Copeland Family
Photo Album
Stephen Leander Copeland
Stephen Leander COPELAND -- Born, May 4, 1843 Overton County, Tennessee. Died June 30, 1916 Nashville, Tennessee. He fought at Cheat Mountain Campaign with Company F 8th TN Infantry. He deserted on 3/14/1862. He was sent a con notice and he returned to his unit on 10/01/1862. On 10/08/1862, he fought in the battle of Murfreesboro. His unit lost 306 out of 474 men. He fought at Franklin, Tennessee on 9/19-20/1863. He fought at Chickamauga, GA, where he was wounded and sent to Atlanta on detached duty. He fought at Rocky Face, GA on 5/9/1864. He fought at the Battle of Nashville on 12/15-16/1864. During the war he lost a hand and was wounded in the head. Later he developed mental problems and died in Central State Hospital in Nashville. His military pay was 11 dollars a month. After his death his wife Bitha Ann (LYNN) COPELAND applied for a soldier's widow pension on 7/10/1916. It was pension #6433 and it was accepted. -- contributor Tom Miller - McMinnville, Tennessee (Stephen Leander Copeland was my great grand father)
The Copeland Family of Overton County
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Roaring River Church Cemetery, Overton County
Click here to view information about this church and cemetery, the land for which was donated by Revolutionary War veteran Col. Stephen Copeland.
Stephen Leander Copeland
submitted by Tom Miller, McMinnville, TN; Stephen L. Copeland was his great-grandfather
Stephen Leander COPELAND — Born, May 4, 1843, Overton County, Tennessee. Died June 30, 1916, Nashville, Tennessee.
He fought at Cheat Mountain Campaign with Company F, 8th TN Infantry. He deserted on 3/14/1862. He was sent a conscript notice, and he returned to his unit on 10/01/1862. On 10/08/1862, he fought in the battle of Murfreesboro. His unit lost 306 out of 474 men. He fought at Franklin, Tennessee, on 9/19-20/1863. He fought at Chickamauga, GA, where he was wounded and sent to Atlanta on detached duty. He fought at Rocky Face, GA, on 5/9/1864. He fought at the Battle of Nashville on 12/15-16/1864. He also fought at Port Royal Ferry.
During the war he lost a hand and was wounded in the head. Later he developed mental problems and died in Central State Hospital in Nashville. His military pay was 11 dollars a month. After his death his wife, Bitha Ann (Lynn) Copeland applied for a soldier’s widow pension on 7/10/1916. It was pension #6433 and it was accepted.
Family of Campbell Copeland and Dora Sevier
submitted by Tom Miller
The Copeland Children photo in the album on this page contains, from left-to-right, beginning in the front:
Haskell; Margie (married Virgil Miller); Laurie (black dress, she married Dillard Buckner); baby Oral held by Josie (she married Joe DeMonbreum); Myrtle (married James Conley); John Henry and at back Archie.
1900 Overton County Tennessee Census
6 District Series: T623 Microfilm: 1591 Book: 1 Page: 256
Copeland, Campbell Head WM 1876 24 M TN TN TN Farmer
Eudora Wife WF June 1878 21 M TN KY TN
Archie Son WM June 1898 2 S TN TN TN
Josie Daughter WF 9/12 S TN TN TN
1910 Livingston, Overton County, Tennessee Census
Series: T624 Roll: 1515
Part: 1 Page: 80B
Copeland, Campbell W. Head WM37 M14yrs TN TN TN Farmer
Dora L. Wife WF35 8 children M TN TN TN
Archie L. Son WM12 S TN TN TN
Josie E. Daughter WF10 S TN TN TN
John H. Son WM9 S TN TN TN
Myrtle E. Daughter WF7 S TN TN TN
Haskel Son MW6 S TN TN TN
Margie E. Daughter FW4 S TN TN TN
Laurie Daughter FW2 S TN TN TN
Oral Son WM0 S TN TN TN
Descendants of Robert Copeland of Lancashire, England
This page is archived, so e-mail links are likely dead. However, the Internet Archive will take you to linked pages. Click here.
Last Will And Testament of Joseph “Big Joe” Copeland
Contributed by Overton County Historical Society
Book N, pages 576-577
In the name of god amen
I Joseph Copeland of the county of Overton and State of Tennessee being now old and forthly declining in health and feeling concerns that my Earthly career will soon have wound to a close and now being of sound mind and disposing memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills
1st I give my soul to god who gave it and my body to the dirt from whence it came
2nd I will that after my death I be decently buried and all my funeral expenses and just debts be paid out of my estate of which I may die possessed
3rd I give and bequeath unto my wife Hanah T Copeland who has been shares with me in the accumulation of my worldly goods all my estate real personal and ____ of every kind of which I may die possessed after the payment of my debts as before provided for it is my intention hereby to create in my wife Hanah T Absolute estate in fee simple to all my property with full power to sell the same or dispose of it by gift will or otherwise as she may desire
4th I hereby appoint my son James R Copeland my executor to execute and carry into effect this my last will & testament and it is my desire that my said son James R (James Richardson) __ and instruct my said wife Hanah T in the management of her worldly affairs during her life.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 13th day of December A D 1852
Attest Joseph Copeland
J. D. Goodpasture
George W. Copeland
State of Tennessee June term of the county court 1857 the last will and testament of Joseph Copeland deceased was this day produced in open court and the due execution thereof was fully proven by the oaths of J D Goodpasture and personally acquainted with Joseph Copeland and George W Copeland…they saw him execute the said will in their presence that he was of sound mind and possessing memory and a citizen of Overton County where upon it is ordered by the court that the said will be filed and put upon record.
Wm M Pickett clk
The foregoing and above is a correct registry of the last will and testament of Joseph Copeland decd and of the certificate therein and the same was registered on the 4th day of Sept AD 1857 and was filed on the 4th day of Sept 1857 at 8 oclock AM in fil__ book A page 85
James A. Richardson
Register for Overton County