BRUSHY MOUNTAIN STATE PRISON AT PETROS Taken from the Morgan County News dated, April 26, 1962 Brushy Mountain Prison, ca. 1936 * Note from Phyllis: Brushy Mountain Prison in the background. They being My Mother Mae Land Obed Land, my Dad and uncle Arlin and Aunt Melba Mckeethan-Land. It is Brushy Mt. Prison. It was against the law to take pictures… Continue reading Brushy Mountain Prison
What’s New
Engert House
IT MUST OVER A HUNDRED YEARS OLD ” That was the comment of Ben Jacks of Lancing to Frank Hoskins of Oliver Springs as they look over the log house at the “French Hamby Farm south of Wartburg. The log structore now used as a barn is the FRED AND AUGUSTA ENGERT old home-place. Bill… Continue reading Engert House
Lamance Falls
The monolith is a hunk of bed rock that was displaced from the top of the falls in a 1926 flood. The falls was the site of the LaMance homestead and mill. [Ref. Matthew LaMance]
Old Montgomery Inn
“YE OLDE TAVERN ON EMORY RIVER” Built about 1825 The Old Inn at Montgomery stood about 100 years and was at one time the county seat of Morgan County. The old “Hotel”, a two story log-pen type buiding, near the Emory River Ford served the weary travelers on their way to the State Capital in… Continue reading Old Montgomery Inn
Fire Tower – Oakdale & Lancing
Original location of the fire tower near the Jr. Mehlhorn Farm off Hwy. 328, formerly Hwy 29. ————— A few snapshots of the Fire Tower at it’s new home near Wartburg in the Lancing area on the farm of M. T. Davidson. The tower was taken apart and re-assembled. The STAR at the top of the tower… Continue reading Fire Tower – Oakdale & Lancing
Pine Orchard School
Pine Orchard School, Morgan County, TN, December 1912Front row: Lora Summers, Ruby Powell, Belle Miles, Shirley Snow, Pearl Powell, Mabel Johson, Walter Stone, Hazel Weatherford, Ethel Miracle, Chas. Vigle Johnson, Frank “Preacher” Miles, Frank Miles, Bill Miles, Ruth Weatherford, Kate White, Ahiga Snow (or Lonnie). Second Row: George Powell ?, Ruth Robbins, Blanch White, Ben Robbins,… Continue reading Pine Orchard School
The White Spot Inn
Grist Mill at Lily Bridge ca 1937
near Lancing. Built by Alva Howard who bought the mill from Woodson Hawn. Used to grind wheat and corn about 1937 Courtesy of Glenna Mae Hawn Murphy Morgan
Old Schubert Funeral Home
Another Old Landmark of Wartburg has given way to progress. It is the old Schubert home that sat just across from the Court House on the south. This was the home of the late Bruno and Louisa Schubert. It was in this house that all of the Schubert family was born and raised, beginning with… Continue reading Old Schubert Funeral Home
A. B. Wright Institute
BURRVILLE BASEBALL These men are sitting on the back stoop of A.B. Wright Institute Probably taken around 1910. Photo Courtesy of Mike McGrath