Miss Powers' Scrapbook
Observation Day Program
Is Set for Friday
Thirteen schools will be represented by their teachers in the observation day to be held at the Ringgold school in District 3 next Friday. An interesting program in which many of the visiting teachers will appear has been arranged, consisting mostly of demonstration work.
The best teachers include Miss John Power, Miss Edith Young and Miss Katherine Royster. The visiting teachers will be Misses Annie Comperry, Thema Seay, Dora Broadbent and Mrs. O. C. Rawlings, I.O.O.F.; Miss Sarah Abernathy, Grace Chapel; Miss Kate Chester, Miss Louise Elliott, Denwood: Allen Pursell, Wilmouth; Mrs. Harry Lyle and Miss Louise Waters, Liberty; Miss Thelma Douglas and Gladys Metcalfe, Sunnyview; Mrs. Annie Sykes and Misses Robbie Riggins and Estelle Walker, Dotsonville; Miss Hattie Minor, Mrs. William Hambaugh, Mrs. T. A. McDaniel and Mrs. Robert Wyatt, New Providence; Misses Marie Pardue, Myrtle and Mollie Rossoter, Shiloh; Miss Mary Florence Betz, Margaret Walker, Naomi Smith and Julia Wall, Salem; Mrs. J. D. Sadler and Miss Katie Elliott, Port Royal, and Misses Pattie Marshall and Susie McCarty, White Chapel.
January 7, 1930.
Quite a success.