Rocky Hill School
Sandra J. Stacey
February 20, 2000
Rocky Hill School was a black rural school built around 1911. The Students came from the farming communities of Lafayette, Kentucky and Woodlawn, Tennessee to attend this school. Rocky Hill was a frame five room building that sat on one acre of land. This school had two toilets and a cistern for its source of water. Most of the schools in the early years had no toilets or water. The students generally went to a spring on neighboring property to get water. Toilet needs were preformed behind a bush. The schools were usually one-room buildings. So Rocky Hill School seemed to be better off than most schools during this time period. Students attended grades 1 – 8 here.
Since this was a farming community it was only natural that the students would have agriculture classes. During the 1940 – 1941 school year, the school bought twenty-one chicks for the students to raise. Thirteen of the chickens lived. Two pigs were also bought for $2.50. The students sold them at the end of the year for $15.00. A garden was put in, and the students agreed to take care of it in the summer.
Some of the teacher’s who taught at Rocky Hill were:
Rocky Hill School Plant Survey
Submitted by Sandra Stacey, Clarksville, Tennessee.
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