Isham Trotter, Jr.

Source:  Montgomery County, TN Archives, County Clerk (originating office).  Probates E:406-408, Will of Isham Trotter, Jr., 1827.

In the Name of God Amen, I, Isham Trotter of Montgomery County and State of Tennessee call in to mind the uncertainty of life and knowing that it is appointed for all men to die think proper to make this my last will and testament in manner and form as follows:

Item: it is my will and desire that all my just debts shall be paid by my Executors that I shall hereafter appoint out of the property of my Estate that can be best spared that I shall hereafter loan to my wife Elizabeth Trotter.

Item: I loan to my wife Elizabeth Trotter the two hundred acres of land which I now have, during her natural life time or widowhood; then it is my will that my youngest son Michael Trotter shall have the two hundred acres of land that I lend to his Mother to him and his heirs and assigns forever.

Item: I loan to my wife Elizabeth Trotter my three Negro men: Abraham, Ralph and Allen, my two Negro women Hanna and Sary and also Sary's youngest child Harry during her natural lifetime or widowhood.  Also all my household and kitchen furniture. Excepting such I shall hereafter Name to my four youngest children that is now living with me, Isham, Richard, Michael and Betsy.

Item, I leave to my wife Elizabeth Trotter all my stock of every kind, Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. Excepting such as I shall hereafter leave to my four youngest children, during her natural lifetime of widowhood.

Item: I loan to my wife Elizabeth Trotter my ox cart and all my farming tools.

Item: I give and bequeath to my son Benjamin W. Trotter one hundred and fifty acres of land price four hundred dollars on Barton's Creek where he formerly lived, one horse and saddle price one hundred dollars, also one bed and furniture price thirty dollars, also one roan mare price thirty dollars, also one gray horse price thirty dollars,  also one cow and calf price ten dollars. All of this property I have given him of at this time the thirty-first of March one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven.

Item: I give and bequeath to my son James Trotter two hundred acres of land on Barton's where Ambrose Martin now lives, price four hundred dollars, one horse and saddle, price one hundred dollars, one bed and furniture, price thirty dollars, two cows and calves, price twenty dollars, all of this property I have given him of at this time March the thirty-first eighteen hundred and twenty-seven.

Item: I give unto Ambrose Martin and Mary, his wife, a negro girl, Hanner, price four hundred dollars. One Bed and furniture, price thirty dollars, also one mare and saddle, price one hundred dollars, one cow and calf, price ten dollars. All of this property I have given them of at this time March the thirty-first eighteen hundred and twenty-seven.
NOTE:  The Mary Martin mentioned above was Isham's daughter, Mary Trotter.

Item: I give and bequeath to my son William Trotter, one Negro boy name Sam, price four hundred dollars, also one horse and saddle, price one hundred dollars. One bed and furniture, price thirty dollars, also one cow and calf, price ten dollars, all of this property I have given him of at this time, this the thirty-first day of March eighteen hundred and twenty-seven.

Item, I give and bequeath to my sons, Isham Trotter and Richard Trotter a track of land at the mouth of Harricane Creek that I bought of G. W. Burton, and as the land is (?difficult to read---could be "near" but looks like "and"] water not situated well to divide, they both are to have equal rights, that is to say that one shall not sell excepting the consent of the other, and if my son, Isham Trotter should die leaving now (sic no) heir his part of that track of two hundred and two acres shall go to his brother, Richard Trotter, and if my son, Richard Trotter, should die and leave know (sic no) heir his brother, Isham Trotter, shall have his part of the two hundred and two acres of land. Should Isham Trotter and Richard Trotter's mother want timber or trees part of the two hundred and two acres of the above mentioned land, she shall have the privilege to do so.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my son, Isham Trotter, one bed and furniture price thirty dollars, also one gray mare and saddle that he now has in his possession price one hundred dollars, also one cow and calf, price ten dollars.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my son, Richard Trotter, when he should marry or come of age one bed and furniture, price thirty dollars. One cow and calf, price ten dollars one horse, saddle and bridle, price one hundred dollars.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my son, Michael Trotter, when he should marry or come of age one horse, saddle and bridle, price one hundred dollars, one bed and furniture, price thirty dollars. One cow and calf, price ten dollars.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my youngest daughter, Betsy, when she should marry or come of age, girl name Lucy, at what she should be worth when she secures her and also one horse, saddle and bridle, price one hundred dollars, also one bed and furniture price thirty dollars,  also one cow and calf, price ten dollars. It is my will that  property should lack of being worth five hundred dollars that my Executors should make it up five hundred dollars out of the property that I have loaned to my wife Elizabeth Trotter.

Item: That my three youngest children should have one year's schooling each.

Item, It is my will and desire that after my daughter, Betsy, part is made up Five hundred dollars, that after the death of my wife Elizabeth Trotter that all the property of all kinds remaining shall be equally divided amongst all eight of my children to them their heirs forever.

Whereby revoking all forms of wills and testaments that constitute, ordain and
appoint my two sons, William Trotter and Isham Trotter and Benjamin Trotter Executors of this my last will and testament. In witness where of I have set my hand and seal in the presence of witnesses this, the thirty-first day of March, eighteen hundred and twenty-seven.
(Signed):                Signed:     Isham Trotter  (seal)
Richard Prichard
David E. Linch
Richard Trotter
Rendered January Term, 1829

I, H. M. Smith, Clerk of the County Court of Montgomery County, Tennessee, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of the Will of IshamTrotter as appears of record in Record Book E. pages, 406, 407 and 408 in my office.

Witness my hand and official seal here at my office in Clarksville,
Tennessee, this the 12th day of December, 1940

H. M. Smith (Signed)
Clerk, County Court of Montgomery Co., Tennessee


Source:  Montgomery County, TN Archives, County Clerk (originating office).  Probates E: 505, Inventory, Estate of Isham Trotter, Jr., 1828.

Inventory of Isham Trotter, dec'd.

One negro fellow named Aram aged forty years
One negro fellow named Ralph aged 24 years
One negro fellow named Allen aged 27 years
One negro woman named Hanner aged 60 years
One negro woman named Sary aged 24 years
One negro Grace aged 22 years
One negro boy named Elleck aged 4 years
One negro girl named Lucy aged 7 years
One negro girl named Hanner aged 3 years
One negro girl named Ann aged 2 years
One negro boy named Hoagie (?) aged 1 year
Three head of horses, one yoak of oxen & cart, twelve head of cattle, twelve head of sheep, twenty head of hogs, one pattened clock, one desk, two chests, one trunk, one cupboard, five beds & furniture, three tables, one cotten gin, one pair cart wheels, (unreadable), three sets of gear (unreadable) & clevises, 2 pair of stretchers, 3 weeding hoes, 3 grubing hoes, 5 axes, one broad axe, one log chain, one cutting (unreadable), ten cettles (?), five pots, three (unreadable), three skillets, five sets of lasts, 5 dishes, 3 basins, 1 set of knives & forks, 4 (unreadable) of pails, 2 tubs, one rifle gun, one musket, 20 head of geese, 2 hogshead of tobacco.  November 15th 1828.

Rendered April Term 1829        signed:  William Trotter, Executors
                                    Isham Trotter


Source:  Montgomery County, TN Archives, County Clerk (originating office).  Probates F: 316-317,  Account of Sales, Estate of Isham Trotter, Jr. 1831.

Account of the sale of the property of Isham Trotter, Jr., dec'd
November the 3rd 1831

1  pole axe        Richard Trotter               $     .70
1  carpenter's axe        Barton Richmond         .75
1  pole axe        T. Bumpass                  1.00
1  pole axe        B. Richmond         .12½
1  pot rack        R. Trotter         .75
1  grid iron        B. Richmond         .75
1  skillet            Wm. Trotter         .18½
1  skillet & led        R. Trotter         .37½
1  small pot        R. Trotter         .12½
1  lot of water vessels    R. Trotter         .50
1  pail            R. Pritchard         .31
1  pail            R. Pritchard         .37
1  tub            Thos. Trotter         .25
2  sides of leather        Washington McClaughing 1.56
2  sides of leather        John Medlock                  1.50
1  hoe            T. Bumpass         .37¼
1  hoe            W. McClaughing         .50
1  plow            Wm. Trotter                 3.00
1  plow            R. Trotter                 2.50
1  plow            J. Morrison         .25
1  pair of geer        Wm. Trotter                 1.81¼
1  pair of traces        B. Neblett         .50
1 saddle, bridle & blanket    T. H. Green                 2.75
1  sifter            R. Trotter                          1.12½
1  barrel            C. Moris             .25
1  barrel            W. D. Orgain         .37½
1  saddle            R. Trotter               18.00
1  trunk            Elizabeth Trotter                 1.50
1  dish            A. Martin         .20
1  dish            R. Trotter         .37½
1  coffee pot        A. Martin         .20
1  dozen plates        J. Morrison         .62
1  lot of cups & saucers    A. Martin         .57
1  tin birchet (?)        Elizabeth Trotter         .20
1  tin birchet        Thomas Trotter        .37¼
1  pitcher        J. Morrison        .56½
2  dozen spoons        J. Morrison         .65
1  doz. cups & saucers     Thomas Trotter         .63¼
32  pieces of glasware    E. Trotter         .56¼
1  lot knives        M. Jackson         .37
1  cupboard        R. Trotter                  1.12
3  chairs            R. Trotter                  1.75
1  bed & furniture & stead    W. D. Orgain                16.25
1  cow hide        B. Richmond          .30
1  cow            D. D. Britchard                  9.00
1  cow & calf        Eliz. Trotter                  8.75
1  sow            A. Martin                  4.06¼
1  sow            A. Martin                  4.87½
1  sow & five shoats    C. Moris                      5.37
1  boar hog        C. Mories                  1.43
1  blue sow        Wm. Trotter                 1.81
1  sow            W. Milon                 2.31
1  sow            C. Moris                     1.31
3  first chois barrows    J. Leach                   11.26
3  2nd chois barrows    R. Trotter                 6.37
The residue of hogs    A. Martin                        10.00
1  horse            Eliz. Trotter                    20.00
1  poney            R. Trotter               22.00
1 negro boy allen        T. T. Watson             450.12½
100 cabbage        John Cocke         .36½
100 cabbage        John Cocke         .36½
100 cabbage        Joseph H. Smith         .50
100 cabbage        Joseph H. Smith         .50
The residue        R. Trotter         .50
10  barrels of corn     Thomas H. Green               10.00
10  barrels of corn    Thomas H. Green               10.00
10  barrels of corn    John Bumpass               10.00
10  barrels of corn    W. Corlew               10.00
10  barrels of corn    J. Bumpass               10.00
10  barrels of corn    J. Bumpass               10.00
10  barrels of corn    C. Moris                     7.31
10  barrels of corn    T. Barn(?)                 9.93 3/4
10  barrels of corn    J. Cocke                     9.93 3/4
10  barrels of corn    J. Cocke                     9.93 3/4
The offel corn        W. Corlew                 2.30
1  stack fodder        R. Trotter        .20
1  stack fodder        R. Trotter                 1.12
1  stack fodder        A. Martin                 1.20
1  stack fodder        Josh H. Smith                 1.25
1  barm tobacco        A. Martin                 6.75
           Total Amount           $  789.02
Signed:  Wm. Trotter, Admn.


Source:  Montgomery County, Tenn.  Wills and Administrations, Vol. Three (1799-1814) by Laura Willis, p. 4. photocopied 6-2000

Josiah G. Duke and Isham Trotter, Gin and Press Bond

We, Isham Trotter, Josiah G. Duke, William Good, and Joseph B. Whitehead, are bound to the Governor in the sum of one thousand dollars, this 6th day of December 1805.  The condition of the obligation is such that Josiah G. Duke and Isham Trotter have obtained an order to erect a cotton gin and press.  If they comply with the Acts of the General Assembly then this obligation to be void, else to remain in full force.
               Signed:    Isham Trotter
                     Josiah G. Duke
                      William Good

  Submitted by Jean Hancock 

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