Flowers, Roland

Transcript of Revolutionary War Pension Record of Rowland Flowers

Flowers, Rowland W. 12
Anna (end of page 1)

West Tennessee
Rowland Flowers of Fentress Co in the State of Tenn who was a P v in the Company commanded
by Captain Watkins of the Regt commanded by Col _______ in the No Carolina ______________ Militia_____mo p v $20.00
Inscribed on the roll of West Tenn Died at the rate of 20 Dollars _____ Cents per annum Sept 23 1837
to commence on the 4th day of March, 1831.
Certificate of Pension issued the 8th day of Sept. ’34 and sent to Jabez Dabney, Jamestown Tenn            Arrears to the 4th of Sept ’34 70.00
Semi-anl allowance ending 4 Mch ’35 10.00
;               $80.00

Revolutionary Claim,
Act June 7, 1832
Recorded by J T Sprague Clerk,
Book 6 Vol 7 Page 90
(end of page 2)

State of Tennessee} Fentress County} on this the 20th day of July 1834
personally appeared before me Robert H. Richardson a Justice of the peace in and for the county of
Fentress State of Tennessee, Rowland Flowers a resident citizen of the county Fentress aforesaid aged upward of Seventy of age according to certain calculation though he has no record of his age and after being dulySwornfor that purpose in his oath makes the following Declarations in orderto obtain the benefit of the act of congress of the 7th June 1832. He states that he entered the Service of the United States in the Revolutionary in Buckingham county State of Virginia in the Early part of the spring Season of the year 1781 the precise day of the time of Entering Said Service not now Recollected. he entered Said Service a drafted private Soldier To Serve a Tour of three months against the british he marched off under captain Silas Watkins and Lieutenant Joel Watkins and went on into the Edge of North Carolina and To many places in Virginia and after going to many points and places was finally (end of page 3)marched Back. and having served out said Tour he received a written discharge from his said captain,
He again in a few weeks thereafter enterd the Service as a substitute for his father James Flowers who had been drafted he entered the service under Captain Peter Gearens, and Lieutenant Berry his his first name not recollected and Major Bois he marched on to Various placas and finally
to  little york (Yorktown) was in the whole seige and after serving out his  said Tour of three month he again had a written discharge from cap. Gearen he cannot State precisely the period of entering and quiting the Service  from  old age and lapse of time.
He kept his said discharges many years after the War untill they became  misplaced or in some way lost. he is not certain in what way. So that he has no written or documentary proof of his Service and knowing of no person by whom he can prove his Service that he Servd with but he can prove by his younger brothers his entering into the Service, and return from the (end of  page 4)

service and many other things of a correspondent nature. he can prove the Traditionary proof of his Service by his whole Scope of his intimate acquaintance that he was a soldier of the Revolution and that he was at the Surrender of Lord Corn Wallis. there is no clergy man immediately convenient To him. He is Entirely unable from bodily infirmity To attend a court of record his inability To walk about is principally the reason why he applies  for a pension he having been resolved to live on his own labor while able To labor. applicant was born in Buckingham county Virginia and Raised there and
in Campbell County, said State Continued there until Twenty Two years ago and then moved to overton County Tennessee but was Stricken off into  Fentress County. Applicant will State some of his neighbors by whom he can prove his character being good for truth and The Tradition of his Service namely William Chilton James Beaty, Ambrose Bramlett, all Respectable men he  hereby relinquishes Every claim To a pension or annuity Except the present (end of page 5)

and Declares his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any State.

his Rowland x Flowers mark
sworn and subscribed  before me the day and year aforesaid
Robert H Richardson


We James Brown & William Rogers Residing in the county of Fentress State of Tennessee hereby certify that we are well acquainted with Rowland Flowers who had subscribed and sworn to the foregoing Declaration that we believehim To be upward of Seventy years of age that he is reputed among hisneighbors generally as having been a soldier of the Revolution. and   particularly as having been at the Taking of Lord Cornwallis and we certify  that applicant is a man of undoubted veracity and we can concur in the above.Sworn and Subscribed
(signed) James Brown
the day and year aforesd his before me.
William x Rogers
Robert H Richardson mark

I Robert H Richardson Justice of the
(end of page 6–next page missing from file)


3045 See letter to R. A. Dabney
Tennessee Nashville Oct 9.1844
Ann Flowers
widow of Rowland Flowers who was a Private  in the N C. line for 6 months
Inscribed on the roll at the rte of
20 Dollars_____ Cents per annum, to commence on the 4th day of March, 1843.Certificate of Pension issued the 30th day of Nov. 1843 and sent to
Wm Dabney, Albany Kentucky

[Act of March 3, 1843.]
Recorded in Book ____
Vol. 1 Page 718
(end of page 7)

State of Tennessee
Fentress County
on this the 13th day of October 1838,
personally appeared before me George A Brock–a Justice of the peace in
and for the County of Fentress State of Tennessee Anna Flowers a resident
citizen of the County of Fentress State of Tennessee aged Seventy Six
years the fifteenth day of March one thousand Eight hundred and thirty Eight
being  last march past agreeable to her best and undoubted information
havingno record of her age who being first duly sworn according to Law, doth
on her oath make the following Declaration in order to obtain the benefit
of the provision made by the act of Congress passed the 7th July 1838.
entitledan act granting half pay and Pensions to certain widows, that she is the
widow of Roland Flowers who was a Revolutionary Soldier in the State of
Virginia as a private in the war of the Revolution and who was a
Revolutionary Pensioner of the United States at the Rate of Twenty
dollars  per annum under the act of Congress of the 7th June 1832. She further
Declares that she was married to the said Rowland Flowers sometime about
the last of November or the first of December being the second November or
December that was after the surrender of Lord CornWallis and as she now
understands to have in November or December one thousand Seven hundred
and  Eighty two she states she has no Documentary evidence of her said marriage
nor Record thereof
(end of page 8)

nor can she State with further certainty as to the time of her said marriage. but recollects well it was in Cold weather a few weeks before christmas she was well acquainted with her said husband when he was only about ten years old. that he was younger than her that she recollects
theservice of her said husband and his return from the taking of CornWallis
and his being sick the first winter and first spring after his return from
the siege of york. that She was some the oldest of the two. she does not
know precisely how much. that he was understood to be under twenty years old
when  he was married to her that her oldest son towit William Flowers was born
in agust next ensuing after her said marriage. who is fifty five years old
agreeable to her undoubted account having no Record of the same. that she
had twelve living Children born of the bodies of her said husband and
herself to wit William, Betsy, James, Rowland, Arthur, Rosanna, Magay,
Sally, Polly, Levi, Judy, and Delila that there is upwards of two years
between the births of them Generally. that there is nearly three years
between the birth of the two last that that Judy the youngest now living
and was married to Rodney King is upwards of thirty one years of age agreeable
to her now calculation that she has eight Children, she states that she
cannot read nor write and has no record of any of these births but that
the same is agreeable to her honest best calculation at this time (which she
believes is substantially correct, that her said husband the aforesaid
(end of page 9)

Rowland Flowers died in Fentress County Tennessee in the house where she
nowlives in in the night and was on the 22nd or 23rd of September one
thousanD eight hundred and thirty Seven. that she was not married to him prior to
his  leaving the service but the marriage took place about the Last days of
November or the first days of December one Thousand seven hundred and
Eighty two agreeable to her undoubted calculation and in Buckingham County in
the State of Virginia at the house of Hawkins Landrum a Methodist preacher
by  publication of bans the same being published at the church agreeable to
the  church Rule of that day that her said marriage was previous to the first
day  of January one thousand seven hundred and ninety four. to wit at the
time  above Stated she further Declares that she herself in turn and since the
death of her said husband __________________ to be and remain his widow
ever   since his death
Sworn to and subscribed} heron the day and year}
Anna x Flowers
above written before} mark
me George A Brock
Justice of the peace

I George A Brock a Justice of the peace in and for the County of
FentressState of Tennessee Certify that have lived near Rowland Flowers many
years and has been acquainted with him and his said wife Ana Flowers twenty
six or seven years and that I know from my own acquaintance with
(end of page 10–next page not in file)Tennessee Nashville
Ann Flowers widow of Rowland Flowers who served in the Revolutionarywar, as a privateDied May 29, 1854
Capt Watkins

Inscribed on the roll at the rate of 20 Dollars ______ Cents per annum,
to commence on the 4th day of March, 1848.
Certificate of Pension issued the 22 day of Mch 1849
and sent to Wm J. Dabney Albany Tenn: Kentucky.
Recorded on roll of Pensioners under act
February 2, 1848, Page 290 vol. 3
(end of document)

Submitted by Dan GibsonDan’s Homepage
A direct descendant of Rowland Flowers born 1764, Buckingham Co. VA. and died 1837 in
Pickett Co. TN.  His wife Anna (Garrett) Flowers was born on March 15, 1762, Buckingham Co. VA. and died May 29, 1854 in Pickett Co. TN.  They are buried in the Edgefield Cemetery, Pickett Co. TN.  They have many descendants who were born and lived in Morgan and Scott Counties.