Perry County Courthouse

(courtesy of Tennessee State Library and Archives)      


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Perry County, Tennessee




The idea for this page came about as I was thinking of Perry County's churches or houses of worship, both ones that no longer exist and ones that currently exist.   I would like this page to be a starting point to document this history.  


There will probably be several things I'd like included on this page:


  • I will have an alphabetical list below of churches.  I will start with churches currently listed in the yellow pages, then we will add ones that no longer exist as people e-mail me their names.

  • As we start to collect information about each church, I'll add a separate page for each church;

  • Biographies or histories or the churches would be helpful;

  • I'd like to collect pictures of the various churches;

  • Any other information that we can collect about the churches, will be added, such as transcribed newspaper articles, lists of members, stories or recollections about the church, etc.


I know that this will probably take a lot of time to put together.  Please e-mail me if you have any of this information, for any church (past or present) in Perry County.  Thank you.   Contact Jan Monnin, your Perry County TnGenWeb coordinator.


NOTE:  TSLA refers to the Tennessee State Library and Archives.  Their website is:



Name of Church

Location Dates of Operation Selected Genealogical Information

Antioch Methodist Episcopal Church

(later merged with 2 other churches to become the Riverside Methodist Church)


border of Wayne & Perry Counties   Microfilm of records available at TSLA from 1881 - 1977.  TSLA item no. Mf.677
Beardstown Church of Christ Beardstown    
Brush Creek Church of Christ Linden 1885-1958?  
Cedar Creek Church of Christ      
Cedar Creek Primitive Baptist Church Cedar Creek, Linden 1831 - ? See Cedar Creek page
Cedar Grove United Methodist Church (African Methodist Church) - now known as Roberts Chapel Linden   See Cedar Grove page
Cedar Valley United Methodist Church      

Christ Church




Church of Christ Lobelville    
Coon Creek Primitive Baptist Church     See Coon Creek Church page
Crooked Creek Church of Christ      
Dixon Church (African Methodist Church) located near the Dixon Cemetary (Lower Lick Creek   See Dixon Church page
First Baptist Church Linden    
First Baptist Church Lobelville    
First Baptist Church of Lobelville Lobelville    

First Christian Church




First United Methodist Church




First United Pentecostal Church Linden    
Goshen Primitive Baptist Church      
Heavens Hand Ministry Lobelville    
Howard's United Methodist Church      
Lick Creek Baptist Church Linden    
Lighthouse Tabernacle Linden    
Linden Apostolic Church Linden    

Linden Church of God




Linden Church of Christ Linden    
Lobelville Methodist Church Lobelville    

Marsh Creek Buckford Methodist Church


Marsh Creek


pictures, short history

Mt. Auburn United Methodist Church      

New Life Christian Church




Pleasantview Mennonite Church Lobelville    
Robert's Chapel AME (African Methodist Church)     see Cedar Grove page
Seventh Day Adventists Church Lobelville    
Simmons Primitive Baptist Church      
Spirit Filled Christ Church Lobelville    

Toms Creek Baptist Church




Warren's United Methodist Church




Whitwell Chapel United Methodist Church



see Whitwell Chapel page






Note from county coordinator: While I was going through the marriage records in the 1860s and 1870s, there were several ministers of the gospels who performed the marriages.  Below is the list.  If you know which church they were affiliated with, I would appreciate knowing that, as well as the source of your information (bible record, obit, family story, etc). 
Notes on abbreviations: Thank you Barbara Gillham McCarthy for this helpful info.
M.G. Minister of the Gospel
V.D.M means verbi divini minister (minister of the divine word), used most often by one who has had a "calling" to the ministry but no formal advanced education.
D.D. means Doctor of Divinity...usually has an advanced degree





(click on name to take you to a link with more info on that person)

Time frame that marriages were performed in Perry County Church affiliation Photo
S. __ Anderson, M.G. 1876;    
W.M.P. Bippy or Rippey, Minister 1871 - 1872;    
J. Blackwell, M.G 1870 - 1871    
J.C. Blanton, M.G 1874



J.G. Bottom, M.G 1872;    
C.S. Brandon, M.G. 1872 - 1874;    
M.D. Braton, M.G. 1878    
M.D. Brown, M.G 1877 - 1878    
Harry Burns, M.G 1873    
Prestan Campbell, ,M.G 1875;    
Thos L Carter, M.G. 1868 - 1879    
G.W. Caster, M.G. 1872    
G.W. Coleman, M.G 1877;    
J.F. Corhim, M.G 1878    
P.E. Cotton, M.G. 1875    
P.L. Cotton, M.G 1865 - 1878;    
James S Davis, M.G. 1870;    
John S Davis, M.G. 1868 - 1870;    

W.M. Doyle, M.G


T.S. Duncan, M.G.

1872 - 1873;    
John A. Edwards, M.G. 1865 - 1875 Baptist  
A.J. Edwards, M.G. (same as JA Edwards?) 1869 - at least 1879)  


D.L. Edwards, M.G.

1869 - 1876  


R.L. Fagan, M.G.



Isaac A Gilham, V.D.M. 1868 - 1878



J.A. Gilham, M.G. 1870 - 1872;    
A.P. Gilham, M.G. 1874    
P.A. Gilburn, V.D.M. 1875    

P.A. Gilham, V.D.M.



W.G. Godwin, M.G.


David R Harris, M.G.


C.C. Henderson, M.G.


P. Horner, M.G.


W.A. Johnson, M.G.

1868 - 1872    

J.C. Lackey, M.G.

1878 Cumberland Presbyterian  
Elkanah .A. Land, M.G. 1868-1879 Church of Christ

E.T. Ledbetter, M.G.


1877 - 1879;    

H.S. Ledbetter, M.G.


Isaac Ledbetter, M.G.

1870 - 1873    

John A. Long, D.D.

1868 - 1873;    

D.H. Mergman, M.G.


Wm. Rainbolt, M.G


J.R. Randle, M.G.


D.R. Rivers, M.G.


John W. Rooker, M.G.


G.C. Stockard, M.G.

1872 Cumberland Presbyterian  

S.R. Sunsway, M.G.

(note marriages performed were noted as "colored");


N.P. Tatum, M.G.


J.W. Taylor, M.G.


J.H. Thomas, M.G.

1870 - 1872;    

J.W. Thompson, M.G.


George M.B. Turner, M.G.

1868 - 1875;    

C.C. VanDivers, M.G.

1868 - 1875;    

Jno H. Vandives, M.G.


Jno H Vandewin, M.G.

1869 - 1870;    

W.C. Walker, M.G. 

1865 Cumberland Presbyterian  

W.P. Warren, M.G.


Isaac R Whitwell, M.G.


P. Whitwell M.G.

1866 - 1874;    




Please contribute any information, pictures or biographies or links to this info

to Jan Monnin, your county coordinator.




This page originally compiled by Jan Monnin.

Your County Coordinator: Jerry L. Butler

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