James Hamlett
War of 1812 Soldier

 b. 11/25/1795 North Carolina
d.. 5/2/1887  92 years old  Buried Greenwood Cemetery Clarksville, Tn.Came to Tennessee  when he was 10 years old.

Goodspeed History of Tennesee states that James was a soldier of the War of 1812.

Story goes:  General Andrew Jackson was riding thru Tennessee on way to southern Kentucky and the surrounding areas to negotiate Indian treaties.  During these trips he was greeted by many crowds of people.  James Hamlett's home was on the Nashville Road and hearing Gen'l Jackson was passing by, he joined other to wath Gen'l Jackson. He took along with him his 6 year old son named Andrew Jackson Hamlett.  As Jackson approached, James called out to him; "Gen'l Jackson I have named my son in your honor."  As was his custom, the Gen'l handed the child a 50 cent peice, dated 1832 saying as he did so "Raise your son to be as brave as his father, who helped me whip the British at New Orleans."

                                   Greenwood Cemetery

Submitted by Steven L Strain Modern email-

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