This is the unedited research and genealogical collection of Geneva Suggs
Swain donated by Carroll Ray Ellis. The original sources of this work are
available in the Montgomery County Archives.
Items from the collection are listed below. Click on the underlined word
to access a picture of the document.
Obituary of Alice Suiter Balthrop 3-27-1974 | Obituary of Bessie H. Suiter 5-1-1971 | Obituary of Alma Suiter 3-7-1982 |
Obituary of Anna Titus 4-26-1984 |
Obituary of Arthur Suiter 1-3-1978 |
Obituary of Carria Byard 8-3-1982 |
Obituary of Charles R. Suiter 11-29-1978 | Obituary of Clarence Huff 4-26-1971 | Obituary of Clarence Suiter, Sr. 11-20-1973 |
Obituary of David Lee Suiter 1-31-1981 | Obituary of Dora Gafford Suiter 12-21-1976 | Obituary of Dorothy Suiter |
Obituary of Effie Barbee Suiter 1-11-1972 | Obituary of Florence J. Suiter 9-1975 | Obituary of Frank Ross Suiter 11-10-1975 |
Obituary of G. C. Davidson 4-6-1984 | Obituary of George D. Suiter 4-28-1971 | Obituary of Hazel A. Suiter 12-3-1983 |
Obituary of Herbert L. Suiter 6-8-1977 | Obituary of Hubert Suiter 11-30-1969 | Obituary of Hillman H. Suiter 9-10-1977 |
Obituary of Homer Suiter, Sr. 1-28-1971 | Obituary of Ivy Brown 5-12-1982 |
Obituary of James Davis Suiter
7-19-1972 |
Obituary of Jason C. Suiter | Obituary of John M. Suiter May 1980 | Obituary of Julian B. Suiter 2-21-1977 |
Obituary of Lacy Suiter 4-8-1980 | Obituary of Leo Suiter 1-28-1978 | Obituary of Leonard Suiter 3-23-1973 |
Obituary of Leslie Suiter 5-15-1980 | Obituary of Lillie May S. Suiter 12-5-1972 | Obituary of Mary J. Suiter 2-23-1969 |
Obituary of Mary E. S. Suiter 5-9-1984 | Obituary of Melinda C. Suiter 5-21-1974 | Obituary of Mitchell L. Norman 6-8-1978 |
Obituary of Morris Langdon Suiter 5-31-1974 | Obituary of Nancy A. Hall 9-29-1974 | Obituary of Nancy J. Johnson Suiter 3-22-1972 |
Obituary of Oscar D. Suiter 1-19-1981 | Obituary of Patrick E. Suiter 1-5-1982 | Obituary of Rev. Marvin S. Suiter, Sr. |
Obituary of Robbie N. Suiter 9-25-1969 | Obituary of Sadie Elizabeth Suiter 5-6-1977 | Obituary of Thomas H. Suiter 10-13-1974 |
Obituary of William Bryan Suiter 1-12-1973 | Obituary of William Charles Suiter 4-3-1979 |
50th Anniversary of Dora and William Suiter | Announcement of Rev. Lauren Suiter | 50th Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Fugua |
50th Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Suiter | Estate Notice of Nancy Suiter |