R. W. Nixon 

"Elder R. W. Nixon was born in Hanover County, North Carolina, May 3, 1799, where he lived till about twelve years of age.  His father, Col. Richard Nixon, then emigrated to Bertie County, in the same state, and while living there, had his son placed in the Military Academy at West Point.  In 1821, his father came to Tennessee.
Here the son married, in 1822, Miss S. C. Whitfield, daughter of Needham Whitfield, Esq., of Montgomery County, an early friend of your grandfather, mentioned in a former chapter.  After his marriage he changed his place of residence to Brownsville, Tennessee, and sold goods for some time in that place.  In 1827, he returned to Montgomery County and settled near his father's wife.  He made a profession of religion in 1828, and was baptized by your grandfather, as a member of the Spring Creek Church.  In 1830, he commenced preaching, and in 1831 was ordained to the ministry by your grandfather, and Elder Robert Rutherford.
Some years after, when your grandfather resigned the pastorate of this church, Elder Nixon was chosen his successor, and continued his pastoral care, until 1857, when he removed to Lauderdale County, Tennessee.  "Besides his pastoral care," says a friend and brother, "he rode and preached extensively as a missionary for the Bethel Association some three years.  He spoke of his labors in that department with great satisfaction."  After his settlement in Tennessee, he was pastor of several churches and also a missionary, under the patronage of the West Tennessee Baptist Convention.
He died of pneumonia, March 14th, 1881, in the seventy-second year of his age, after an illness of twelve days, during which he suffered exceedingly, often trying in vain to sing some familiar hymn.
"Elder Nixon loved to preach; it was his constant thought.  He frequently said: "A preacher ought to love his work."  His talent for preaching was above mediocrity.  The order and systematic arrangement of his sermons were superior.  His thoughts were well arranged, and presented to his hearers with a force and energy that arrested attention."
The Life and Times of Elder Reuben Ross, James Ross, 1882

"Rev. Richard W. Nixon, age 70 years, died March 4, 1871, of pneumonia, at his home in Lauderdale County, TN.  He was pastor of Spring Creek Baptist Church (in Montgomery County)."
Clarksville Tobacco Leaf, March 29, 1871, page 2.

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