Overton County 1850 Census Mortality Enumeration
Transcribed by Joan Finley Cox for the USGenWeb Census Project
The Mortality Census was to contain details of individuals who died in the year preceding the census date (June 1, 1850). Therefore, enumerated deaths occurred June 1, 1849, through May 31, 1850.
Transcriber’s Note: The microfilming of page 599 was done with the book still bound, and the thickness of the book caused the left-most portion of the page to be curved and out of view.
The beginning letters of the given-names were not always visible and some were difficult to read. I then referred to the 1850 Mortality Schedule of Tn. by Helen C. & Timothy R. Marsh to confirm my impressions from the microfilm copy.
Original enumerator’s [Henry Young] notation on the first page: “It appears that one half of all the deaths in this report have been from fever (Typhoid). Which is not a common disease in this county. We are perhaps, blessed with more good springs than almost any county in the State – principally lime – with several Chalebyate [sic] and Sulphur Springs. The surface of the county, is rather uneven – the character of the Soil, various…”
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