The SOUTHSIDE Cemetery is located in the community of SOUTHSIDE, Montgomery County, Tennessee, approximately

eighteen miles southeast of Clarksville, Tennessee, near the Cheatham County line.


Compiled by Mrs. Rodney M. Workman, Mrs. John Robert Gannaway and Miss Martha Harris; and copied by Mrs. Will T. Adams, Sr., 1976

Updated  Jan 1, 2015 by Bob Harris, Robert & Allan Workman


Established October 17, 1881 With burial of  Maria S. Dickson




We have searched diligently for your identity, but too many

times in vain.  Some of you at one time had markers, but time has taken

its toll.  Your descendants may live far away or are no

more.  You were placed here by those who loved you, and we gaze

in admiration when we find beautiful flowers blooming each spring

for you in loyalty to the ones who planted them there.




First row next to Workman Garden

  1.  Baggett, Iona Marie Hagewood, May 19, 1930 - May 25, 1988

  2.  Hagewood, Eliza J.    Apr. 24. 1886 ‑ Jan. 28, 1987

  3.  Hagewood, Charlie W., Nov. 4, 1888 ‑ Apr. 16, 1967

  "Together forever."

  4.   (1 space, Hagewood lot)

  5.   6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.  (8 Workman spaces)

13.  Gannaway, Owen M., Aug. 17, 1891 ‑ Sept. 30, 1938

14.  Gannaway, Mina Workman, May 24, 1896 ‑ Nov. 24, 1955

15.  Workman, W. P., Oct. 19, 1877 ‑ Feb. 12, 1964

16.  Weems, Ann V., wife of W. P. Workman, Nov. 7, 1893 ‑ July 18, 1946

17.  Workman. Virginia Arbina (Cremated)May 17, 1922 - Aug 16 2004

18.  Workman, Richard Hunter   (Cremated)Mar 30, 1919 - April 19, 2005                

19,         (1 spaces for Richard & Virginia Workman)

20.  Wendt, Roy C. June 1, 1908   Nov. 10, 1986

21.  Wendt, Ruth Harris  (Cremated)Nov. 12, 1919 March 8, 1993

                       ‑‑   HARRIS  ‑‑

22.  Space for Harris Family

23.  Harris, Sandy B., Mar. 7, 1882 ‑ Sept. 10, 1950 (Masonic Emblem)

24.  Harris, Ann Eliza Dickson, Aug. 17, 1881 ‑ Oct. 24, 1970

25.  Harris, Sallie Martha., Mar. 26, 1908 ‑ May 11, 1987

26.  27, 28, 29    ( 4 spaces for William Workman family).


 Second row from Workman Garden

  1.   Law, Abbie Ann, Born Sept. 14, 1837 ‑ died Jan., 1907.  "She

          died as she lived, Trusting in God."

  2.   (1 Space) May not be room for grave.

  3.   1 grave marked by field stone

  4.   Reeves, D. A., born Oct. 26, 1883 ‑ died May 27, 1918

  5.   Grant, Mary Jane., July 4, 1894 - Apr 24, 1982

                           ‑‑ GRANT‑

  6.  Grant, Annie, Dau. of John R. and Zelma, Apr. 24, 1891 ‑ no date of death

  7.  Grant, John R., June 19, 1863 ‑ Apr. 20, 1937

  8.  Grant, Zelma Collins, wife of John R., Nov. 6, 1865 ‑ June 10, 1934

  9.  Collins, L. S., born Feb. 3, 1839, died July 12, 1914

10.  Collins, M. L., wife of L. S. Collins, Born Aug. 29, 1838, Died July 12, 1903

                       "Gone but not forgotten."

11.  Workman, Maury H., son of R. W. and Addie S. Workman.  Born Jan. 2, 1899 ‑

  died Dec. 15, 1900

12.  Workman, Jane Hammon Lee., wife of Allen R. Workman, born Sept. 20, 1812, died June

  10, 1895     “COME YE BLESSED”

13.  Workman, Gracy L., daughter of R. W. and Addie S. Workman.  Born Mar. 16,

  1895, died June 11, 1895




                         ‑‑   WORKMAN ‑‑

14. Workman, Addie Sue Harris, wife of R. W. Workman  Mar. 19, 1866 ‑ Mar. 31, 1958

15. Workman, R. W. (Richard Washington)  Aug. 2, 1843 ‑ Aug. 10, 1917    (Masonic Emblem)

16. Workman, Arbina Pearl Hunter, wife of R. W. Workman   Apr. 14, 1854 ‑ Apr. 17, 1891

17. Infant son of R. W. and Arbina Workman  1891


18. Workman, Albert Hardee, son of R. W. and Arbina Workman, Dec. 20, 1884 ‑

   June 27, 1948   (Masonic Emblem.)

19. 20,   (2 spaces for Workman family)


21. Workman, Ellery Channing Sr., Sept. 3, 1900 - Mar. 22, 1995

22. Workman, Marcell Robinson., Dec. 27, 1908 - Jan. 19, 1985

23. Workman, Martha Edna, July 13, 1908 ‑ Oct. 20, 1974


24. Workman, Rodney M. Workman M. D., April 7, 1903‑ May 31, 1973

25. Workman, Mary Nell Harris  Jan 10, 1910 ‑ Oct. 28, 1994

26. Reserved for Robert Workman                                                                                                          

27. Reserved for Yvonne Workman

28. Francois, Leonard C.   Sept. 11, 1912 - Jan. 11, 2000

29. Francois,  Alma Hook    Feb 21, 1912 - March 21, 2009

30, 31.  ( Spaces for William & Terry Workman.)

32. Devers, J.T.  Sept. 1, 1916 - May 15, 1983

33. Devers, Beulah  Nov. 10, 1910 - June 20, 1998

34. Open


Third row from Workman Garden

  1.   2.  (2 spaces)

  3.  Hampton, Thelma, daughter of R. M. and Mary Hampton. Born and died Jan. 21, 1907

       Hampton, infant son of R. M. and Mary Hampton, born and died July 28, 1902

  5.  Hampton, Mary Frances, Feb. 17, 1867 ‑ Mar. 6, 1932

  6.  Hampton, R. M.  1875 ‑ 1956

  7.    8, 9, 10, 11.  (5 spaces)

12.  Davis, Josie Lynn, July 15, 1941.  Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Davis

13.  14.  (2 spaces)

15.  Chadwick, Mattie A., daughter of W. R. and Frances Chadwick. Born Nov. 21,

        1896 ‑ died Dec. 30, 1896

16.  Chadwick, Albert A., son of W. R. and Frances Chadwick, born June 12, 1895, died Nov. 12,


17.  Chadwick, Ruth H., daughter of W. R. and Frances Chadwick, Born Dec. 14, 1886,

            died Jan. 20, 1892

18.  Chadwick, Dora V., daughter of W. R. and Frances Chadwick, born Sept. 24, 1900,

            died Nov. 22, 1905

19.  Chadwick, W. R., born Mar. 30, 1847, died Mar. 19, 1915

20.  Chadwick, Frances A., wife of W. R. Chadwick.  Born Mar. 29, 1859 ‑ died

            Apr. 10, 1923

21.  Chadwick, Mary Ann, Dec. 25, 1888 ‑ Jan. 14, 1964

22.  Chadwick, Georgia Ella   Feb. 28, 1898 ‑ Dec. 12, 1991

23.  1                      Space for William Workman


                ‑‑   WORKMAN ‑‑

24.   Workman, William Bradshaw  Feb. 21, 1944 - Dec. 3, 2004

25.      1  space for  Terry Workman



                  ‑‑   HUNTER  ‑‑

26.  Hunter, Leon (Lynn)   1887 ‑ 1964                                             

27.  Hunter, Frances C.     1887 ‑ 1960


                   ‑‑   WYATT  ‑‑

28.  Wyatt, Martha Thomas Hunter, Mar. 15, 1915 ‑ July 7, 1981

29.  Wyatt, Robert D., June 18, 1905 ‑ Feb. 17, 1964

30.  Space for Toombs

31.  Toombs, Sara E. Hunter  Sept. 9, 1919 - May 9, 2001

32.  33.  Spaces for Toombs


Fourth row from Workman Garden


  1.   (1 space)

  2.   Homemade marker with no name

  3.   4.  (2 spaces; maybe 3 spaces)                                                                                                          

                    ‑‑   LAW  ‑‑

  5.   Law, Grady L., son of R. L. and C. Law, June 30, 1898 ‑ Feb. 29, 1908

  6.   Law,  Phebe A., dau. of R. L. and C. Law, Mar. 3, 1903 ‑  Mar. 10, 1905

             "Death is eternal life, why should we weep?"

  7.  8.  (2 spaces)

  9.  McCollum, Robert H., born and died Nov. 19, 1931 (rock)

10.  Hodges, Willie Mai Williams  (rock)

11.  Balthrop, Vallie (rock)

12.  Williams, Margaret Hunter  (rock)

13.  Hunter, Henry, born Mar. 25, 1821, died Dec. 20, 1911

     "He died as he lived, a Christian."

14.  Hunter, M. E., wife of Henry Hunter, Apr. 2, 1827 ‑ May 17, 1896

       "Her house was a home for the preachers."

15.  Hunter, Harvey, infant son of Finis and Mattie Hunter, April 19, 1899 ‑

            June 26, 1899

16.  (1 space)

17.  Mellon, Baby Martha Elizabeth, 1901

18.  Crouch, W. H., M. D., Sept. 17, 1851 ‑ Oct. 18, 1903 (Masonic Emblem) (FLT)

19.  Crouch, Margaret H., wife of Dr. W. H. Crouch, May 28, 1857 ‑ Feb. 21, 1920

                    "Tho lost to sight, to memory dear."


20.  Frazier, Lucretia A., wife of Williamson Frazier, Aug. 11, 1857 ‑ Jan. 3, 1920.

                     "Thy trials ended, thy rest won.

21.  Soloman, Harriet E., born Jan. 11, 1869, died Nov. 30, 1928.

22.  Hunter, Finis, Aug. 1, 1870 ‑ Dec. 7, 1942

23.  Hunter, Mattie E., Jan. 5, 1875 ‑ Nov. 19, 1965


                       ‑‑   HARVEY ‑‑

24.  (1 space) with an (H) marker on it)

25.  Harvey, Will A., Sept. 15, 1876 ‑ Apr. 20, 1961

26.  Harvey, Nettie, Mar. 12, 1878 ‑ June 12, 1943

27.  Harvey, Birther Irene 1932 - 1968

28.  Harvey, Theodore U.S. Army Mar 3, 1910 Nov. 27 1988 (Flag flying) 

29.  Harvey, Frances L. 1923 - 1996

30.  Wheless, Dola Mildred June 2, 1902 - June 28, 1990

31.  Rye, Izetta Collins   Dec 20, 1928 - June 11, 2002

Fifth row from Workman Garden

  1.   (1 space)

  2.   Collins, Balaam Randolph, 1859 ‑ 1925

  3.   Unmarked grave

  4.   5, 6.  (3 spaces)

  7.   Collins, John, homemade stone (as told by Ella Chadwick)

  8.   Collins, Lucy A., wife of John Collins, born Mar. 18, 1850 ‑  died Nov. 11, 1907

  9.   10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.  (8 spaces)

17.   Waldrop,  Mattie, Mother ‑‑ Feb. 14, 1879 ‑ Dec. 16, 1905

          "At Rest"

18.  Waldrop, R. T., 1873 ‑ 1960                                                                                                  

19.  20.  (2 spaces)

21.  Waldrop, Arthur, Nov. 12, 1905 ‑ Dec. 7, 1918‑‑ "At Rest"

22.  23, 24      3 spaces for William Baggett. Marked with concrete “B”

25.  Davis, Doris M.  June 9, 1929 - Feb. 16, 1996

 In loving memory of children

26.  Baggett, Darrell W. Sept. 10, 1985 - May 19, 1989

         Gone to be an angle.

                             ‑‑   CRANE ‑‑

27. Crane, John W., 1884 ‑ 1954

28. Crane, Beadie, 1883 ‑ 1968

29. 1 space

30. Harvey, Joan 1953 - 1995


Sixth row from Workman Garden


  1.   (1 space)

  2.   Smith, Minnie L., dau. of A. M. and M. J. Smith ‑‑ July 11, 1887 ‑ July 11, 1904

                                    "Our loved one."

  3.   4, 5, 6, 7,  (5 spaces)

  8.  Hunter, Annie Irene 1899 - 1983

  9.  Geary, Henry Hunter 1960 - 1981

10.  Geary, Ann Hunter, 1933 ‑ 1967

11.  Hunter, A. C. 1902 - 1935


                             ‑‑   HARRIS ‑‑

12.  Harris, James F.  1880 ‑ 1957

13.  Harris, Rosa W.  1883 ‑ 1935

14.  Harris, Jennie M., Oct. 21, 1887 ‑ April 22, 1945

15.  16, 17.  (3 spaces)

18.  Waldrop, James, Nov. 20, 1913 ‑ Oct. 26, 1914. "At Rest."

19.  20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25.  (7 spaces)


                          ‑‑   MITCHELL  -‑

26.  Mitchell, John Nathan  Mar. 29, 1893 ‑ Aug. 28, 1955

27.  Mitchell, Iva Minor, Dec. 29, 1889 ‑ July 21, 1975.  "In that land where

            we'll never grow old."

28.     ( 1 spaces)

29.  Harvey, Jason    Jan. 22, 1977  -  May 26, 2002

30.  1 space (Probed and someone is buried here)

31.  32, 33.  3 spaces open

34.  Edwards, Darlene (Baby Edwards.)

35.  Edwards, George III     Dec. 30, 1930 - June 21, 1992



Seventh row from Workman Garden                                                                                     

  1.   2, 3, 4, 5.  (5 spaces)


                  ‑‑TINSLEY ‑‑

  6.   Tinsley, S. D.  Jan. 59 1851 ‑ June 2, 1936

  7.   Tinsley, Ella W. Hunter, his wife, Oct. 3, 1849 ‑ Apr. 28, 1925

                  "At Rest"


                              ‑‑   HARPER  ‑‑

  8.  Harper, George Stephen  July 12, 1858 ‑ April 25, 1942

  9.  Harper, James Madison  July 15, 1861 ‑ April 25, 1914

          Bachelor Sons of James Stephen and Isabella Harper.

          "Eternal rest grant them, 0, Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them."

10.  Tinsley, Eliza A., wife of Oliver Tinsley, born Mar. 16, 1821 ‑ died Sept. 3,

            1905.  "Mother, thou art now at home, Many Angels fair Above, But yet below

      thy child must roam Till summ'd by his love."

11.  Harper, Isabella H., born July 25, 1825, died July 23, 1890.

12.  (1 space)

13.  Harper, Thos. T., born July 12, 1832 ‑ died Nov. 28, 1889.

14.  (1 grave marked by field stone)

                                  ‑‑ FAIN ‑‑

15.  Fain, Elizabeth Tinsley   Mother ‑‑  born Oct. 9, 1849 ‑ Died Jan. 24, 1918

She was a kind and affectionate wife, a fond mother and a friend to all."

16.  Fain, T.L.  Father ‑‑  born Sept. 5, 1839 ‑‑ died Oct. 18, 1919

            "Here is one who is sleeping in faith and love, with hope that is treasured  

      in Heaven above."

17.  18.  (2 spaces) One marked with an (L) block for Lummus?

                               ‑‑ LUMMUS ‑‑

19.  Infant Son ‑‑1923

20.  Lummus, Van Earnest

     1895 (Masonic Emblem) 1928

21.  Lummus, Grace A.  Satterby, 1895 ‑ 1966

22.  Lummus, Elizabeth Sue  1920 ‑ 1940

23.  Risenbark, Madaline Lummus born Approx Aug 6, 1936 - June 20, 2004

24 25 (L) marker for Lummus  or Lovett???

26.  Lovett, Moses H. “Mickey” Aug. 6, 1936 - Feb. 24, 2001

27.  Lovett, Edna C. Apr. 2, 1941 - Nov. 29, 1995

       “Some memories don’t die.”

 Love is forever.


28.  Harvey, Ruby M.  May 3, 1921  -  July 12, 2007

29.  Harvey, Thellie Oct. 13, 1905 - April 29, 1977

30.  Open


Eighth row from Workman Garden

  1.   (1   space)

  2.   (1   grave marked by field stone) ( Can’t find the stone.)

  3.   4,   5.  (3 spaces)

  6.   Sensing, Clara Leona Jan. 2, 1909 - May 27, 1909

      In memory of

  7.   Sensing, Van D. Nov. 4, 1887 - Feb. 1, 1914                                                                  

  8.   9,   10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.  (9 spaces)

18.  19.  (2 spaces) Marked with an (L) for Lummus or Lovett?

20.  Aderholt, J. E., 1870 ‑ 1957

21.  Aderholt, Sarah E., 1856 ‑ 1939


                             ‑‑   TROTTER ‑‑

22.  Trotter, Neill E., Sept. 6, 1882 ‑ May 15, 1962

23.  Trotter, Mamie A., Oct. 29, 1890 ‑ Dec. 17, 1969

24.     Reserved for Charlie Lindsey

25.  Lindsey, Stacy Janelle .,  Jan. 25, 1988  --  Dec. 18, 2008

26.  Hooper, William Webb, died April 1952, age 72 years, buried by Tarpley.

27.  Hooper, Gladys Bartlett June 2, 1902 - Mar. 15, 1982

28.  Bryson, Patricia 1960 - 1999

29.  Open

Ninth row from Workman Garden


  1.   2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.  (7 spaces)

  8.   (1 grave marked by field stone)

  9.   10, 11, 12, 13, 14.  (6 spaces)

15.  Mayfield, Fannie, wife of L. J. Mayfield, born 1844 ‑ died May 29, 1882

            "She was a tender mother and an affectionate wife."

16.  Mayfield, Mary A., born 1872 ‑ died March 7, 1880*

17.  Mayfield, John H., born Sept. 18, 1867 ‑ died Sept. 25, 1868*

            *moved from another cemetery

18.  (1 grave marked by field stone)

                             ‑‑ HAND ‑‑

19.  Hand, Edd, May 3, 1891 ‑ May 4, 1959

20.  Hand, Mary Etta, Aug. 3, 1893 ‑ May 3, 1956


21.   22.   (2 spaces)

23.   Perry, Pete  b. Feb. 3, 1929  -  d. Jan. 6, 2011

24.   Harvey, Orbey,     born Oct. 23, 1914  - June 12, 2000

        “We will meet again.”

25.   Harvey,  Mrs. Dorothy A., died Oct. 21, 1975; age 61 years, 11 months, 7 days

26.  27, 28, 29   Small markers with a “H” Reserved for Bobby Harvey?

30.  M   31.  M  32. (3 spaces reserved for Mize.) 

33.  Voyles, Elizabeth   Mar 21, 1945 - Sept 12, 2003

34.  McKinney, Horace     Born Nov. 2, 1920  - Died Jan. 2, 2003


Tenth row from Workman Garden

  1.   Maveety, W. B., Oct. 27, 1852 ‑ Nov. 19, 1932

          ‑‑   Come Ye Beloved ‑‑

  2.   Maveety, Arrabella, born Apr. 13, 1825 ‑ died June 23, 1903. (Wife)

"She died as she lived, Trusting in God."

  3.  Maveety, James,   born Jan. 8, 1815 ‑ died Sept. 5, 1896.          (Husband)

            "Christ is my hope."   U.S. Flag on grave.

  4.   (1 space)  “Marker with an “ EB” on it.

                             ‑‑ BARTLETT ‑‑

  5.   Bartlett, Eva, June 18, 1887 ‑ July 19, 1919

  6.   Bartlett, John L., Aug. 4, 1853 ‑ Sept. 29, 1919                                                                            

  7.   Bartlett, Christiana, Apr. 6, 1862 ‑ Apr. 6, 1944

  8.   Bartlett, Myrtle, Nov. 3, 1898 ‑ Aug. 15, 1920

         (This row comes to a point.)


  Eleventh row from Workman Garden


  1.   2.  (2 spaces)

  3.   Harris, Infant dau. of John and Sue Harris, Jan. 26, 1903

  4.   (1 space)    ( No room for grave.)

  5.   Harris, Guy, Feb. 11, 1894 ‑ April 11, 1894

  6.   (1 space)

  7.   Harris, Mamie Scott, 1880 ‑ 1947

  8.   Harris, M. Corinne, Dau. of S. B. and Mamie Harris, March. 19, 1903 ‑ Nov. 2, 1912


                           ‑‑   TROTTER ‑‑

  9.   Trotter, Orville Manson, Oct. 15, 1885 ‑ Jan. 16, 1970

10.   Trotter, Lillian Scott, Sept. 10, 1889 ‑ d. Nov. 5, 1979

       “Married Dec. 29, 1909"

11.   Scott, Jesse Winfield, 1849 ‑ 1938

12.   Scott, Margaret Daniel, 1852 ‑ 1934

                 ‑‑ DAVIS ‑‑

13.   Marker with “CND.”  Davis?

14.  Davis, Cora N., 1893 ‑ 1972

15.  Davis, William H., 1877 ‑ 1956

16.  Davis, Ellen, 1883 ‑ 1912

         "Gone but not forgotten."

17.  Davis,  Infant son of W. H. and M. E. Davis, born Dec. 12, 1911 ‑ died

            Dec. 13, 1911.  "Budded on Earth to Bloom in Heaven."

18.  Davis,  Infant son of W. H. and M. E. Davis, born and died Nov.12, 1907

          "Budded on Earth to Bloom in Heaven."

19.  Davis, Mary Ellen, wife of W. H. Davis, born May 6, 1883 ‑ died Apr. 1, 1912

               "At Rest"                                "Asleep in Jesus"

20.  (1 space)

21.  Mayfield, Maude Dell, Nov. 6, 1919 ‑ July 26, 1920

22.  (1 space)

23.  Mayfield, James Layfette, Oct. 8, 1922 ‑ Nov. 23, 1922

                              ‑‑   MAYFIELD ‑‑


24.  Mayfield, John C., July 14, 1890 ‑ May 28, 1974

25.  Mayfield, Theora, Oct. 9, 1887 ‑ May 17, 1956

            "Believers in God, live beyond the tomb."

26.  27,28 3 spaces.




29.  Groves, William M.  B. Dec. 2, 1900   d. Oct. 7, 1978

30.  Groves, Rebecca D. b. Mar. 14, 1926 d. Jan. 4, 1979

31.  32,33 3 spaces marked with “G” for  Groves?


34.  Ferguson,   Eddie -  July 22 1944                                                                                        

35.  Ferguson, Mildred Jane   b. May 13, 1950        d. May 4, 2000


Twelfth row from Workman Garden


  1.   Harris, Annie Elizabeth “Lizzie”   Oct.  9, 1912 - Apr.  26, 2005

  2.   Harris, Mattie C., 1874 ‑ 1949

   "At Rest"

  3.   Harris, W. C., Sr., 1850 ‑ 1931

  "At Rest"

  4.   Swift, Lucy S., wife of W. C. Harris, Sept. 30, 1850 ‑ Feb. 1, 1911

            "She was a loyal friend, a noble daughter, and a devoted wife and mother."

  5.   Harris, Hunter b. Oct. 13, 1915 d. Jul. 17, 1987

             PVT. U.S. Army World War II

  6.   7, 8.  (3 spaces)

  9.   Richardson, Sallie E., Born Sept. 16, 1812 ‑ died Aug. 14, 1895.

10.  Allen, Elizabeth Orgain, July 15, 1832 ‑ Feb. 27, 1923.

11.  Orgain, Leslie Lyle, son of Edgar and Annie Orgain, born Dec. 18, 1887 ‑

            died Feb. 20, 1891.  "Our darling one hath gone before, To greet

            us on the blissful shore."

12.  (1 space)

13.  Lisenbee, Walter H., 1890 ‑ 1946

14.  Lisenbee, Annie Mayfield, 1888 ‑ 1921

15.  Mayfield, Isaac H., Born Feb. 12  1848 ‑ died Mar. 26, 1919

          "0, How desolate our home bereft of thee."

16.  Mayfield, Eliza B., wife of I. H. Mayfield.  Born Jan. 17, 1861 ‑ died Nov. 18, 1897.

17.  Mayfield, Henry M., son of H. R. and Bessie L. Mayfield, born May 16, 1915,

            died Aug. 27, 1915.

                              "Darling we miss thee."

18.  19.  (2 spaces)

20.  Mayfield, Thomas H., Nov. 15, 1883 ‑ Jan. 4, 1949

21.  and 22.  Thomas, Elouise and Christine, Infant daughters of Mr. & Mrs. W. T.

            Thomas, Feb. 18, 1934‑‑ June 22‑30, 1934

23.  24.  (2 spaces)

                                      ‑‑   DAVIS ‑‑

25.  Davis, Ed,      1880 ‑ 1962

26.  Davis, Alice Batson, 1884 ‑ 1946

27.  28, 29         3 spaces for Glasgow



30.  Glasgow, Bobby Ray

 “Resting with God.”

31.  Glasgow, Bobby Joe b. Aug. 27, 1997 d. Aug 27, 1997

32.  Marked with Lewis

33.   Lewis,  Garner  April 3, 1940 - July 12, 2004

34,  35.    “Markers with” LEWIS” on them.”  


Thirteenth row from Workman Garden


  1.   (1 space)

  2.   (1 unmarked grave)                                                                                                                              

  3.   (Grave marked with brick marker) “Brick now missing.”

  4.   Coke, Martha A., Dau. of T. H. Coke, Born May 5, 1882 ‑ died July 30, 1905.

                "Gone but not forgotten."

  5.   Hudgins, Mary R., wife of J. J. Hudgins.  Born Nov. 8, 1848 ‑ died June 22, 1903. 

                                "Thy will be done."

  6.   Hudgins, Faith, dau. of A. E. and Rosa Hudgins.  Mar. 22, 1898 ‑ Sept. 23, 1912.


                             ‑‑   HUDGIN ‑‑

  7.   Hudgin, Albert E., Nov. 1869 ‑ Jan., 1916

  8.   Hudgin, Rosa Tidwell  Aug. 14, 1871 ‑ Feb. 4, 1942

  9.   Davis, Mrs. Mary Ellen, died April 1896

10.   11.  (2 spaces)

12.   Harper, Dora, Daughter of W. I. and L. Harper, born Jan. 21, 1885 ‑ died

            Dec. 24, 1897.  "The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, Blessed be the

            name of the Lord."

13.   Harper, Lyle, Son of W. I. and L. Harper, born June 6, 1896 ‑    died May 29, 1902.

            "Farewell sweet child, we part for a time, To meet again in another clime."

14.  Harper, R. Maurice, son of W. I. and L. Harper, born June 22, 1889 ‑ died

            Mar. 13, 1907.  "In perfect health I left my home, not thinking my time had

            come, but in a short while my race was run.  Weep not my friends, God's will

            be done."

15.  Harper, Rev. W. I., Dec. 28, 1855 ‑ Dec. 7, 1910.  "Gone home while yet fond

            hearts were waiting, To hear more words of life and love, From lips that often

            told the story of Jesus and His home above."

16.  Vaughn, Elizabeth Harper 1898 - 1889    (grave 16 & 17 appear to be on top of

       The Rev. and Lila Harper.)

17.  Vaughn, William Scott 1902 - 1996


18.  Harper, Mother Lila Lyle Harper, 1861 ‑ 1947.

"Her children arise up and call her blessed."

19. 20, 21 (3 spaces.)

.                                               ‑‑   JOHNSON ‑‑

22.  Johnson, Maurice  born June 20, 1895 ‑ died May 18, 1917.

23.  Johnson, Mary, Jan. 9, 1894 ‑ Jan. 24, 1916

24.  Jones, Mary Trotter, 1844 ‑ 1917

25.  Trotter, Elijah, 1846 ‑ 1922

26.  Bobbitt, Edna Johnson, Oct. 17, 1900 ‑ Aug. 18, 1926

27.  (1 space)

                                ‑‑   PURSELL‑‑

28.   Pursell, Raymond R., Oct. 16, 1898 ‑ Nov. 9, 1946

29.   Pursell, Anna A., Aug. 27, 1902 ‑

30.  31, 32, 33, 34   (5 spaces.)

35.  36, 37, 38 ( Four spaces have stone markers with “LEWIS” on them.

Fourteenth row from Workman Garden


  1.   (1 space)

  2.   Lipford, Nannie Wyatt, unmarked grave (verified by William  Wyatt)

(Now marked)    b. Mar 18, 1870 d. Mar 13, 1950

“ We miss you.”

  3.   Cooper, W. W., 1903 ‑ 1934                                                                                                

  4.   Cooper, Bessie Wyatt.  Unmarked grave (verified by William  Wyatt)             

(Now marked.)  b. 1889   - 1931


  5.   (1 space)

                               ‑‑   WYATT‑‑

  6.   Wyatt, John W.  Apr. 27, 1866 ‑ Aug. 2, 1928

  7.   Wyatt, Molly J.  Sept. 17, 1870 ‑ Feb. 9, 1935

  8.   Wyatt, James Allen Love, unmarked grave (verified by William Wyatt)

(Now marked)  b. 1837 - 1899

  9.   Wyatt, Elizabeth Matthews, unmarked grave (verified by William Wyatt)

(Now marked) b. 1845 d. 1895

10.   Wyatt, James Allen, unmarked grave (verified by William Wyatt)

11.   Wyatt, George, son of J. W. and Molly Wyatt, unmarked grave verified by

            William Wyatt)

12.    (Grave marked with stones)

13.    (Grave mound ‑ no stone)

14.    Parsons, Sarah E., wife of S. K. Ferrell, 1878 ‑ 1909.

 "At Rest"          Mother

15.   Hensley, Wm. Edwin, son of Rev. G. L. and Maud Hensley.  Born Aug. 19, 1912 ‑

          died Aug  21, 1921.

16.   Dickson, Willie E., Nov. 15, 1888 ‑ June 22, 1919

17.   Dickson, Maria S., dau. of J. M. and M. E. Dickson, born Dec. 23, 1877

    died Oct. 17, 1881.  (The first person to be buried in the Southside Cemetery.)

                                 ‑‑   DICKSON ‑‑

18.   Dickson, John M., June 14, 1842 ‑ July 27, 1915

19.   Dickson, Martha E.  June 21, 1849 ‑ Aug. 13, 1937

20.   Dickson, Luther S.  Sept. 14, 1883 ‑ Mar. 25, 1920

                                  ‑‑   DICKSON ‑‑

21.   Dickson, Gertrude H., May 23, 1889 ‑ Aug. 28, 1958

22.   Dickson, Grafton, Oct. 24, 1873 ‑ Feb. 8, 1946

                               ‑‑   GANNAWAY‑

23.   Gannaway, Edgar R., April 23, 1967 ‑ May 25, 1956

24.   Gannaway, Eula Dickson, Jan. 2, 1869 ‑ May 29, 1949

25.   Gannaway, Martha Louise, daughter of E. R.. and Eula Gannaway, Feb. 1, 1911 ‑

           June 24, 1913.

26.   Gannaway, Edgar Fagan, Nov. 24, 1898 ‑ Dec. 12, 1946


                                 ‑ ‑GANNAWAY‑‑


27.  Gannaway, John R.   Tennessee PVT 2 Ordinance Supply Co. World  War I

         Sept. 20, 1893 ‑ April 13, 1963

28.  Gannaway, Hazel Chadwick b. 1900 - d. 1987

29.   30.  (2 spaces) Marked with a “G”

                                ‑‑ MINTON‑

31.  Minton, Levia Morgan, Apr. 12, 1911 ‑ Apr. 18, 1968

32.  Minton,  John Robert  Apr. 6, 1911 ‑ Oct. 15, 1989

          Married May 25, 1928

   "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you."   Phil. 1:3

33.  Minton, Marvel A.  b. May 20, 1933 d. Dec. 14, 1985

34.  Minton, William D. b. Sept. 21, 1932  d.-                                                                        

35.  Minton, Rhonda L. b. Jul. 23, 1960 d. Oct. 26, 1986

36.  Minton, Ronald E. b. Mar. 8, 1958 d. 


Fifteenth row from Workman Garden


  1.   Harper, J. W., born July 14, 1861 ‑ died Jan. 10, 1907

  2.   Harper, Julia Ellen, wife of J. W. Harper, born Jan. 19, 1861 ‑ died May 4,

          1900.  "It was hard indeed to part with thee, But Christ's strong arm

           supported me."

  3.   Harper, Dora M., daughter of J. W. and 3. E. Harper, born May 23,

           1899 ‑ Sept. 7  1899.

  4.   Harper, Sallie E., daughter of J. W. and 3. E. Harper, born Jan. 30, 1894 ‑

           died Feb. 3, 1894.

  5.   (1 space)


                          ‑‑   WILLIAMS ‑‑

  6.   Williams, L. E., wife of A. S. Williams, Apr. 5, 1827 ‑ Feb. 24, 1914.

          "Come unto me.  Rest Mother, rest in quiet sleep, while friends  in sorrow

          o'er thee weep."

  7.  Williams, Algernons S., born May 16, 1827 ‑ died Oct. 28, 1892.

           "May he rest in peace."

                              ‑‑   MOORE‑‑

  8.  Moore, Louise Edmondson, Aug. 5, 1832 ‑ Nov. 19, 1915

  9.  Smith, Juliet   Feb  15, 1835 ‑ Apr. 18, 1917

10.  Dunn, Martha   Aug. 26, 1841 ‑ no date of death

11.  12, 13.  (3 spaces)

14.  Roberts, Ann Eliza Neblett, wife of R. Wyatt Roberts, 1833 ‑ 1912

15.  Batson, Alpheus H., son of R. I. and Ella Batson, born Sept. 10, 1881, died

         Sept. 15, 1886        "Too good for earth, God called him home."

                           ‑‑   BATSON ‑‑

16.  Harper, Polly Batson,  Apr. 4, 1902  - Mar 21, 1989

17.  Batson  R.   I.  Jan. 14, 1855 ‑ Aug. 12, 1916

18.  Batsom, Ella N.   July 26, 1856 ‑ Feb. 6, 1929

19.  Batson, Ray Neblett, June 23, 1891 ‑ May 14, 1970


                          ‑‑   BATSON ‑‑

20.   Batson, Mary Davis, Mar. 15, 1900 ‑ Apr. 26, 1968

21.   Batson Lucian Clifton, July 11, 1899 ‑ Feb. 16, 1988

22.  (1 unmarked grave)

23.  Hand, Baily, Tennessee PVT ICL 325 INF 82 Div. July 2, 1922

24.  Black, Maggie E. Hand, Jan. 8, 1901 ‑ Jan. 15, 1950

25.  Black, Dillard, Tennessee PVT HQ BTRY 51 Coast Arty., Jan. 9, 1903 ‑ Oct. 23


26.  Dedicated to the memory of Jasper Hutchison

27.  Hutchison, Rhoda F., 1895 ‑ 1963

28.  Butzin, Mark A. Jan. 21, 1962 - Jun. 1, 1978


29.  Butzin, Grace Anita Grimes   Aug. 11, 1934 - Mar. 27, 2005

          Beloved Mother

         Who so ever lividest and believed in me shall never die.                                                      

30.  ( 1 spaces ) Marked with a “B”    Butzin?

       -- HAGEWOOD --

31.  Hagewood, Reuben Doyle 1912 - 1979

32.  Hagewood, Jewell Sims July 3, 1915 - April 16, 2001

33.  Hagewood, Reuben D.  U.S. Army -- Aug. 17, 1950 - May 25, 1995

34.  Urda, Marilyn Hagewood  Feb 14, 1939 - Jan 9, 2005 


                           -- OWENS--

35.  Owens, Malcolm P.  Sept. 15, 1929 - April 22, 2000

36.  Owens, Nellie S. Apr. 10, 1928  - Nov. 27, 1998

“Married May 19, 1951.”

37.  38,      2  spaces for Owens

39.  40, Marked with “L”. ??


Sixteenth row from Workman Garden

  1.   2, 3.  (3 spaces)


  4.   Wall, Odessa  1904 ‑ 1967

  5.   Wall, Clarence C.  1896 ‑ 1960

  6.   Wall, Benetta  1899 ‑ 1920

  7.   Infant son, 1919

  8.   Wall, Clarence Edwin  Tennessee P.F.C. 21 Regt. U.S.M.C. 3 Div. World War II,

     Dec. 10, 1925 ‑ Mar. 19, 1945


                               ‑‑   MOORE‑‑

  9.  Moore,  Hattie  (Coke)  Oct. 27, 1890 ‑ June 27, 1974

10.  Moore,   J.   H.  Dec. 18, 1854 ‑ Aug. 11, 1923

11.  Moore,  Emma  Dec. 30, 1854 ‑ Oct. 30, 1902

12.  Stark, J. W., July 2, 1852 ‑ Sept. 26, 1904

13.  Stark, Eliza Catherine, wife of John W. Stark, Feb. 13, 1850 ‑ Mar. 10, 1921

            "Meet me in heaven."

46.   Cheek, Jonny    Oct 9, 1959 - Feb 7, 2006

          Beloved Father, Son, and Brother.


Seventeenth row from Workman Garden


                              ‑‑   NEBLETT‑

  1.  Neblett,  John Montgomery, 1851 ‑ 1934

  2.  Neblett,  Emma Hagood, 1858 ‑ 1943

  3.  Neblett,  Sterling Egbert, 1859 ‑ 1935

  4.  Hagood, J. P., Born Sept. 22, 1828 ‑ died July 26, 1910

          "Our father has gone to a mansion of rest, To the glorious land  by the Diety


  5.  Hagood, Lucretia T., wife of James P. Hagood.  Born July 18, 1825 ‑ died

          Feb. 19, 1898

                  "A precious one from us has gone

                    A voice we loved is stilled,

                    A place is vacant in our home

                    Which never can be filled."

  6.  Batson, Eva Mabry, Dau. of R. H. and S. L. Batson, Born Dec. 12, 1890 ‑                            

    Died Aug. 17, 1893.

          "It was an angel that visited the green earth, and took the flower away."

  7.  Trotter, Elizabeth, wife of J  C. Trotter.  Born Nov. 17, 1825 ‑ Died June 21,

     1896.  "She died as she lived trusting in God."

  8.  Trotter, J. C.  Born May 2, 1827 ‑ Died Nov. 2, 1900

                     "Weep not, he is at rest."

  9.   10. (2 spaces)

11.   Phillips, A. J., Born Oct. 2, 1839; died June 6, 1890

          "No pain, no grief, no anxious fear

            can reach the peaceful sleeper here."

12.  Phillips, Ann Maria, wife of A. J. Phillips, born Nov. Feb. 17, 1900

             "Faithful to her trust, Even until death."

13.  Groves, Z. M., born Jan. 31, 1843, died Oct. 19, 1898

             "On that bright immortal shore,

              We shall meet to part no more.

              Weep not, he is at rest."

14.  Batson, Ann Groves, Apr. 28, 1844 ‑ May 31, 1915

              "Thy will be done."

15.  Field stone unmarked grave.


                                                -- SUTTON  --

16.  17    2 spaces

18.  19  Reserved Tracey Sutton

                            ‑‑   SUTTON ‑

20.  Sutton, Rodger,  Sept. 24, 1914 - Feb 1985

21.  Sutton, Bernice I. July 19, 1929 - Oct. 6, 1998 (Tracey Sutton Mother)


22.  Sutton,  William J.               Married                             23. Bessie

            Aug. 15, 1908                May 30,                           Aug. 31, 1910

            Feb. 8, 1976      1941                Jan. 29, 1959 

24.  Blackford, Royce    Arnold, 1934 ‑ 1941

             "Gone to be an angel."

25.  Webb, Hattie F., May 11, 1845 ‑ Mar. 1, 1925

           "How desolate our home bereft of thee."


                            ‑‑   ADERHOLT‑‑


26.  Aderholt, Nellie, Mar. 10, 1901 ‑ Nov. 19, 1934

27.  Aderholt, Alex, Mar. 17, 1887 ‑ Oct. 6, 1951

28.  ( 1 Space.)

29.  Grimes, William  Roy        June 6, 1909 - Dec 28, 1988

30.  Grimes, Edna Mae (Bentley)     August 20, 1920  --  Feb 10, 2009

31.   Rippon, Phyllis Ann Grimes     Jan. 22, 1944 - March 30, 2007

32.  (1 spaces) (Reserved for Rippon)



33.  Cunningham,  Marshall, May 15, 1906 ‑ Dec. 5, 1968     Married Mar. 13, 1927

34.  Cunningham,  Emma Fain, July 19, 1910 ‑ Sept. 9, 2000

    "We will meet again."


                                                                --  PROCTOR --

35.  Proctor,  Jeffery Donald   Oct. 4, 1962 - June 9, 1979

36.  Proctor, James Donald  (Don)   b. Sept. 19 1937  -  d. May 10, 2011

37, 38, 39, 40, 41 42, 43.     7 spaces for Donald Proctor

44.  Perry, Horace

45   Perry, Horace ‘s Wife

46.  Fain

47.  Fain

48.  Fain,  Thomas B.,  Nov. 18, 1924  --  Sept. 19, 2009

49   Fain

50.  Fain

51.  Fain

52.  Fain


Eighteenth row from Workman Garden


                                ‑‑   NEBLETT ‑‑


  1.   Neblett,  William N.  July 7, 1885 ‑ Dec. 28, 1947

  2.   Neblett,  Addie Vivrett Neblett, Dec. 2, 1885 ‑ Jan. 15, 1970

  3.   Neblett,  Irma Neblett Williams, 1888 ‑ 1974

  4.   Thompson, William E., Nov. 9, 1929 ‑ Aug. 21, 1951

  5.   Harris, James Carney, March 1, 1913 ‑ Sept. 20, 1947

  6.   7.   (2 spaces)

  8.   Davis, Pearl V., dau. of J. 0. and V. T. Davis, born May 5, 1898, died

          May 8, 1899

                     ‑‑   BLACKFORD‑

  9.  Blackford,  J. C.  April 3, 1868 ‑ Aug. 10, 1924 (FLT)

10.  Blackford,  Mary Elizabeth  April 2, 1866 ‑ Sept. 7, 1939

11.  12.  (2 spaces)

13.  Phillips, William R.   1866 ‑ 1906

14.  Hagewood, Emma Lee  1872 ‑ 1939

15.  Trotter, Jas. Bailey 1875 ‑ 1909

16.  17, 18, 19.  (4 spaces)

20.  Field stone ‑ unmarked grave

21.  22, 23, 24, 25.  (5 spaces)

26.  Jacobs, Ella, July 30, 1882 ‑ Jan. 7, 1907

           Tho lost to sight   to memory dear

27.  Pursell, James Talmage, Born Nov. 24, 1906, Died Apr. 20, 1907

         "Weep not, he is at rest."


                                ‑‑   PURSELL‑‑


28.  Pursell,  Turnor E.     1877 ‑ 1952

29.  Pursell,  Ella B.     1871 ‑ 1948

30.  Reserved for John T. Meredith He was buried in Nashville (Woodlawn)

                                B.3/13/1905  -  d. 3/1/1994

31.  Meredith, Minnie M.  b. 11 -17-1902   d. 2 -2 1087

                               ‑‑   PURSELL ‑‑


32.  Pursell,   Sterling Lewis  Aug. 30, 1910 ‑ Nov. 17, 1974

33.  Pursell,  Agnes H., Oct. 15, 1935 ‑     Married Jan. 29, 1955

              "Gone but not forgotten"

34.  35, 36.  (3 spaces)

37.  Pursell, Rev. Turnor Allen

38.  Pursell, Enza H.

39.  Pursell, Doris

40.  Davis, John W.

41.  Dickson, John Edward (Peanut)  Sept 28, 1920 – Nov 24, 2005

42.  Dickson, Frances Irene   Oct 31, 1919 - 

43, 44, Two spaces for Bobby & Matti Wyatt

45, 46, 47.   3 open spaces 

48.  Browning,  Nondon “Pa”    Dec. 18, 1922 - Feb. 3, 2000

49.  Greenup, Dustin Darrin  b Jul 19, 1985 - d. Feb 28, 2009

                “He gave so much.”

50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57      8 spaces for Browning


Nineteenth row from Workman Garden

          0ff‑set by road through cemetery

  1.   Harrell, Zelma Christy, Aug. 26, 1888 ‑ Mar. 16, 1956    Road through cemetery

  2.   Jones, Angie Mitchell  Sept. 27, 1037 - Dec. 7, 2007

  3.   Jones, Marvin  Reserved                         

  4.   Harrell, Claud D., 1885 ‑ 1920

  5.   Quick, Wayne Farrill Aug. 30, 1960  - Jan. 1993

  6.   Quick, Nancy Scotte Watkins Oct. 1, 1937

  7.   Quick, Wayne Ferrill Sept. 28, 1936



  ‑‑   HARRIS ‑‑

  8.   Harris, Isham H.  1878 ‑ 1950                                                

  9.   Harris, Eunice S.  1882 ‑ 1961                                                  

10.   (1 space)                                                                                

11.   Appleton , Lottie Jeanette, 1894 ‑ 1925                                 

12.   Appleton, Felix Ewing, 1905 ‑ 1931                                          

           "Shot by the Law for defending a Girl"

Road through middle   of cemetery



                                  ‑‑ APPLETON‑‑

13.  Appleton, Charley   1867 ‑ 1944

14.  Appleton, Bettie    1871 ‑ 1945

15.  Appleton, Gracy Childers, 1900 ‑ 1949

                       ‑‑  WEAKLEY‑‑

16.  Weakley, Martha H.    1911 ‑ 1970

17.  Weakley, Ewing S.     1906 ‑


                                ‑‑   APPLETON ‑‑

18.  Appleton, Elma W., May 26, 1898 ‑

           50‑year member of Carpenter Local No. 74

19.  Appleton, Lucy S., Aug. 20, 1909 ‑

"Memory Lane ‑‑ Married Jan. 11, 1948"

                                  -- TALLEY--

20.   (Marked with a “T”) Talley?

21.  Talley, John N. Sr.  Mar. 21, 1911  - Nov. 11, 1992

22.  Talley, Lillian M.  Nov.17, 1909 - Aug. 9, 1996


23.  Talley, John N. Jr.  Nov. 2, 1944

24.  Talley, Patricia M.  May 11, 1946

25.  26, 27   (Marked with a “T”) Talley?

28.  29.

30.  Baggett, William George  June 22, 1030 - May 29, 2003

31.  Reserved for George Baggett.                                                                                                          

32.  Reserved for Mary Jacobson.

33.  Reserved for Mary Jacobson.



Nineteenth  (A)  row from Workman Garden


        (Row 19A) is in road through Cemetery)


 1.  Comperry Baby

 2.  Comperry John

No dates

 3.  Comperry Baby

        Round homemade marker

( Per Ella Chadwick)

22.  Essary, Toyna Lee July 12, 1978 - Nov. 21, 2001

      Beloved Daughter and Sister.


25.  Hagewood , Kenneth  Dwayne   b. April 18,1964  -  d. May 23, 2008  Sam’s Hagewood  Boy     



Twentieth row from Workman Garden

      ‑‑   HAGEWOOD‑

  1.  Hagewood, William Baxter  Nov. 4, 1902 ‑ Jan. 25, 1947

  2.  Hagewood, Annie Frances  Feb. 23, 1905  - Jan. 11, 1986

  3.  Cumings, Lucy Belle   Dec. 31, 1922 ‑ March 2, 1945

  4.  Hagewood, James B. (Jim)  Sept. 30, 1946 - Oct. 24, 1985.


  5.        (1 space)

                             ‑‑   HAGEWOOD‑

  6.  Hagewood, Roger Wilson, 1917 ‑ 1922

  7.  Hagewood, Jesse Brown Hagewood, 1869 ‑ 1948

  8.  Hagewood, Ida Bell  1874 ‑ 1921

  9.  Hagewood, Mabel Elizabeth, 1900 ‑ 1909

10.  Stewart, Oliver W., 1905 ‑ 1908

11.  Hagewood, Jesse James, 1897 ‑ 1907

12.  Burney, Lady P., Dec. 18, 1885 ‑ June 20, 1919

       "Blessed are the merciful."

13.  Panscher, John, Born May 20, 1843, Died Oct. 23, 1921

"A friend to his Country and a believer In Christ."

14.  Panscher, Mary A., July 25, 1855 ‑ Mar. 31, 1928

15.  Grave marked by field stone


                              ‑‑   PURSELL ‑‑

16.  Pursell, Harris son of H. H. and A. E. Pursell, Oct. 10, 1905 ‑ Feb. 21, 1908

   "How much of light, how much of joy is buried with a darling boy."

17.  Pursell, Hiram  Oct. 2, 1900 ‑ Nov. 3, 1912

18.  Pursell, Ada E., Nov. 28, 1871 ‑ Sept. 28, 1948

19.  Pursell, H. H. (Bud), June 15, 1876 ‑ Apr. 19, 1964

20.  (1 space)

21. Carden, Rev. T. A., Born Jan. 10, 1854 ‑ Sept. 7, 1922                                                

22. Carden, Martha Bryant, Born Nov. 2, 1857 ‑ Died Jan. 1, 1940

23. Ferrell, Martha Alice, daughter of C. W. and Vista Ferrell, Born Apr. 3,

                      1921 ‑ died June 27, 1924

           "A little bud of love, To bloom with God above."

24.  25, 26, 27, 28.  (5 spaces)

29.  Grimes, Martin Luther, Oct. 25, 1890 ‑ May 9, 1945

            At Rest

30.  Grimes, Hattie M.  Feb, 18, 1891 - Oct. 14, 1987

31.  Grimes, Ruben Allen, June 16, 1956 ‑ died Feb. 8, 1975

                “He who brings sunshine to others, can not keep it from himself”

32.  33, 34   ( 2 spaces ) (Reserved for Rubin Grimes.)

 -- GRIMES --

35.  Grimes, J. Robert Apr. 30, 1960 - June 6, 1994


36.  Grimes, Letha P.    Apr. 11, 1919  -  March 10, 2005

37.  38, 39 ( 3 Space ) (Reserved for Buddy Grimes.)


40.  Neblett, Terry Lynn   May 22, 1958 - June 12, 1994



41.  (1 Space)

42.  Neblett, Betty Sue 1940 - 2001

43.  Neblett, Charles

44,  45 (2 spaces.)

46.  Ault, Gregory Allan    Dec. 26, 1977  -   Dec. 27, 2000

(Father of Chase Allan, Son of Dorothy, Fiancé of Marlissa,

      Brother of Chris & Nikki.) 

47.  48 (2 spaces for Ault.)   

49.  Walker, Peggy J. Grimes  Nov. 8,1941 - Sept. 26, 2006




Twenty ‑ first row from Workman Garden


                                ‑‑  HARRIS ‑‑


  1.  Harris, John W.    Oct. 22, 1812 ‑ June 10, 1951

  2.  Harris, Sue J.     Aug. 30, 1872 ‑ Aug. 10, 1943


                                  ‑‑ GILLUM‑


  3.  Gillum, John Ed.  1878 ‑ 1947

  4.  Gillum, Minnie Belle   1879 ‑ 1969

  5.  Grave marked with field stone; also marble slab with no name on it.

  6.  Scott, Effie B., 1885 ‑ 1955

  7.  Scott, Wesley N., 1865 ‑ 1942

  8.  Scott, Mattie Story, Aug. 3, 1865 ‑ July 20, 1912, wife of W. N. Scott.

             "She has crossed the troubled river."

  9.   10.  (2 spaces)

11.  Swift, Dr. G. H., 1822 ‑ 1908

    "A Tribute of Love"

12.  Someone is Buried here Not Known who.                                                                                                                                   

13.  Foard, Clarence S., Jr. 1912 ‑ 1912

14.  Foard, Mary E. 1909 ‑ 1912

15.  Foard, Martha H. 1877 ‑ 1917

16.  Foard, Clarence S. 1868 ‑ 1933

17.  Foard, Harry D. 1907 - 1992 Creamated and ashes buried with wife in same grave.

17.  Foard, Lillian W.  1906 - 2000 Creamated and ashes buried with husband in same grave.                                                         

                                 -- HARRIS --

18.  Father, James R. 1842 ‑ 1915

19.  Mother, M. Ann  1843 ‑ 1916

20.  Robert Emmet, son of R. E. and Pearl Harris, Dec. 22, 1908 ‑ Nov. 4, 1917


                                 ‑‑ HARRIS ‑‑

21.  Robert E. 1883 ‑ 1964

22.  Pearl E.  1888 ‑

23.  Batson, Ina Mae Soeder May 6, 1911 - Feb. 1, 1990


24.  Batson, Franklin Hughes, Dec. 18, 1941 ‑ Dec. 18, 1941

25.  Batson, Walter H., Mar. 13, 1913 ‑ Sept. 11, 1957

26.  (1 space)

                                 ‑‑   BATSON‑‑


27.  Batson, Garner, B., Feb. 1, 1907 ‑ Aug. 27, 1960

28.  Batson, Bailey, E., Oct. 12, 1909 ‑ Mar. 2, 1948

29.  Barlett, John B. Oct. 25, 1895 - Dec. 5, 1977

30.  Barlett, Donnie B. May 18, 1905 - Apr. 30, 1980

                                  ‑‑   KEELER ‑‑

31.  Keeler, Della M., 1899 ‑ 1968

32.  Keeler, James, Aug. 22, 1890 ‑ Nov. 7, 1970

      Tennessee PFC U. S. Army, World War I

33.  Keeler, Kerry K. Oct. 30, 1929 - Dec. 6, 1990


34.  Keeler, Elvira K.

35.   ( 1 space.)


36.  Armistead, David L.  Nov. 2, 1942 - Nov. 8, 1998

37.  Armistead, Martha W.  Nov. 6, 1942


Twenty‑second row from Workman Garden

  1.   (1 space)

  2.   McCormac, Jessie Nicholson June 16, 1887  - Jan. 15, 1938

“ Mother, in loving memory.”

  3.   (1 space)

     *Seven graves enclosed with iron fence, 1 space

*4.  McCormac, John, Jan. 31, 1855 ‑ Dec. 3, 1922

           "He died as he lived, trusting in the Lord."

*5.   McCormac, Phoebe Ann, Feb. 22, 1849 ‑ Dec. 30, 1916.  Age 67  years, 10 mo.,

            8 days

           "We weep for her, no tender wife

           e'er made man's fireside bright                                                                     

           with sinless heart and stainless hands,

           waiting to meet her friends to come."

*6.  P. A. M.

*7.  McCormac, James A., Dec. 30, 1877, died Sept. 19, 1878

*8.  McCormac, Alice D., Apr. 21, 1881, died Oct. 21, 1881

*9.  McCormac, Robert C., son of John and Phoebe McCormac, Born Dec. 15, 1885,

            Died Dec. 22, 1885

               "Too good for earth, God called him home."

*10. McCormac, Carl Hackett, husband of Sarah McCormac, Jan. 12, 1888 ‑ Sept. 18,

1915.     "Gone to a bright home where grief can not come."

11.  (1 space)

12.  McCloud, Ozella D., Nov. 6, 1921 ‑ Dec. 13, 1922

13.  Parker, Forrest, Kentucky PFC, 478 Ord. Evac BN World War II, July 9, 1907 ‑

            March 18, 1946

14.  Parker, Bedford F., born Jan. 24, 1865 ‑ died Mar. 13, 1926

15.  Parker, Cora E., wife of B. F. Parker, Born Feb. 7, 1875 ‑ died Apr. 24, 1924

16.  Sheppard,  John R   Aug 15, 1947 -  d. July 16, 2014

                            ‑‑   MOTHER‑‑

17.  Harris, Sally Waller, Dec. 2, 1884 ‑ Mar. 21, 1919

18.  (1 space)

19.  1 unmarked grave

20.  1 unmarked grave

21.  22.  (2 spaces)


                              ‑‑  SCOTT ‑‑


23.  Scott, James S., 1857 ‑ 1935   

24.  Scott, Nannie D.  1867 ‑ 1947

25. Wyatt, William J. Jan. 12, 1908 - Oct. 28, 1985

“Beyond the sunset. “

”Married Nov. 28 1934.”

26.  Wyatt, Lottie James, June 4, 1908 ‑ died July 11, 1975

27.  (1 space)

        -- WEAKLEY --

28.  Infant daughter of Glen and Jo Ann Weakley, June 13, 1957 ‑ June 14, 1957

29.  30 Marked with a “W”    For Glen & Jo Ann  Weakley.


-- POTTS --

31.  Potts, Leslie M.  Sept 19,  1918

       Potts, Lucille Bartlett  Cremated and buried between her Father & Mother 2006

32,  Potts, Lucille  May 26, 1927 - Sept 8, 2003

33, 34, 35     3 spaces for Potts

36.  37, 38   (3 spaces reserved for Jim Collins.)

39,  Dickson, Trent Scott  b. Jan 19, 1995  - d. Mar 30, 2015

40, 41, 42   3 spaces Reserved for Winston Devers

Road through Cemetery

43,44,45,46  reserved for Ellis Greenup


Twenty‑third row from Workman Garden


  1.   Monroe, L. G., May 25, 1851 ‑ Oct. 22, 1921 (Masonic Emblem)

           "He was a kind and affectionate husband, a fond father and a friend to all."


                         ‑‑   CREECH ‑‑                                                                                            

  2.  Creech, Hicks, 1895 ‑ 1964

  3.  Creech, Hattie, 1897 ‑ 1979

            "Gone but not forgotten

  4.  5,   (2 spaces)

  6.  7,    Bob & Nell Harris

  8.  Dunnaway, Emma Lee Batson Nov. 10, 1903 - June 20, 1994

  9.  Harris, Benny Jewel, Apr. 14, 1929 ‑ July 27, 1948

10.  Harris, Earl Batson, Nov. 26, 1931 ‑ June 13, 1943


                           ‑‑  HARRIS‑‑

11.  Harris, Faxon, Jr., Born and died, Nov. 26, 1922

12.  Harris, Mary E., Born and died Sept. 21, 1923

    Children of F. M. and Emma Lee Harris


                            ‑‑ HARRIS‑‑

13.  Harris, Sam C.    1877 ‑ 1943

14.  Harris, Clara S.   1879 ‑ 1962

15.  Harris, Faxon M., Dec. 8, 1899 ‑ Oct. 17, 1973


                           ‑‑  HARRIS ‑‑


16.  Harris,  Edgar H.   April 19, 1875 ‑ March 31, 1951

17.  Harris,  Rose Ann   Aug. 5, 1883 ‑ April 25, 1936

18.  Harris, Son ‑ Andrew D., Nov. 11, 1917 ‑ Feb. 9, 1919

19.  Unmarked grave

20.  21, 22.  (3 spaces)

23.  Coke, Katie, wife of R. D. Coke, Nov. 9, 1866 ‑ June 28, 1930

                  "Our loved one."

24.  Coke, R. D., May 15, 1863 ‑ Mar. 30, 1936

        "We will meet again."

25.  Wall, Jack B., 1894 ‑ 1956

26.  Wall, Lena E.  June 22, 1894 - Jan. 15, 1978

27.  Wyatt, Henry, infant son of William and Lottie Wyatt, July 10, 1940

28.  Wyatt, Henry J.  infant son of William J. and Lottie D. Wyatt                                              

29.  Harris, Wendy Lee, Jan. 12 ‑ Mar 26, 1960

         "Gone to be an angel."

30.  31, 32, 33, 34.  (5 spaces reserved for Bob & Nell Harris).

35.  Harris, Edgar P., PVT Co. C 11 Infantry World War I, Mar. 6,     1897 ‑ Oct. 1, 1971

36.  Harris, Alma S. 1895 - 1976

37.  Greenup, Nathan, Feb. 3, 1910 ‑ May 31, 1974

           -- PRICE--

38.  Price, Dorris Douglas Oct. 3, 1925 - Nov. 8, 1994

39.  Price, Brenda Greenup Feb. 7, 1942


40.  Greenup, Carmon E.  Aug 1, 1903 - July 3, 1987

  “MARRIED MAY 7, 1926.”

41.  Greenup, Nell C. Feb. 11, 1909 - Mar. 12, 1998


42.  Greenup, Ruth Kathleen      May 10, 1927 - Feb 18, 2006

43.  Greenup, Oliver Curwood    b. Dec. 22, 1927 - d. Dec. 30 2014                                                                                              

        Together 62 years Married Apr. 11, 1946




44.  Greenup, Ellis

45.  Greenup, Ellis

46.  Greenup, Ellis

47.  Hillrich, Dough

48.  Hillrich, Dough

49   Hillrich, Dough


Twenty-fourth row from Workman Garden

  1.   Spann, Bessie Tenie Catherine, daughter of R. E. and Susie Spann.  Born

          Dec. 9, 1900, Died Aug. 19, 1916.  "Too good for earth, God called her home."

  2.   3.  (2 spaces)

                              ‑‑   DAVIS ‑‑

  4.   Davis, G. H.  Jan. 15, 1850 ‑ Dec. 15, 1924

  5.   Davis, M. A.  his wife, Aug. 20, 1855 ‑ Feb. 28, 1926


                            ‑‑   ALLBERT ‑‑

  6.  Allbert, Maydell  1913 ‑ 1929

  7.  Allbert, Robert   1891 ‑ 1933

  8.  Allbert, Annie  1891 ‑ 1937

  9.  10, 11, 12, 13.  (5 spaces)

14.  Davis, Eliza, wife of J. B. Davis, 1883 ‑ 1935

15.  Davis, John B., 1877 ‑ 1950

16.  Smith, Orville   Feb. 1, 1930 - Jan. 2001

17.  Smith,  Melba Maloy (Harris) Nov. 13, 1932  -  Sept. 20, 2000

                          ‑‑   HODGES ‑‑

18.  Hodges, Bedford F., 1886 ‑ 1937

19.  Hodges,  Iantha B., 1888 ‑ 1976

20.  (1 space)

21.  Waller, Henry W., Father, 1886 ‑   1947

22.  Waller, Lucy E., Mother, 1887 ‑   1972

23.  Lewis, Mamie Alice Waller   Dec. 16, 1912 - Mar. 17, 1993

24.  Harris, Jack C., Jan. 21, 1930 ‑   June 15, 1951

25.  Harris, Sondra Faye, June 27, 1968 ‑ June 28, 1968

26.  Harris, Rhonda Kaye, June 27, 1968 ‑ May 17, 1969

           (Twin girls of Sondra and Jerry Harris  as told by grandmother,

    Mrs. Travis.)

27.  Harris, Theodore C. Feb. 8, 1906 - Oct. 6, 1987

28.  Harris, Lula C.  Aug. 3, 1912 - June 6, 1986



29.    (1 space)

30.  Travis,  Bobby  Nov 25, 1939 - Feb 28, 2003

31.  Travis, Wayne, Feb. 9, 1942 ‑ Apr. 17, 1970.  "At Rest."

32.  Travis, W. L. (Pappy), Aug. 30, 1949 ‑ June 18, 1971.

        "AT REST."

33.  Wallace, Sherri Travis Sept. 9, 1957 - Feb. 7 1988

                            “ AT  REST”

                              -- TRAVIS --

34.  Travis, Woodrow  L.  Aug. 8, 1913  - Feb. 7, 1988

35.  Travis, Doris B.     b. May 9, 1918  -   d. Oct. 13, 2007



Twenty-fifth row from Workman Garden                                                                                            


  1.   2, 3 4, (4 spaces)

  5.   Maxey,  Catherine Coke 1886 - 1938

  6.   Maxey,  George Wash 1884               

  7.   Williams,  Mary Ann, Dau. of Isham and Hilda Williams.  July 31 ‑ Sept. 10, 1936

  8.   Wall,  Infant daughter of Martha Sue Wall, Aug. 19, 1929


                                 ‑‑   WILLIAMS ‑‑


  9.  Williams, Henry B.  1863 ‑ 1933

10.  Williams, Betty 1875 ‑ 1959

11.  Williams, Richard N., Feb. 9, 1901, Mar. 14, 1959

12.  Williams, James Otis, May 3, 1899 ‑ April 22, 1963


                                   ‑‑   HARRIS ‑‑


13.  Harris, Gertie W., Oct. 8, 1904 ‑ Feb. 9, 1976

14.  Harris, Herbert S., July 12, 1886 ‑ Feb. 2, 1971

      Married June 26, 1921

15.  Harris, Robert C. (Bob), Feb. 9, 1941 ‑ Aug. 9, 1960

          "Asleep in Jesus, waiting for the Resurrection."

16.  Harris, Herbert C.,  Jan. 13, 1917 ‑ Sept. 19, 1940

17.  18, 19.  (3 spaces)

20.  Rice, William H., 1914 ‑ 1950

     -- LeCOURT --

21.  LeCourt, Frances R. (Becky) June 8, 1923 - Dec. 31, 1982

22.  LeCourt, Gerard L. Sept. 28, 1923 - Jan. 23, 1989

      -- HARRIS --

23.  Harris, Ann   1953 - 1992

24.  Harris, John Sidney   1930 - 1991

25.  Harris, Stacy 1966 -

26.  Harris, William Joseph   Feb. 17, 1962 - Apr. 28, 1997


27.   Harris   Betty Watts    Reserved             

28,   Harris, William Stanley    b. Feb 7, 1936  -  d. Aug 15, 2011                                       

29.   Harris  Stanley reserved


30.   Potts, Lucille, May 31, 1904 ‑                              --  POTTS --

31.   Potts, Claud, Dec. 20, 1900 ‑ Nov. 1, 1974

          "God knew you were weary, that you have had your share.

           You gently closed your eyes, He took you in his care."

32.  Ladd, Irene Potts, Jan. 14, 1929 ‑ May 31, 1973

     "Sleep, Irene, take your rest,

     We love you dearly, God loved you best."

33,34,35,36   Ellis Greenup   Reserved

Twenty-sixth row from Workman Garden


  1.   Mayfield, Roberta, July 17, 1940

  2.   Meadows, Charlie Ray  b. Sept. 3, 1935  _  d. May 24, 2010



  5.   Perry, Birdie Mai Nov. 14, 1907  -- Feb. 17, 1950                                                        

  6.   Perry, Billie Russell Feb. 19, 1933 - June 18, 1933


  7.   Coke, C.  Bobo, Nov. 5, 1878 ‑  Apr. 11, 1931

  8.   Unmarked  grave, or 1 space

                                 ‑‑ MAXEY ‑‑

  9.  Catherine Coke 1886 ‑ 1938

10.  George Wash    1884 ‑

11.  Maxey, Theodore (Bill), 1907  ‑ 1942

12.  13, 14, 15, 16,

17.  Harris,  Mildred M.  Aug 5, 1928   --   July 30, 2008

18.  Harris, George Harris Reserved for.

19.   (1 space)


                             ‑‑   MINTON ‑‑


20.   Minton, C.  W. (Bill), Mar. 8, 1888 ‑ Oct. 24, 1962

21.   Minton, Lila M., Mar. 20, 1888 ‑ Oct. 1, 1962

22.   Two buried on top of each other  Carmac Minton  & Carlene Minton. Per Tracy Sutton.

23           1 Space  ???

24.   ( 1 space) 

25.    Minton, Thomas  Feb 11, 1932  - 1982

26.     27 (2 spaces)

28.   Hagewood, Henry N. (Military Stone) Apr. 1, 1915 - Apr. 11, 1993

            “PVT. U.S. ARMY WORLD WAR TWO

29.   Hagewood, Inez B. Feb. 5, 1909 - Aug. 23, 1994         

30.   Lucas, Betty I., Oct. 27, 1918 ‑ Sept. 11, 1963

31.   Bateman, Katy P., Jan. 8, 1879 ‑ July 16, 1964.   "Beloved Mother"

32.   Swaw, Chadwick V., Aug. 22, 1967 ‑ Dec. 17, 1967

33.   Swaw, Theadore V. Aug. 8 1943  -

34.   Swaw, Theresa J. Dec. 14, 1949


Twenty-seventh row from Workman Garden

  1.  Mayfield, Birdie, Apr. 3, 1896 ‑ July 20, 1925


  2.   Mayfield, Homer Lee      June 2, 1992 -

  3.   Decker, Mable A.  1930 - 1986

  4.    (1 pine tree) , 5.  (1 pine tree marked with “H”) (5 spaces)

  6.   7.  (2 spaces)

  8.   Grave with marker, only. "Father"

  9.   10.  (2 spaces)

11.    Heggie, James Samuel, Born & Died June 18, 1946

           Marker not there!!


Twenty-eighth row from Workman Garden


  1.   McCloud, Ira 0., 1893 ‑ 1937

  2.   McCloud, Nancy Ada,     1873 ‑ 1951

  3.   McCloud, James D.,    1868 ‑ 1926

  4.    ( 1 space marked with “S”)

  5.   Hudgins, Edward Francis, (M.W.A.), 1912 ‑ 1934                                                       

  6.   Hudgins, Levannah Carroll, 1881 ‑ 1945

  7.   Hudgins, Gip E., Mar. 31, 1884 ‑ Feb. 19, 1976

  8.   Hudgins, Zenobia 1909 - 1984

  9.   King, Della M., Jan. 14, 1899 ‑ Oct. 19, 1950

10.   (1 large space) marked with a “H”

11.   Unmarked grave     (“H” marker)

13.   14, 15, 16 ( 4 spaces)

17.   King, Della M.     Jan. 14, 1899 - Oct. 19, 1950 13, 14, 15.  (5 spaces)

18.   King, George T.     Nov. 16 1896 - Sept. 10, 1981

14, 15, 16 ( 3 spaces)


                                ‑‑McCLOUD ‑‑


17.  McCloud, William F., 1894 ‑ 1952

18.  McCloud, Minnie 0.,  1895 ‑

        Married May 21, 1916

        "I thank my God upon every Remembrance of you."  Phil., 1:3

19.  McCloud, Robert 1935 - 1999    Creamated

20.  McCloud, William R., Tennessee S I, USNR World War II, July  25, 1926 ‑

          April 4, 1967

21.  McCloud, Robert Lexie,  b.Feb.7,1897 -  Jan. 5, 1975, 77 yrs. 10 mo. 28 days

22.  McCloud, Myrtle Teresa   Feb. 21, 1897 - July 8, 1986

23.  McCloud, Herbert Ray,  b. 1920 died  Feb. 19, 1975, 55 years

24.  McCloud, Ernest O.    Oct. 29 1930 - Sept. 30 1983


25.  26, 27, 28 29 ( 5 spaces)




  Twenty-ninth row from Workman Garden

  1.   Space

  2.  Brodie, Virgie Hamption    Sept. 6, 1910  -  Dec. 22, 1933 

  3.   ( 1 space )

  4.  Hodges, Ben H., Feb. 10, 1872 ‑ Aug. 6, 1939

                       "At Rest"

  5.   Hagewood, Sam Henry   Nov. 16, 1936 - Dec. 31, 2004

  6.   7   (2 spaces)

                             ‑‑ BURNEY ‑‑


  7.  Burney, Jefferson F.   1877 ‑ 1940

  8.  Burney, Ara Lee  1896 ‑ 1967

  9.  10, 11  (3 spaces)


                         ‑ ‑ HAGEWOOD ‑‑

12.  Nannie Higdon, Mar. 11, 1889 ‑ Oct. 11, 1974

13.  Jones,  Sam ,   Sept. 15, 1885   Aug. 21, 1967

           "Gone but not forgotten."

14.  Hidgon, John D., Mar. 20, 1847 ‑ Jan. 11, 1949.

        "He is at rest and not forgotten."

15.  Mills, Thomas M., Apr. 2, 1954 ‑ May 28, 1956 ‑‑ "At Rest"                                     

16.  (1 space)

17.  Mills, Harry M., Tennessee T E C  5 U. S. Army World War II, June 22, 1921 ‑

          March 14, 1963

18.  Mills, Cynthia D. (Cindy)  Feb. 25, 1981 - July 16, 1983


21.  Mills, Billy Ray   b. 1947  --  d. Dec. 5 2008   Suzie Ferguson bought 5 lots on 12/14/08  Her brother

22. 23, 24, 25,   Suzie Ferguson bought 5 lots on 12/14/08


Thirtieth row from Workman Garden

  1.   Gafford, Evelyn, Nov. 1, 1911 ‑   Sept. 12, 1934.  "Gone but not forgotten."

  2.   Marked with “U”

  3.   4, 5, 6.  (4` spaces)

                                   ‑‑   BURNEY ‑‑

  7.   Burney,  W.   Herbert, 1930 ‑ 1949

  8.   Burney,  Donia L.,   1942 ‑ 1949

                                   ‑‑   BURNEY ‑‑

  9.   Burney,  James W., Nov. 6, 1903 ‑ May 12, 1969

10.   Burney,  Carnell J., Aug. 12, 1908 ‑

"Beyond the Sunset"