Miss Powers' Scrapbook

Reception Held in Bowl

    One of the most colorful and attractive features of commencement week was the reception in the Bowl Tuesday afternoon given by the Freshman Class and the Faculty of Austin Peay Normal  honoring the Senior Class and their visiting friends.
    For an hour the Bowl was a mass of color ever varying and changing as the many colored organdie dresses and white trousers moved gracefully here and there.  All cares of the day were laid aside, and the Bowl for a time rang with merriment.  However, amith this gala occasion there was a tinge of sadness which accompies the going out of all graduating classes.'
    On the rim of the Bowl back of the bower of pink roses and larkspur tables were artistically arranged from which was served a dainty and delcious ice course.  Pastel tirts were carried out in the service as well as in the refreshments.  Mrs. Wallace with her committee from the Freshman Class and the faculty, served the guest in a most attractive and efficient manner.
    Conspicious among those present were Dr. Claxton and Mrs. Claxton, Dean Harvill and Mrs. Harvill, who moved from group to group with a kindly greeting for all.  Presumably, two hundred were present at this initial Junior-Senior festivity.


Submitted by Sandra Stacey-  Thank you!

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