Married Sept. 6. 1891

No. 6501 _


Indigent Pension

Name Blanch Smith

Filed Sept. 22. 16

Widow of M. F. Smith

14 Tenn Inf.

Card Sept. 22. 16







All blanks on this filing to be filled by the Pension Board.




The Widow’s Pension Law, passed by the Tennessee Legislature, provides for the widows of soldiers only, and they must have been residents of the State of Tennessee for three years before making application.

There is the only class of Widow’s pensionable.

Widow must have married prior to 1890.

To be eligible the applicant must have remained a widow after the death of her soldier husband, and must be indigent.

Read the questions in the application carefully and answer them fully.

Read the law, and unless you come clearly under the laws it will be useless to file application.

The Board Meets on the second Tuesday in January, April, July and October.

Questions for Applicant


Montgomery County. ý

Blanch Smith Of said State and County, desiring to avail herself of the pension allowed to Indigent Widows of Soldiers, under the Act of General Assembly, approved April 1905, being Chapter 202 of the Acts of 1907; Chapter 18, Acts of 1909; and Chapter 7, Acts of 1911, hereby submits her proofs, and after being duly sworn true answers to make to the following questions, deposes and answers as follows:

1. What is your full name, and where do you reside? (Give State, County and Post Office)

Blanch Smith, Montgomery County Tennessee

2. How long have you been a resident of this State? All of my life

3. When and where were you born and what was your maiden name? Tennessee

Blanch Payne

4. When and where was your husband born-state his full name, and where you and he married, and who performed the marriage ceremony? (Attach certified copy marriage license in every case) Born Tennessee

Aug 4th 1842 McFerrin Smith Near Rose Hill

Tenn, J. T. Southall J.P. Married us at the home of Ed Poweres

5. When and where and in what company and Regiment did your husband enlist or serve during the war between the States?

6. How long did your husband serve in said Company and Regiment?

7. When and where did your husband’s Company and Regiment surrender?

8. Was your husband present at the time and place when his Company and Regiment surrendered?

9. If not with his command at surrender, state clearly and specifically where he was, when he left his command, for what cause and by what authority?

10. Was your husband a pensioner or an applicant for pension, under the laws of Tennessee? See 11.314

11. Have you heretofore applied for a pension in this State? No

12. When and where did your husband die? Aug 20, 14, At home Montg Co. Tenn

13. At the time of you husband’s death, were you living with him as his lawful wife? I Was

14. Have you married since the death of your soldier husband? No

15. How many children did you have by your said husband? Give sex and age at this time. 5

1 Girl 4 boys, Girl 24. Boys 1-22. 1-20, 1-18. 1-15 years old

All of my children has left me except 2 youngest

16. What property, real or personal, or income do you possess, and its gross value? 20 Acres

land Worth $300.00 1 Cow 30.00 1 old mule $40.00

My children have no property (They are poor)

17. What property, real or personal, did you possess at the death of your husband or did he leave you, and what disposition if any, by sale or gift, have you made of the sale? The above 20 acres of old land, With a mortgage on it of 300.00 made

borrowed money. That husband & I have. I have not been able to pay for ????? or interest yet

18. Have you a family? If so, who compose such family? Give their means of support. Have they any lands or other property?

Yes, my 2 two youngest boys no I ???????????, of all the property we have in this ???????

19. Name some friend, giving his name and postoffice address who will be willing to have us write to him about your case if necessary. C. T. Shadin J.P. Woodlawn Tenn, Rt No1

Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the

5th Day of Sept. 191 6 Blanche Smith

Alex Baynham Indian Mound

Of Montgomery County Tennessee

Notary Public R.F.D. No1 box 37, Stewart County

Lives in Montgomery, but gets her mail Stewart Co. Tenn

Questions for Witnesses


Montgomery County. ý

I Ed B. Powers Of said State and County, having been presented as a witness in support of the application of Mrs. Blanch Smith

For a pension under Chapter 202, Acts of 1905; Chapter 103, Acts of 1907; Chapter 18, Acts of 1909; and Chapter 7, Acts of 1911, and after being duly sworn true answers to make to the following questions, deposes and answers as follows:

1. What is your name and what is your postoffice address? Ed B. Powers Woodlawn Tenn. Route No.1 Box 82

2. Are you acquainted with the applicant, Mrs. Blanch Smith I am _

If so, how long have you known her? I have known her all of her life

3. Where does she reside, and how long and since when has she been a resident of this State? To my

knowledge, she has lived in Tenn all her life

4. When and where was she born? About the time of her birth I don’t remember

(born Mont Co Tenn)

5. Were you ever acquainted with her husband? I have known him all of my life

6. When and by whom were they married? 6th Sept 1891 at my home by J. T. Southall J. P.

7. Were either or both of you present at the marriage? I was present and saw them married

8. How long did you know him? All of my life

9. When and where did enlist in the war between the

States, and in what company and Regiment did he enlist, and how do you know this?

10. Were you a member of the same Company and Regiment at the close of the war?

11. How long did he perform regular military duty?

12. When and where was his Company and Regiment surrendered?

13. Were you with the command when it surrendered?

14. Was , the husband of the applicant present?

15. If not present, where was he?

16. When and where did he leave his command?

For what cause?

By whose authority did he leave?

How do you know all this? (State fully and clearly)

17. When and where did at his little home Aug 20, 1914 die?

18. Where did he reside at his death, and how long had he been a resident of Tennessee at his death? At home

all of his life, except for 4 years in Army C.S.A.

19. Do you know of your own knowledge that applicant is the lawful widow of Yes I do

20. Has she remained unmarried since her soldier husband’s death, and is she now his widow? Yes

21. What property, effects or income has the applicant, if any, and do you know this of your own knowledge?

I live in 1 mile of Mrs. Blanch Smith. I am satisfied

she is very needy, She has 20 acres land (a poor ???? farm) 1 cow, 1 old mule.

Has applicant conveyed any property, in the last two years or given any away, if so, what was it, and to whom?

She did not have any to give away, only that stated

above Her land has a mortgage on it & not paid yet.

Note. -- Let the witness who can answer the greatest number of questions do so; then let the other witness state in the space below how much of the testimony of the first witness he concurs in, and whether or not he can answer any of the questions not answered by the first witness.

I, T. J. Powers, live close to M. F. Smith & wife Blanch,

I am satisfied the statements & answers made by Ed B. Powers are true

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 16th Ed B. Powers

day of Sept 5th 191 6

Alex Baynham T. J. Powers

Notary Public Witnesses

The Following Certificate of the County Trustee Must be Filled Out Whether the Applicant Owns

Any Taxable Property – or Not

I, Trustee of County, Tennessee

Hereby certify that the property assessed on the tax books of this County to Mrs.

The widow of acres amounts to $

Real estate and $ personal Trustee

For County, Tenn.

Certificate of Clerk of Court or Notary Public.


Montgomery County. ý

I, Alex Baynham clerk or Notary Public, in and for said County, hereby

Certify that the applicant, Mrs. Blanch Smith Resides in said county, and has been

A bona fide resident of this State since the her birth day of to the present Sept 5 191 6 , and that the wit-

nesses Ed B. Powers T. J. Powers

are of trustworthy character, and that their statements are entitled to full faith and credit.

I do further certify that before answering the foregoing questions, the applicant and said witnesses took the oath herein prescribed, and the full text of the affidavits was read to the applicant and witnesses before the same was signed and subscribed.

Witness my hand and official seal this 5th day of Sept 191 6

My Commission

(SEAL) Alex Baynham

Expires July 1917 Notary Public Montgomery County, Tenn

Note –1. Before any questions are answered, the Clerk or Notary shall swear the applicant and the witnesses in the following words: "you do solemnly swear that you will true answers make to each of the questions asked of you, and the evidence you shall give will be the whole truth; so help you God."

  1. Additional affidavits may be attached, if blank spaces are insufficient.
  2. All affidavits must be made before an officer using a seal.
  3. Only widows who were the wives of soldiers need apply – and are now widows. Those married since December 31, 1889, not entitled.
  4. Two witnesses are necessary to make out claims.
  5. Attach certified copy marriage license in every case, or certificate of County Court Clerk, under seal, that license is filed in his office duly certified by officiating minister, or the affidavit of the officiating minister, or the affidavit of a witness of the ceremony, or the affidavit of two witnesses who knew them as man and wife, prior to January 1, 1890, and knew they were living together on the date of his death.