Montgomery County School Histories

Old School News


Various newspaper editions


From: The Clarksville Star


Nov.15,1927-- Honor Roll at Grange Hall School, district 22:

        Henry Clay James                                Homer Herald

        Verda Mai Harvey                                Ruby Lee Grant

         Lillian Sinks                                         Thelma Jones

         Lily Mae Baggett                                  Jewell Batson

         Henry Baggett                                      Mary Ellen Davis

         Mabel & Mary Herald                           Louise Batson

         Marie Grant


From: The Clarksville Star


Nov.5,1927--Honor Roll at Salem School:

          J.G Corlew                                            Lauren Black

          James Sensing                                       Lewis Hinton

           Lauren Atkins                                       Maidel Parker

           Frank Dowlen                                        Irma Atkins

           Julia Hinton                                            Mary Hinton

           Mabel Sensing                                       Lola Parker

           Jack Dowlen                                           Elizabeth Bumpus

           Louis Cocke                                           Elliott Parker


From: The Clarksville Star


May 16,1924--Beginning Friday afternoon the rural students of the county will cross over the threshold between the first nine months school term in the history of the county and a solid three months of vacation, the only regrettable feature about it to the kids being that it is to be a three month instead of a four month vacation to which they have been accustomed. Examinations are now in progress in all the schools outside Clarksville and reports will be given next Friday morning.

The high school graduates of Southside include: Wayne Parker, John H. Batson, Phillip Lyle, Margaret Workman, and Mary Gannaway.

The pupils slated to receive elementary certificates include: Roy Batson, Bailey Trotter, Irvin Davis, Paul Thompson, William Wyatt, Virginia Thompson, Robbie Waller, Emma Lee McCormack, Nannie Batson, and Martha Williams.

May 23,1924--Certificates for three years of high school work were given with six graduates of Union School Friday night. Miss Priscilla Nolen, Miss Rena Averitt, Mr. Griffie Schmittou, Miss Minnie Chapman, Miss Jennie Mary Myers, and Mr. Alfred Chapman. Mr. Chapman was valedictorian and Miss Nolen was salutatorian.

A pleasing program was given in connection with these exercises. Miss Averitt read the class history. Mr. Schmittou, the prophecy. Miss Chapman, the will and Miss Myers, the poem. Mr. Schmittou, accompanied by Miss Nolen, played two violin numbers.

The commencement address was made by Mr. Geoffrey Weakley, a former graduate of Union who is principal of a high school in the state of Louisiana.

Including the present class, 25 young women and 7 young men have graduated from Union and all are doing well in their chosen vocation.

The primary excreises were held Thursday and the presentation of the play “The Ole Deestrict Skule” Saturday. The smaller pupils, under the careful training of the teachers, Miss Oma and Nannie Sugg, gave a most delightful entertainment.

Union has had a good year without a failure to record among the high school students. Under the capable instruction of Miss Hazel Smith, a graduate of Middle Tennessee Normal School, who was added to the teaching force last fall, splendid work has been done in all departments.


From: Daily Leaf Chronicle


Feb.24,1921--The following program was rendered at Oak Ridge School Tuesday afternoon, Feb.22. A number of patrons and young people were present. Everyone had a delightful time and felt well paid for the time they lost from their work.


Words of welcome--Pauline Hiter

Song “Once More We Celebrate”--Bertie Baggett, Laura Bell Baggett,

                           Effie Underwood, Annie Mai Sanders, and Avie Sanders.

Biography of George Washington--Bertie Baggett

Something Better--Rosa Lee Cunningham

Washington and His Hatchet--Bartee Baggett

Let Us Smile--Malinda Baggett

Birthington’s Washday--Rosa Mai Hall

Washington’s Rival--Sam Wickham

The Flag--Nina Pearl Black

Her Part--Bessie Yarbrough

A Small Boy--Herschel Smith

Song “History Dates”--Avie Sanders

The Best--Malinda Baggett

Something Just As Good--Dudley Baggett

An Awkward Age--Louie Yarbrough

Washington’s Birthday At Aunt Matilda’s--

                    Aunt Matilda Johnson a colored woman--Samantha Yarbrough

                    George Washington Johnson, her grandchild--Lillian Baggett

                    Martha Washington Johnson, her grandchild--Easter Cunningham


From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


Dec.2,1925--Honor Roll for Nov.1925 at the Lone Oak School:

          Sara Elizabeth Armistead       Pearl Dawson

          Sallie Wyatt Miner                 Pauline Underwood

          Emma Lee Castleberry          Helen Minor

          Irene Dawson                         Clemmie Minor

          James Huggins                        James Minor

          Lillie May Nicks                     Joe Minor

          Laura Nicks                            Louise Baggett

          Jemina Pritchett                      Sara Baggett

          Elizabeth Yarbrough               Irene Davis

          Lauren Black                          James Mills Yarbrough

          Lucy Moorefield                    Dorris Davis

          Julia Harris                             Delma Pritchett

          Fred Baggett


From: Clarksville Leaf


Oct.7,1922--The Southside School in the first month-22 high school pupils and 113 in the grades, making a total of 135. The average daily attendance was 109 and the percent of attendance was 94.

The entire class of 5 boys who graduated from this school last term and two other Southside boys entered the Clarksville High School this fall.

The September Honor Roll:

1ST year--Maria Gillum, Lucy Harris, Edna Workman, and Alice Mae Hodges.

2ND year--Phillip Lyle, Estelle Batson, Martha Harris, Leon McCloud, Margaret

               Workman, and Ruby Tilley.

3RD year--Esther Gillum, Mary Gannaway, and Donie Batson.


7TH year--Louise Batson.

6TH year--Mabel Batson, Zenobia Hudgins, and William Wyatt.

4TH year--James Waller Harris, Ina Mai Batson, Sarah Batson, Lucile Cushman,

               Lewis Purcell.

3RD year--Carlean Minton, Walter Batson, and Alfred Mayfield.

2ND year--Evelyn Meadows, Leroy Hudgins, Lola Hodges, Sarah Harris,

                Inas M.Mayfield, Ethel Mayfield, Delmer McCormac, and

                Lewis Plummer.

One of the first steps the school has taken is employing a janitor. This is due to the efforts of the Principal, J.L. Meadows, who secured the cooperation of patrons and pupils with the teachers in financing the work.

During the first month, Supt. A.W. Jobe paid the school a visit and inspected the building for needed repairs and in a few days the repair man, H.G. Dunlavy, came out and began the work. He will have to make a second trip to complete the job.


From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


Oct.13,1932--Honor Roll at Salem School:

1ST - Billy Bumpus 2ND - Angelyn Edmondson

3RD - Walter Bedwell 5TH - Furman Parker

8TH - Louis Coke, Virginia Easley, Ronald Waggard, Ina Orgain,

        Dorothy Petway.

High School-- 2ND year- Elinor Abernathy, May Bumpus, Maidel Parker.

1ST year- Louis Hinton, Irma Orgain, Elizabeth Yarbrough.

Teachers-- Mrs. Cuyler Dunbar, Miss Mary Hysmith, Miss Naomi Smith,

                  Mrs. Wilton Moore.


From: Daily Leaf Chronicle


Honor Roll at Hackberry School:

Nov.1921-- Frances Hollis 95; Claytie Davidson 93; Herbert Davis 91;

                    Claude Jackson 91; Dorris Davis 91; L.D. Kelly 90.

Dec.1921-- Edward Jackson 95; Raymond Powell 95; Claytie Davidson 94;

                   Herbert Davis 93; Frances Hollis 93; Evie Jackson 92;

             Norman Powell 91; Claude Jackson 91; and Robert Perry Jackson 90.


From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle


Jan.5,1923-- Honor Roll for Antioch School:

2ND grade - Woodrow Monroe, Carney Haynes, Lillian Suiter, Lucille Byard,

                  Nora Blackwell.

3RD grade - Robert Haynes, Emuel Byard, James Hiter, Roselle Blackwell,

                  Kitty Suiter, Elizabeth Hiter.

4TH grade - Ola Suiter, Ada Rose, Clarence Johnson.

6TH grade - Addie Monroe


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