Early Clarksville
Photo Album


Howell High School Band

Students pictured: Front Row- L to R
3 Mary Ann Hayes
5 Henry Chandler
6 Frank ("Chigger") Ruble
11 Billy Trotter

2nd Row- L to R
1 Jack Slaughter
2 Billy Ranlin
3 Mary Louise Hopper
5 Lynn Gresham
6 Frank Runyon
7 Billy Good
9 Janice Phillips
10 Charles Winn 12 Melvin Maynard, Jr.
14 Bobby Thompson

3rd Row- L to R
1 Nell Chester
3 Morton Shrader
6 Joy Goodlett

4th Row L to R
1 Finis Gray (Bass Horn)
2 Jimmy Bailey
3 John Howard Blue
6 Paul Meek
7 Stanley Baggett
End Pete Williams, Bandmaster

If you know any of the students who are not identified above, let me know so they can be added to the list.

Submitted by Jim Bailey

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