Fentress County 1860 Census Abstract
Prepared and submitted by Bruce York
Approximately 4,400 U.S. Marshals and their assistants conducted the 1860 census according to provisions of the 1850 Census Act.
Additional questionnaires were used to collect data on slave inhabitants, mortality, agriculture, products of industry, and social statistics. These questionnaires collected the same information as those in 1850, with a few exceptions.
The instructions to marshals and assistant marshals were virtually identical to those for the 1850 census, with the exception of guidelines for collecting information on a few additional/modified inquiries. There were slight changes in the instructions’ wording; however, these served only to clarify the 1850 instructions.
Note 1: The birth year estimates shown in the table below were calculated by the submitter. These did not appear in the original enumeration.
Note 2: Errors may have occurred in the transfer from our old site to the new one. Errors in the age column were in the original old-site HTML pages.
Click here to learn more about this enumeration from the Census Bureau.
You can search this table. Be aware of spelling inconsistencies in the early-to-mid 19th Century.