Back Row: Nell Ruth Woolum, Freytag Hughes,
Charles Wirt, Josie Mae Woolum, Bart Woolum
Front Row: John David Freytag,
son of Nell; Jean Woolum, wife of Charles Writ
Annie White Davis, John White, Emma White
Anna White Margraves, Barbara White Hall,
Wartburg 1945 – Barbara White Hall, Emma White Graves, Betty White Woolum,
Annie White Davis, Josie White Cundiff
Wartburg School, 4th grade, 1933
Ruben Woolum & Clifford Shannon
Charles, John, Ralph, Jo
Bobbie Summers Bunch Harold Davidson
Donna Shannon Bobbie Bunch
Jackie Laughtery Mammie
Maurice Walls Maggie Langley
Dora Bryant Adcock Juanita Shadden
Robert Thornton