This will is found at in  

·  Tennessee, Probate Court Books, 1795-1927

·  Montgomery

·  Wills, 1795-1811, Vol. A, image 199 of 263


Will of Col. George West 1758 - 1810


I George West Senior of the county of Montgomery and State State of Tennessee being in firm in body but of sound mind and memory under an impression of the uncertainty of this mortal life do in the name of God make and publish this my last will and testimony. 

I resign my soul into the hands of my merciful creator and my body to the earth in confident hope to be raised together in Immortality and Glory at eh last day this the all prevailing atonement of Jesus Christ. 

The worldly possessions which the Lord have intrusted to me I will as follows viz

I lend to my dearly beloved wife Elizabeth half the plantation on which I now live including the buildings during her natural life. I also will and bequeath to her all the kitchen and household furniture wagon and geer with team of four horses the Bob horse the Joe horse the English mare and the penny mare. Also a good riding creature to be procured by the Executor from the sale or range of some of the other horses for that purpose also the work oxen and ox cart. 

It is also my will and desire that the oxen and cattle be equally divided between my wife and my two son's Robert and George. The cattle I have already given my son Robert counting as part of his share. That the hogs and farming utensils be equally divided between said wife and my son George and that the horses except what have already been mentioned and may here after be in this my last will be equally divided between my two sons Robert and George. Robert retaining the five he already has and George the four he claims with his riding horse as part of their respective shares. 

It is also my will that the present crop the ground after all necessary expenses such as payment of necessary expenses such as payment of the overseer and is to be applied to the use of my beloved wife and my son George and their family and stock but if there be any surplus after a sufficiency for the above purpose my desire is that it shall be applied to the payment of my debt. 

I give and bequeath my negroes in the following manner. viz

To my son in law Parry W. Humphreys and my beloved daughter Mary his wife, I confirm all those negroes that I have already given them in possession. Also one negro girl named Caroline. 

To my eldest Robert I confirm all those I have given in possession to him. 

It is my will and desire that to Black Harry for the regard and esteem I hold him in as a faithful servant and Christian shall be forth with emancipated. Shall have a good blanket and suit and store clothes a good horse or mare no exceeding eight years old., Also a bridle and saddle and shall have a maintenance off my son George part of the estate so long as he chooses to stay with him. I will and desire that the remaining negroes shall be divided as equally as may be into two shares. The first now I give and bequeath to my beloved wife and the remainder to my son George. 

I further give and devise to my son in law Parry W. Humphreys his heirs and assign the right I hold by Morgan Brown's bond to five hundred and twenty acres of land where on the said Humphreys no lives he giving a right to William Clements for one half of the said tract as already laid off according to my agreement with said Clements as soon as he said Humphreys obtains a right there to. I also give to my said son in law one mare known by the name Halequin Filly and to my beloved daughter Mary his wife six books the choice of my library, the family Bible except which I lent to my beloved wife during her lifetime and at her decease bequeath to my son Robert 

I also give and advise to my oldest son Robert his heirs and assigns to tract of land I bought of Jesse Craft which he my said son has now in possession. Also one hundred and fifty acres of land which I bought of Elizabeth Hays paying the allowance due thereon. 

I also further give and devise to my son George the remaining half of the tract of land where on I now reside and of his mother's decease that half I lent to her as above making the whole tract. 

I give and bequeath to my esteemed brother in law, William Clements his note which I hold for two hundred dollars and upwards, it is to be understood this gift does not effect the debts I owe him.
It is also my will and desire that my lands in Fleming County, Kentucky which I bought some years since from Jonathan Peacock (?)  of North Carolina containing sixteen hundred acres also a tract of three hundred and twenty acres in Montgomery County, State of Tennessee which I bought of Samuel Craft also my young stud horse called Snap Dragon shall be disposed of at the discretion Executors and that the monies arising thereon with all other debts due me by bond, note, suit, book account or otherwise shall be  applied first to the payment of my just debts. Next two hundred dollars to be paid as soon as maybe to my beloved wife Elizabeth together with a comfortable small house to be built for her. All the negroes of the family viz, my wife's my two sons and my son in laws are to be provided out of the same with a good blanket, of not less than three hundred dollars value and a suit of store clothes each. The remainder if any I desire to be given in trust to the Bishop and Elders of the Methodist Episcopal church to be disposed of by them for relief of the distressed. 

It is also my will and desire that Black Sam on accounts of his card and attention to the horses shall have an order on one of the stores for goods to the amount of twenty dollars exclusive of the blanket and suit of clothes before mentioned. 

And lastly I bequeath to my beloved wife my remaining property that is not before mentioned and I do hereby appoint my fore mentioned son in law Parry W. Humphreys and my two sons George West and Robert West Executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made in witness where of I have here unto set my hand and seal the twenty fourth day of May in the year of our Lord One Thousand and Eight Hundred and Ten 

                                                                                     George West ( seal

Signed - sealed published and acknowledged by the fore mentioned George West Sr. to be his Last Will and Testament in presence of us who have hereunto set out names as witnesses in presence of the testator the words of equally divided between my son in law Parry W. Humphreys and my two sons Robert and George West in the last line of the other side and the first of this being first erased and the words given in trust to the Bishop and Elders of the Methodist Episcopal Church to be disposed of by them for the relief of the distressed. First interlined before signing. 

   James Walker 

   John Neblett 

   Benjamin Adams 

    Rendered July Term 1810