
Take Hwy. 13/48 south from Clarksville about 10.5 miles to the 13/48 split, bear right on Highway 13. Go about .8 mile and turn right on Vernon Creek Road. Go 3 mile, turn right on Smith Place Road. Go .2 mile. Cemetery on left.


AKIN Ethridge Lynn Wood Born Feb.11,1933 Died Nov.4,1935 (footstone: E.L.A.)

             Sleep on sweet babe, and take thy rest, God called thee home, He thought it best

BAGGETT Alex Born Dec.23,1891 Died July 26,1913 (footstone: A.B.) At rest

                      A loved one from us has gone, a voice we loved is stilled, a place is vacant in our home,

                     which never can be filled.

BAGGETT Clifton Nov.14,1904 - Nov.10,1990 (footstone: Father B.)

                    Grace June 12,1908 - Apr.23,1989 (footstone: Mother B.)

                        married Jan.24,1925

BAGGETT Gerome Nov.10,1902 - April 6,1918 (footstone: G.B.)

                        It was had indeed to part with thee, but Christ’s strong arm supported me

BAGGETT James Alex Apr.8,1914 - Aug.18,1990

BAGGETT James Weldon son of Z. & Parenthia Baggett

                    Born Dec.29,1884 Died Jan.14,1888

BAGGETT Jewell Carney Sept.16,1918 - Sept.27,1987

                        (footstone: JEWELL C. BAGGETT TEC 5 U.S. ARMY WORLD WAR II

                         SEPT.16,1918 - SEPT.27,1987)

BAGGETT Lois Estelle Parker Dec.10,1913 - Feb.12,1997

BAGGETT Oliver Born March 31,1887 Died Nov.3,1910 (footstone: O.B.)

                        The angels from the other side welcomed our loved one home



BAGGETT Rufus Apr.20,1889 - Mar.13,1983 (footstone: Father)

                   Nellie Y. Mar.8,1894 - May 20,1968 (footstone: Mother)

                         married Nov.30,1913

BAGGETT  Z.  Sept.30,1863 - Feb.16,1939 ( His name was Zedekiah)

                       Having finished life’ s duty, he now sweetly rests

BAGGETT Parenthia Y. Yar. wife of Z. Baggett Sept.5,1863 - Aug.26,1947

                        (footstone: P.B.) Asleep in Jesus, Peaceful rest

BAIN Leigh Roxanne 1958 - 1964 She is sleeping

BUMPUS Bailey June 22,1905 - Oct.30,1996

                  Ora Mar.3,1905 - Nov.28,1973

BUMPUS Connie Ann infant daughter June 14,1965 Now I lay me down to sleep

BUMPUS Edward infant son of Norman & Annie M. Bumpus 1931

COTTON Buford Sept.14,1910 - Feb.11,1931

COTTON Henery E. Dec.15,1879 - Dec.16,1916 (footstone:)

COTTON Cora June 17,1879 - Aug.22,1968

COTTON infant son of Henery & Cora Cotton Jan.3,1902

CUNNINGHAM Lela W. wife of A.L. Cunningham Sr.

                             Oct.17,1870 - June 10,1925

CUNNINGHAM Olivia May 28,1905 - Oct.20,1921

DAVIS Clina Mar.6,1846 - Feb.4,1926

DAVIS Edward “Dwight” June 23,1975 - Mar.21,1994 (Photo on front)

                Beloved son of Eddie & Deborah Davis

                on back: motorcycle with inscription: Whenever lightening lights the skies

                we’ll know you’re in the wind.

                sports car with inscription: The Good Die Young

DAVIS Howard Feb.5,1910 - Jan.3,1987 (footstone: Daddy)

             Laura Louise July 10,1911 - July 9,1966 (footstone: Mama)

               The star of hope forever glows

DAVIS James April 2,1847 - Mar.12,1931

DAVIS James H. “Buddy” Oct.8,1936 - Jan.13,1997

             Bernice J. Mar.11,1947 - (footstone: Mom)

               Precious memories forever

DAVIS Lewis Oct.10,1886 - Sept.16,1978

DAVIS Sterling May 30,1889 - Feb.17,1965 (footstone: Daddy)

            Mamie E. June 3,1896 - May 13,1973 (footstone: Moma)

DAVIS Walter 1884 - 1965 (footstone: Father)

              Lula F. 1887 - 1953 (footstone: Mother)

GRIFFEY Jacob Henery infant son of Greg & Debbie Griffey

                 Aug.29,1992 - Sept.13,1992 (footstone: Baby Jake)

JACKSON Johnny Dean & Billy Wayne infants Dec.18,1992 - Dec.18,1992

KELLEY Ben 1839 - 1935 (footstone: B.K.)

                 Mary 1857 - 1903 (footstone: M.K.)

KENNEDY Herbert Nov.23,1890 - July 24,1920 (very tall, square headstone)

                         left side: His many virtues form the noblest monument to his memory

                         back side: Gone to a better land to await our coming

                         right side: He was a true brother and lived and acted his life each day

KENNEDY John Born April 4,1848 Died Mar.9,1909

                    Amanda his wife Born Nov.12,1851 Died Sept.11,1903

KENTNER Alex J. Jan.12,1902 - Sept.24,1970 (footstone: Dad)

                    Hazel H. Aug.3,1908 - (footstone: Mom)

KENTNER William T. 1876 - 1921 (footstone: Dad)

                    Ellar L. 1879 - 1962 (footstone: Mom)

                        The star of hope forever glows

                               funeral home marker: Ella E. Kentner Nov.10,

KIBBLE Beulah Baggett June 8,1922 - Sept.17,1955

KIBBLE John Wayne Aug.7,1950 - Sept.17,1955 (footstone: Son)

LYLE Carney Aug.17,1915 - Oct.4,1924 (footstone:) (footstone: C.L)

              The soul of a child is the loveliest flower that grows in the garden of God

LYLE Janet Ann Born & Died Nov.24,1943 (footstone: J.A.L)

              The soul of a child is the loveliest flower that grows in the garden of God

LYLE Thomas J. 1872 - 1960 (footstone: Father)

            Tennie Y. 1877 - 1962 (footstone: Mother)

                In His will is our peace

LYLE infant son of T.J. & Tennie Lyle Feb.7,1911 - Feb.16,1911

              Our darling one has gone before to greet us on the blissful shore

                         (small headstone at the foot. Has identical information.)

POWERS Linnie Baggett wife of Clarence Powers

                 Born July17,1886 Died April 8,1915 (footstone: L.B.P.)

SIMS Nancy Leona July 21,1866 - Sept.29,1912

SUGGS Carrie L. daughter of W.H. & Nannie Suggs

              Born Oct.25,1893 Died Jan.21,1917 (footstone: C.L.S.)

                  Darling Carrie she has left us in this world to see no more

                  till we meet our darling Carrie where we’ll meet to part no more

SUGGS Dailey L. 1888 - 1971 (footstone: Dad)

             Maude B. 1894 - 1989 (footstone: Mama)

                    funeral home marker: Mrs. Maude Suggs March 24,1894 - March 12,1989 age 94

SUGGS Lillian Ester daughter of Charly & Susie Suggs

              Born June 12,1908 - Aug.2,1912 (footstone: L.E.S.)

                  Our darling

SUGGS Nannie Yar. wife of Hicks Suggs Aug.27,1857 - Nov.7,1928            (footstone: N.S.)

                She was the sunshine of our home

SUGGS Roy 1923 - 2000 (Has concrete block with Roy written on it.)

TIMMONS Hattie wife of Fred Timmons

                    Born Feb.21,1882 Died March 5,1910 (footstone: H.T.)

                        Sleep on dear wife and take thy rest, in Jesus arms forever blessed

TIMMONS Louise Born Oct.25,1909 Died July 25,1910 (footstone:)

                       Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven

WATERS Mary Y. Oct.9,1925 - July 22,1945

                     She is not dead, She is jus away

YARBROUGH Betty B. April 7,1872 - March 17,1954 (footstone: Mother)

                               Gone but not forgotten

YARBROUGH Bryce D. 1938 - 1998

                          Martha A. 1937 -

                                 In loving memory

YARBROUGH Carney SGT U.S. ARMY WORLD WAR I DEC.23,1895 - DEC.10,1979


                                OCT.13,1912 - MAR.12,1984

YARBROUGH H. Laurance infant son of Gartha & Hattie Yarbrough

                           Oct.16,1918 (footstone: Baby) Gone but not forgotten

YARBROUGH H. Staton Mar.20,1923 - Apr.15,1984

                               HOMER S. YARBROUGH U.S. ARMY WORLD WAR II

                               MAR. 20,1923 - APR.15,1984

                          Sara A. Jan.23,1924 -

YARBROUGH Hattie L. Feb.7,1891 - Dec.17,1977 In Gods care

YARBROUGH Henry Y. Nov.15,1870 - Oct.6,1933

                          Adeline B. Jan.6,1873 - March 6,1963

YARBROUGH infant dau. of Marvin & Etha Aug.4,1921 - Aug.5,1921

                               (footstone: I.Y.) Our loved one

YARBROUGH J.S. Born Dec.22,1856 Died Mar.27.1911 (footstone:)

                                God in His wisdom has recalled the boon His love had given

                                And though the body slumbers here, the soul is safe in Heaven.

                           Frankie Broom wife of J.S. Yarbrough Born Nov.12,1850

                                Heaven now retains our treasure, Earth the lonely casket keeps,

                                And the sun beams long to linger Where our sainted mother sleeps.

YARBROUGH J.W. Born July 11,1827 Died Nov.17,1896 (footstone: J.W.Y.)

                         Millie wife of J.W. Yarbrough (footstone: M.Y.)

                         Born Aug.28,1835 Died Dec.23,1920

YARBROUGH Jewell D. May 6,1910 - June 2,1987 (footstone: Father)

                          Gertrude R. June 14,1913 - Apr.7,1986 (footstone: Mother)

                                Father together forever Mother

YARBROUGH Jones 1880 - 1964 (footstone: Father)

                         Gilma 1889 - 1982 (footstone: Mother)

YARBROUGH Lawrence Herman son of L.J. & Gilma Yarbrough

                          Jan.4,1922 - Nov.12,1922 (footstone: Son)

                                                      (Cement curb around grave, say on end : made .AN 1,1939)

YARBROUGH Laura wife of Alex Yarbrough (footstone: L.Y.)

                          Born Sept.12,1861 Died May 23,1904

YARBROUGH Mac Born Dec.18,1865 Died Jan.25,1927

                          Age 61 years 1 month 7 days (footstone: M.Y.) Father

                                A precious one from us has gone, A voice we loved is stilled,

                                A place is vacent in our home, Which never can be filled.

                               God in his wisdom has recalled, The boon his love had given,

                               And though the body slumbers here, The soul is safe in Heaven.

YARBROUGH Newton James Born: Oct.2,1868 Died: Sept.18,1946

                                (footstone: N.J.Y.) Gone but not forgotten

YARBROUGH Theresa E. May 9,1899 - Oct.14,1969 Gone but not forgotten

YARBROUGH Viola Morrison wife of A. Yarbrough Born June 1,1880

                                Confessed faith in Christ at 17, lived a noble Christian life and died

                            Jan.11,1908 (footstone:) Gone but not forgotten


Unmarked graves & some marked by field stones


Transcribed by: Kathy Reynolds & Patty Davis and

March 21,2000    Yarbrough Cemetery    Montgomery County, Tennessee

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