, John
Conner, John Hays, Harrold Parker, Preston York, Pleasant
Cooper, Robert Hembree, Silas Parks, Samuel Young, John D.
Copeland, Alexander Henderickson, Abraham Parris, Moses
Copps, Jacob Henderson, George Patterson, William
Corn, John C. Henderson, Thos. I. Pettitt, James
Couch, Isaac Henderson, William Pettitt, William
Courtney, M. P. Henry, William W. Philips, James
Cox, George Hester, Abraham Price, Aaron
Coxey, John B. Higdon, Thomas Price, George
Crawford, Priscilla Higgins, William Price, George W.
Crawford, Thomas Hildebrand, Michael Price, Ruth
Crittendon, John Hilderbrand, Jane Prince, Andrew I.
Cromwell, Isaac Hillyard, Jesse Prince, Cooper
Cromwell, John Hincle, Philip Prince, Ephraim
Cromwell, John B. Hodge, Jane Prince, Isham
Cross, David R. Hood, J. C. S. Prince, Josiah
Cross, Jacob Hood, Raleigh Pursley, Nancy
Crowden, Henry Hood, Robert Ray, Thomas L.
Culbertson, Aury Hopper, Augustine Ray, William C.
Cunningham, David, Horn, Riley Ray, William G.
Cunningham, Elizabeth Horton, Hiram Reagan, David
Cunningham, Jeremiah Howell, Dorothy V. Reed, Joseph
Howell, Lucy C. Reed, Samuel M.
Huff, William Richardson, George
Hughs, Elizabeth Richie, John
Hughs, Josiah Ridley, William

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Last updated 04.13.02.