William H. Killebrew (1838-1918)

"William H. Killebrew was born in Christian County, Ky., May 13, 1838.  He is the son of George W. and Mary A. Killebrew.  George Killebrew was born in Montgomery County, Tenn., February 13, 1814, and died February 20, 1871.  His wife, Mary Ann Moore, was born in Kentucky, March 31, 1819, and is still living in Montgomery County, Tenn.  In 1861 William H. Killebrew settled on 522 acres of good land where he now lives.  On the 3rd of November, 1864, he was united in marriage to Nora Johnson, of Montgomery County, Tenn.  By this union twelve children were born, viz: George G., Emma L, Fannie, George H., Samuel, J. F. J., Mary M., Nora, Lizzie, Nora, William H., and Meck, the last three are deceased.  William H. Killebrew was educated at Bethel College, Ky., and is a very prominent Democrat; is also a member of the Oakland Christian Church.  Mr. Killebrew is one of many men who started out in life with very little means, but with energy and perseverance he has become a very successful farmer."
Goodspeed History of Tennessee, 1886  

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