Workman Deed

                                   Land for  Missionary Baptist Church at Southside, Tn.

                               R.W. Workman To Deed:        Baptist Church Southside, Tenn.

                               For the love and affection that I have for the cause of Christianity
                               and the advancement of the cause of Christ. I do hereby give and transfer
                               to the Rev. C. A. Barnes and F. T. Fox Trustees for The First Missionary
                               Baptist Church of Southside, Tenn. A lot of ground at Southside on which
                               to build a Church for the benefit of the said Missionary Baptist Church
                               (To be used for Church purposes and none other.) And bounded as
                               followers: Beginning in a post oak S W corner of School Property, sums
                               S. 88 degrees E. 16 poles to a stone then S. 2 degrees W. 8 poles and 15
                               links to another stone, then North 88 degrees W 17 P & 9 links to Grants
                               line, thence North W 8 P 12 « links to the beginning. To have and to hold
                               this same to said Barnes and Fox and their successors in office for the
                               purposes above mentioned forever. I covenant with the said Barnes and
                               Fox Trustees, that I am lawfully signed of said land and have a good right to
                               convey it and that it is unincumbered.

                                                                 Nov. 11 1893      (Signed)  R. W. Workman

                               Witness W. J. Lyle
                               State of Tennessee: Montgomery County.
                               Personally Appearing before me:    C. B. Ewing  Deputy Clerk, clerk of the
                               County Court of said County. R.W. Workman, the within named
                               bargainers with whom I am personality acquainted and who acknowledged
                               that he  executed the within instrument for the purposes therein contained .
                               Witness my hand at office this 24 th. Day of March 1894
                                                                                  (Signed) C. B. Ewing Deputy Clerk
                                        Received at 12:16 o'clock March 24, 1894
                                        Registered March 26, 1894
                                                                                  (Signed) J. M. Rodgers
Montgomery County Deeds, Book 28, page 12

Submitted by  Allan Workman 

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