Montgomery County  resident at the time of his death ca. 1838-39. Below is a copy of a Montgomery County Circuit Court record from August Term 1832 in which Samuel Shepherd appeared and described his war service in an (successful) attempt to receive a pension from the Federal Government for his service.

State of { Montgomery County Circuit
Tennessee {Court August Term 1832

On the 28th day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand and eight
hundred and thirty two personally appeared in open court before the judge
of the circuit court now sitting for Montgomery County, Samuel Shepherd a
resident of Montgomery County in the State of Tennessee aged sixty nine
years lacking one month who being first duly sworn according to law doth
on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit
of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.
That he entered the service of the United States ender the following named
officers and served as herein stated. At the time when the said Samuel
Shepherd entered the service he was a resident of the state of North
Carolina and of the county of Orange and lived about 18 miles from
Hillsboro. He was born in the 28th day of September in the year 1763 as
appears from a family record made by his father and now in his (the said
Samuel's) possession, which he believes to be correct and true. He entered
the service in the year 1780 and in the month of June as a drafted soldier
in the North Carolina line of militia and at the time he was drafted he
lived with Edward Trice who is now living and a resident of this county
and will swear to many of the facts which I shall state in this
declaration. He was drafted for a 3 months tour under Capt Ray, who was
afterwards either broke or resigned and was succeeded by his 1st
Lieutenant Horton in the command of the company. He was ordered under a
major who as well as he recollects was by the name of Nalls or Nawls, into
South Carolina under the command of General Gates and arrived at Rugeley's
Mills near Cambden about a day before the defeat of Gates. When that
disastrous battle took place he was not in the battle in consequence of
his being detached to guard the baggage waggons. But as soon as the defeat
took place, a general retreat was ordered and the rest of this sad
disaster is but too faithfully recorded in history. After returning home
and his term of service being expired, he was again drafted immediately to
suppress and hold in check the tories in South Carolina. His captain's
name was Mark Patterson and his General Malbandy or some such a name. He
was a Frenchman or of French descent. This was a horse company and the
tour only of 2 months duration. Whilst out on this tour there was a battle
at Lindley Mill between the whigs and tories in which he (the said Samuel)
had a brother killed, but he was not in it himself. He was in a skirmish
which took place between the whigs and tories at Cocke's Mills a short
time after the battle at Lindley's mills in which he took an active part
and in the pursuit of the Tories he was very near capturing the Tory Col.
whose name was Fanning. He pursued him more than a mile but the Col's
horse proved the fleetest and he escaped. Cocke's mill sootd on Deep River
and Lindley's on Hawe River. Then he served another tour as a drafted
soldier under Captain Benjamin Herndon the object being the same to hold
the tories, who were very numerous in check. The Major's name and Col's
not recollected in this tour of 2 months (Colonel O'Neal was an officer
whilst he was on duty upon the first 2 months tour mentioned which he did
not recollect at the time of speaking about it.). There was no fighting
that he could recollect whilst under Capt. Herndon. The next and last tour
he served in a troop of horse under Capt. Billy Douglas and seldom were
out of Orange County, the tories being so numerous there that als the time
of the troop was occupied in keeping them in subjection. This also was a 2
months tour and he was drafted soldier. No fighting took place of any
note. The company was however continually on the alit[?] reconnoitering
the county and frustrating the schemes of the Tories. The county through
which he marched was principally upon Haws and Deep Rivers. He while under
General Malbandy arrived at Guilford Courthouse the evening after the
battle between Cornwallis & Greene. This officer was his General in the
two first named 2 months tours as well as he now recollects. The other
orricers names now remembered is the Baron de Globuck and General Butler.
He states that Malberdy did not join Greene at Guilford but that he might
have been of [?] service to him if [?] done so. He was no documentary
evidence to prove[?] his service and no discharge. The facts stated are
true but his recollections of the dates of service after the first tour of
duty is very indistinct owing to the great lapse of time that has
intervened and the belieft that it would never be necessary. His only
witness now living, that he knows of is Edward Trice who served with him
one tour and knows of his having served all for he was in the neighborhood
and a part of the tour his house was his home. He hereby relinquishes
every claim to a pension or amnesty[?] except the [?] and declares that
his name is not on the Pension Roll of any States or Agency of any States.
Samuel Shepherd
Sworn to and Subscribed in open
Court the day & year afsd. D ? Man Clk.

We Rbt. McCorkle, Clergyman residing in the county of Montgomery & State
of Tennessee, and Edward Trice residing in the same are well acquainted
with Samuel Shepherd who was subscribed and sworn to the above
declarations that we believe him to be 69 years of age lacking one month.
That he is reported and believed in the neighborhood where he lives to
have been a soldier of the Revolution and that we concur in that opinion.
Sworn to and subscribed in open ct.Robert McCorkle
This day & year afsd. D ? Man ClkEdward Trice

Additional information may be found at


Submitted by Roger L. Smith   roger@ERC.MsState.Edu

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