Record and Will Book 1865-1906 Clarksville, Tennessee
Microfilm Roll # 272, page 666, Clarksville/Montgomery Co. Public Library

I, W.F. Young, of Montgomery County, Tennessee, knowing the uncertainty of human life and that we must all die, do make this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all others.

1st.   I resign my spirit to God, who gave it trusting in His salvation and through Jesus Christ, our Blessed Savior, hoping that my dear children will all seed and serve the God of their father and meet me where death can never separate us. I desire only a plain burial, and that my body be interred in my family burying ground at Mount Pleasant (if the weather be favorable and my family desire it) requesting that my beloved wife and children and friends visit it often.

2nd.   I direct that my Executors shall pay all just debts out of any money on hand or due me, and if that not be enough, they shall sell so much of my personal property as may be sufficient to satisfy the same. I hereby appoint my wife, C.A. Young and my son, H.C. Young to be my Executors to qualify without security, by solemnly affirming they will carry into effect this my last request.

3rd.  I give unto my dear wife, C.A. Young, a life estate in the following tract of land on the Dover Road containing about 23 acres, and the house and lot on College Street, for life or so long as she remains a widow, but if she should marry again, the house and lot shall go to my daughter, Linnie Ada Young. I also give to my dear wife, C.A, Young, all the household and kitchen furniture and livestock (except that hereafter mentioned i give to my children.) at her, (my wife's) death or should she marry again, then her interest in the above property shall go to our children, Linnie Ada, except the wagons, mules, and farming utensils, which shall be divided between my two boys.

4th.   I give my son, Harvey Clinton Young, that part of my old Oak Ridge Farm lying east of the Spring, (in Dist. No. 8 of Montgomery County) the line to run North and South, through the Spring, and to include all land East of that line. I also give him a house and lot on the North end of my lot here in Clarksville, fronting on Ford Street 120 feet and running back to Kellogg's fence, and 150 1/2 feet, now renting to Tom Caudle. I also have given him a horse and Saddle, cow and calf, house furniture, bed and clothing for same to the amount of $385.00.

5th.  I give to my son, W.B. Young, the following land and lots. First, a tract in Dist. No. 8, Montgomery County, being part of my old Oak Ridge Farm. Beginning on an Ash tree at the Spring and running West to James Council's line, thence East to H.C. Young's line, thence South or beginning, known as the (blurred------ School House Tract. I also give him the tract on the Dover Road, at his mother's death, containing 23 acres. I have also given him a house and lot in lieu of a horse, saddle and bridle. This lot I purchased at a Chancery Sale made Dec. 22, 1877 by Polk G. Johnson, Clerk and Master and paid for it and have the title made to W.B. Young. Said lot is known as the Jo James lot. I have given him a gun, and bed, bedstead and bed clothing for same. These amount to $297.55.

6th.  I give to my beloved daughter, Linnie Ada Young, a part of my Old Oak Ridge Farm. Beginning at an Ash tree at the Spring and running West with her brother (W.B. Young's) line to Harvey Clinton Young"s South West corner, thence North to to the beginning at the Spring. I also give her the house and lot on which I now live being in Clarksville, Tenn. and beginning at a Stone marked A.Y. W. Mooney's South East corner, running Eastwardly with College Street,106 feet, thence North with Ford Street 340 feet more or less to the North East corner to the Carriage house (Drane's original line) thence West with Willie B. Young's lot to a stone marked (W.B.Y.) Mooney's corner, thence South with Mooney's fence to the beginning, I also give her a gold watch and all the household and kitchen furniture at her mother's death, and an equal share with my wife and other children in all money on hand or due me at my death. And as I desire my beloved wife and beloved children to enjoy what I have labored so hard to make for them, now therefore I will and direct that no sale of the land and town lots herein bequeathed to any of my three children, Harvey Clinton, Willie Benjamin, and Linnie Ada, shall be good and valid until they arrive to the age of (30) thirty years old, and have a living child (or bodily heir). Then should that be the age and condition of any one of them, they shall have full power to sell and convey their title to same. But should any of my children die without leaving children or bodily heirs, then all land or lots hereby given by me to them, shall go back to my other surviving children or to their children.

7th.  I will to my dear wife and three beloved children a Bible, and an equal share in a policy of Insurance in the Knights of Honor of $2000.00. And in the Northwestern Co., of $1000.00 and 33 shares in the Grange Warehouse, and also each one to have an equal share in all other property that may hereafter come to my estate; or that I may buy or make; and if I should die before Willie Benjamin or Linnie Ada arrive to the age of twenty-one then my wife C.A. Young and their mother shall have control or management of Willie's or Linnie's interest in the following manner. First, by receiving any and all money coming to them and depositing it at interest in some of the banks in Clarksville, and by her as Agent for them and not longer time than twelve months, so at the end of each year she can collect the same and take one hundred and fifty dollars out of each child's part and give it to them, or pay out same for their support and to complete their education. Then to deposit the remaining part of money belonging to Willie or Linnie Ada in the bank again at interest as before for only twelve months, allowing them to use one hundred and fifty dollars each, every year until they are twenty-one and to rent any real estate belonging to my two youngest children as their Agent, give them the money arising from said rents to use as they please. But if my wife should die before Willie Benjamin and Linnie Ada arrive to the age of twenty-one, then my son, Harvey Clinton Young, as executor shall have power and authority to act as Agent for our daughter, Linnie Ada in the same manner as directed above for her mother, not as guardian but as Executor without bond to carry out my will. But should I or my wife die before Willie Benjamin is twenty-one years old, he shall have possession of all property given to him in this will and the authority have the power to manage it as he pleases except to sell real estate which power is not given to either one of my children until they are thirty years old and have living bodily heirs.

8th.  And last I desire that my children love one another as I love them and let no earthly interest sever that love until God shall gather us all above, where all is love. So any and all property belonging to me or my estate (not herein mentioned) shall be equally divided between all my children and my wife if she should survive me.

Written by my own left hand Feb. 7, A. D. 1877

(signed W.F. Young

C.W. Crozier
Polk G. Johnson
I, William F. Young, of Clarksville, Tenn. on this 22nd day of August A.D. 1887 do make and write the Codicil to my former will which I made about eight years ago, and was witnessed by Polk G. Johnson and C.W.Crozier. Now in order that I be fully understood and the provisions of my will be carried out, I herein state that I have sold the shares of stock  in the Grange Warehouse, and did purchase  (14) fourteen acres more land on the Dover Road and then sold the 21 acres and also the 23 acres to Col. A.G. Goodlett, and have since bought (5) five lots known as the Poston lots and sold by the order of the Chancery Court at Clarksville. I purchased at that sale of the Clerk and Master, Polk G. Johnson, lots Nos. 8, 11, 21, 22, and 31. Paid for them and for fencing the same out of the money I got from the two little tracts of land on the Dover Road. Therefore, I now give to my wife C.A. Young those five lots for her lifetime to do as she wishes and at her death the 3 lots fenced together between Poston and Ninth Cross streets being Nos. 21, 22, and 31 of the plat in the Chancery Court office shall be given to my son, Willie B. Young; these lots I give to him in lieu of the 23 acres on the Dover Road, which was to be his at the death of his mother.

2nd. Next I direct that lot no 11 of the Poston lots lying in the corner of Carpenter and Ninth cross streets shall be given to my daughter, Linnie Ada at the death of her mother, and that lot No. 8 on Ford Street shall be given to my son, H.C. Young after the death of my wife, C.A. Young.

3rd.  I also direct that if my wife C.A. Young should die before our daughter Linnie Ada is 21 years old, that she shall have possession and (blurred) of any and all personal property and real which I have given her in my will.

4th.  And last, I will and direct that all property given by me in this will and codicil shall be used by my children as they think best for their interest and and their children, and may sell and re-invest if they think it would be in the interest of my grandchildren. But all property given to my children shall not be subject to sale for debts or contracts made by them or their wives or husband, but shall be held by them (my children) in trust as Agents for their children.

Written by my own left hand Aug. 22, 1887.   (He had lost his right arm while serving in the Civil War.)

(signed) William F. Young

A. West ?
W.B. Kincannon
Lee O  ? Pickering

Probated and recorded
Jan. 18, 1899
M.D. Bailey, Clerk
by Alex Davidson D C

  Submitted by Margaret Winders at

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