Guntertown and Robbinstown Map: Place and Family Names, by Edith Smith
This document was submitted to the Pickett County Historical & Genealogical Society Facebook Group by Tedd Masiongale in August, 2021, with the following notation:
In the 80’s my grandmother Edith Smith and I sat down and, based on her recollection, drew a map of Guntertown and Robbinstown and populated it with every known place that existed during her lifetime and recorded the names of everyone she knew who lived at one time or another in each place. The original map took up the entire living room floor. I condensed it to 8-1/2 x11 sheets in 1995. Edith’s brother (Kenneth Robbins) and sister (Elsie Winningham) both reviewed some of the information on the maps and made some contributions.
I plan to revise the map again to make it easier to read. There are 8 sheets (quadrants) that fit together. On the map are lettered place names. Sheets are attached with the corresponding letters. Names in order of who lived there first, second, etc. along with other applicable information are next to each letter or letter set. I’ve also included a complete list of all names represented on the map and a pedigree chart. If you have information about the map or the people mentioned please feel free to share.