Miss Powers' Scrapbook
Missionary Society Meets With Mrs. Jarrell
The young people's missionary society of the
St. Bethlehem Methodist church met this week with Mrs. Henry Jarrell.
Miss Annie Smith presided in the absence of Miss
Elizabeth Bellamy, president. The opening song was "Tell Me the
Story of Jesus" and Marie Riggins led in prayer. Mrs. O. E. Hall,
Jr., spoke on "Steps that Christians should take Against the
Movies." An interesting chapter from " The Sound of Trumpets' was
told by Mrs. Frank Woodward.
An ice cource was served by the hostess assisted by
her mother, Mrs. Fannie McBride.
Visitors present were: Mesdames Clay Lewis,
Eddie Slaughter, Dinah Jacobs, Josie Stafford and Miss John Power, Alec
Stafford and Rev. O. E. Hall.