Miss Powers' Scrapbook

Montgomery County Organization Hosts at Tea
July 14, 1930

Monday afternoon the Montgomery County Organization entertained the faculty and student body of the Austin Peay normal  with an informal tea in the cafeteria at Howell school.  Large art baskets, containins a tasteful arrangement of Queen Anne's lace, sun flowers and hardy phlox, were used to decorate.  The guest were received by Mesdames Carolyn Ridgeway and Della Hudson, Misses Lucile Weker, Sara Cooper, Pear Lyle, Hazel Chadwick and George Caroland.
    Miss Verda Williams presided over a varied program of interesting numbers, including a piano solo by Miss Louise Kerr, a tap dance by Jack Frost, a musical number by Billy Ozment and Cora Sadler.  Two humorous readings were given by Mrs. C. V. Fry and Miss Irene Bourn.
    The amusing part of the program was the clever "take off" on each member of the faculty, emphasizing their chief characteristic.  Those taking part were Mabel Kennedy as Mr. McCord; Sara Abenathy, Mrs. Harvill; John Power, Miss Lacy; Mrs. Boyer, Dr. Jackson; Sadie Pollard, Mrs. Jackson; Verda Broome, Miss Huff; Suzanna Roberts, Mr. Moffit; Mrs. Hambaugh, Mrs. Kerr; Brown McCord, Mr. Woodward; Margaret Walker, Miss Jackson; Pauline Cooper, Miss Wallace;Ashley Dabbs, Mr. Bond; Christian Webb, Miss Tanner; Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Belle; Maude Yarbrough, Mr.  Nicholson; Louise Lyle, Miss Buchanan; Mrs. Russell, Mr. Grayden; Teresa Wilson, Mrs. Morrow;  Nannie Swift, Mr. Alden; Hattie Minor, Mrs. Johnson; Mec Ussery, Mr. Massie; Elizabeth Bellamy, Miss Brown; Mrs. Stetson Harvey, Mr. Howell; Sara Rollow, Brown McCord, Ruby Perrty , Mrs. Williams.
    Mrs. M. W. Boyer and Miss Sadie Pollard as Dr. and Mrs. Jackson received the prize for the best impersonation.
    Under the direction of Mrs. T. M. Lunderman tea was served to the two hundred and fifty guest by the folowing girls:  Misses Helen Weems, Ruth Edmondson, Elizabeth Bumpus, Frances Kennedy, Eloise McKinnon.
    The program was arranged by the following committee:  Mrs. Porter Powell, Chairman; Misses Margaret Walker, Sara Cooper, John Power, Mesdames Carolyn Ridgeway, Della Hudson, William Lyle.  Miss Grace Leech was chairman of the decorations committee.

Submitted by Sandra Stacey-  Thank you!

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