Taylor Family
Photo Album
Oak Grove Families about 1900
Children on ground in front: Walter DUNCAN (No, can't be as he's my uncle and not born until 1907), Willie BEATTY, he's the only son of my Grandma Demaris TAYLOR BEATTY DUNCAN (polka dots in row behind children) Brant GARRETT with the big white collar....he lived his later years in Kenton Co. KY with wife Maggie Lacy GARRETT;_____unknown; Porter HARRISON with hands on knees; Willie JONES with white hair. first row seated: Wiley TAYLOR and wife Sis YOUNG TAYLOR holding their two dau; then Addie GARRETT; Nan McDONALD my grandma Demaris TAYLOR BEATTY DUNCAN (Wiley was her bro) in polka dot dress; Kate McDONALD, then Claude Walter GARRETT; Bob HARRISON, Porter HARRISON, Kizzie GARRETT, Kay FRANKLIN (this is confusing some of those named are children standing in next row....but then Louisa JONES (hands in lap and white ruffle down shoulder and across and back up; then my Great Grandma Margaret RICHARDSON TAYLOR (widow of Hezekiah TAYLOR - she's the mother of Wiley (first chair, and Demaris in polka dot dress listed before); next is Mrs. Bill JONES with hand on her right shoulder holding her shawl; then Susie McDONALD, then Becky DODSON GARRETT and her husband with knee crossed is John Page GARRETT who ran the Oak Grove general store right next to the Oak Grove Church and cemetery where most of these folks are now buried. Back row: John Lide EASTERLY (my great Grandpa with the white beard, Shady GARRETT who married Lec TAYLOR , Merchant DODSON ; Sallie HARRISON; Millard GARRETT; Bill HICKS; Liza HARRISON; John HOLT; Mattie HARRISON; Jim GARRETT; Mollie JONES; Willie GARRETT; his wife Jessie GARRETT; E. GARRETT; Elzetta GARRETT; tall man to right of window is my Grandpa Thomas Elisha EASTERLY (son of bearded man at beginning of row)...Elisha was Clerk of Court of Pickett Co.; next to him was Etta HARRISON; John HINDS. Metta JONES and Waymond JONES; George ROBBINS; Addie Easterly JONES (sister to my Grandpa Elisha EASTERLY...she has light scarf around her shoulders); Elbert GARRETT; Ella McDONALD and back by corner is Wilt PRYOR and standing holding the singing book was Buddy PRYOR. -- submitted by Ann Kunkel