Division of Samuel Thornton’s Land

   Montgomery Co. Tenn., Record Book     , pages 34 – 35

State of Tennessee ) Agreeable to an order directed to us from the
Montgomery County) worshipful County Court of the said County, We have divided the land belonging to the estate of SAMUEL THORNTON, between the heirs and divised in manner and form following --  Beginning on the north east corner of the tract marked
No. 1 on Henry McFalls line, runing south ninety six poles to a stake, then west one hundred & forty eight poles to Yellow Creek, then down with the meanders of said creek to Henry McFalls line, then with his line East one hundred & forty eight poles to the Beginning, containing Seventy-Five acres, we have alloted to WILLIAM ALLEN.
No. 2 Beginning at the south east corner of No. 1 runing south thirty two poles to a poplar Hickory, then west forty eight poles to a stake, then south eleven and a half poles to a stake, then west one hundred & thirty six poles, to Yellow Creek, then down the meanders of the said creek, to the south west corner of No. 1 then East with that line to the begining containing Forty two and a half acres alloted to JOHN ALLEN.
No. 3 Beginning at the south east corner of No. 2, runs south forty six and a half poles to a Black gum, then west twenty poles to a stake then south fifty poles to Yellow Creek, then down with the meanders fo the said creek, to the south west corner of No. 2, then east with said line, one hundred &* thirty six poles to the beginning containing forty two and a half acres, allotted to CLAIBOURN HARRIS.
No. 4 Beginning at a sycamore standing on the west bank of Yellow Creek, runing south & west one hundred and sixteen poles to a dogwood, then,  weset one hundred & thirty eight poles to a black gum, then south one hundred poles to a dogwood, then east one hundred & seventy one poles to a stake, then north two hundred and twelve poles to the beginning, containing one hundred & twenty acres, alloted to HENRY D. THORNTON.
No. 5 Beginning at the south east corner of No. 4, runs east sixty two & three fourths poles to a stake, then north one hundred & sixty four poles to Yellow Creek, then down with the meanders of said creek to the corner of No. 4, then south two hundred & twelve poles to the beginning containing severnty three acres alloted to GEORGE WILLIAMSON.
No. 6 Beginning at the south east corner of No. 5 runs east sixty poles to a Sycamore then north 36 east forty six poles to Yellow Creek, then down the meanders of ths said creek to the north east corner of No. 5, then south with that line, one hundred and sixty four poles to the beginning, containing ninety three acres, allotted to ORVAL THORNTON.
All of which are truly represented in the above platt.
Given under our hand this 12th day of Febry, 1822

       John Caldwell  surveyor
       John H. Marable
Rendered at April Term 1822   Joshua Weakly
       F. Carter
       John Wickham

Submitted by Deanna Oklepek

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