Choate Family
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Jacob and Mary (Ledbetter) Choate
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Contributed by Paul Lemasters
“Notes and Comments.” The young man named CHOATE, who was stabbed by a man of the name of STEPHENS a few weeks ago, died the other day. STEPHENS is in jail here. The stabbing occurred about ten miles west of Jamestown, while the parties were riding along a road from a little dirty grocery stuck away in a dark hollow. Whisky (sic) was the
cause. [Source: The Rugbeian, Rugby, Morgan Co., Tn, Sat., 10 Feb. 1883, Vol. III, No. 73.]
“Jamestown.” Bill STEPHENS indicted for murder in the first degree for the killing _____ CHOATE, as heretofore published in the Rugbeian, and will probably be tried at the next Court. It is a case that is attracting a good deal of attention. Those who have been selling whiskey near where the murder was committed have been indicted under the “four-mile-law,” and if Judge YOUNG receives the amount of aid that should be given him by the Grand Juries, and the moral support of the people, he will wipe out those cesspools of destruction, where men are converted into beasts and maniacs, and from which nine-tenths of the crimes that are committed in he county emanate, where young men are destroyed and old men spend their hard earnings, and families are reduced to want and misery. The law-making power of the State ought to make it a felony to make or sell such ruinous stuff, that makes men fools and savings. [Source: The Plateau Gazette, Rugby, Morgan Co., Tn, Sat., 14 April 1883, Vol. I, No. 4, p2.]
Descendants of Jeremiah and Sarah (Choat) Beaty
by Jewelene Hinds
Click here to visit the Beaty article where this information is located.