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This is the unedited research and genealogical collection of Geneva Suggs Swain donated by Carroll Ray Ellis. The original notebooks and materials are housed in the Montgomery County Archives and are available for researchers to use.
F. Yarbrough
M & B Hughes
C&H Sugg
E&J Myers
Aunt Frankie Yarbrough
Mattie and Ben Hughes
Cora and Hugh Ellin Suggs
Effie and James Myers
EL Weakley
E. Vaughn
Excell Sugg
GA Sugg
E. L. Weakley
Elizabeth Vaughn
Excell Sugg
Gordon A. Sugg
GL Sugg
GL Sugg
HT Sugg
IR Wright
Gordon A. Sugg
Gordon A. Sugg
Herman T. Sugg
Irving R. Wright

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