Montgomery County Marriage Records
Page Two
If you have Marriage Records for your Montgomery County family that you would like to contribute, please e-mail me and tell me a little about them. All families with Montgomery County roots are welcome and encouraged to submit their records. The only restriction is that one of the persons listed in the Marriage Record must have lived in Montgomery County at one time. Be sure to include your e-mail address. All entries are listed in groups by submitters and followed by the e-mail address of the submitter. Thank you for your willingness to help make the Montgomery County pages a valuable asset for online research.
Listed are marriages found in three separate sources. These sources include the Early Montgomery County, Tennessee, Marriages, from the "Ansearchin'" News published by the Tennessee Genealogical Society, 1968; Early Marriage Records compiled from Clarksville, Montgomery County, Tennessee Newspapers
GROOMS- with Trotter Surname | BRIDES |
1839 James N. | Married Lavina Whittington |
1845 Joseph | Winnie Jones |
1847 Green B. ` | Paralie Patterson |
1855 Elijah | Mary Ann Dawson |
1856 Benjamin | Elizabeth Brunwell |
1863 James M. | Louisa Harris |
1865 Slyvan | Elizabeth H. Lee |
1866 Jerona | Sarah E. Trotter |
1871 Daniel | Jenny Jones |
1871 James E. | Lucy A. Bumpus |
1873 J.N. | Arvie Saunders |
1873 Jobe | B.H. Harper |
1874 John W. | Amanda Jones |
1876 W.P. | Paralie Jones |
1876 Joseph | Tennie Bagwell |
1880 G.W. | Sallie Davis |
1880 J.A. | Bedian Jones |
1881 James | Allice Swift |
1886 Elijah | Mrs. Olive McDermet |
1891 Thomas | Amanda Ramy |
1892 Matthew | Rebecca Bridges |
1892 R.W. | V.A. Green |
1896 Phineas | Emma Hodges |
1896 Ches | Nancy Rogers |
1901 William | Iva Harper |
1901 J.P. | Hattie Pruett |
1903 H.T. | Mary L. Davidson |
1904 Joseph | Scottie Powers |
1906 Sawney | Rachel Holmes |
1906 Robert | Lena Davis |
1908 James B. | Emma Lee Phillips |
1909 Orville | Lillian Scott |
1910 Chess | Martha Allen |
1912 Tom | Lizzie Williams |
1912 Elisha | Ethel Fox |
1916 Perry | Chloe Plummer |
1920 Lige | Ida Potts |
1920 Boyd | Annie M. Dean |
1920 J.J. | Martha Edwards |
1921 Edgar | Ella Pollard |
1922 Walter | Pearl Suiter |
1925 Flint | Beartice Terry |
1926 Tom | Carrie Irvin |
1931 Oscar W. | Ola Miller |
1931 Herman | Precious Jackson |
1935 Garner | Mary Bumpus |
1936 Jno | Cora Lee Hughes |
1937 Thomas | Sallie Bosley |
1941 Glenn | Mrs. Christine Ferrell |
1942 Thomas Richard | Louise Dawson |
1948 Donald P. | Dorothy Jean Newhouse |
1953 Seamon Curtis | Ruby Jesse Colyer |
BRIDES- with Trotter Surame | GROOMS |
1847 Elizabeth | Samuel Yarbrough |
1847 Mary Ann | W.G. Shelton |
1865 Martha | Isham Jones |
1866 Missouri A. | Thomas Morrison |
1870 M.F. | E.H. Jones |
1872 Virginia | James O. Davis |
1873 Mary | B.F. Brown |
1874 Martha | George H. Davis |
1876 Eliza | W.D. Harper |
1876 Sarah | Joseph Baggett |
1878 Tennessee | J. T. Matthews |
1879 Eliza | William Cantrill |
1880 Bettie | J. M. Langford |
1885 Isabell | William Lisenbee |
1885 Sally L. | R. H. Batson |
1888 Lucy | George Johnson |
1892 Arena | J. H. Holmes |
1893 Dora | Salamon Rainey |
1893 Luvina | Richard Morrison |
1898 Katie | J.M. Evans |
1899 Jane | Ben Beaumont |
1900 Lena | Stewart Schmittou |
1900 Sallie | Thomas Golliday |
1900 Martha F. | Burr Hinton |
1901 Nannie E.W. | W.E. Holly |
1902 L.L. | J.W. Bridges |
1903 B.A. | C.R. Weakley |
1907 Sallie | Will Rives |
1907 Mollie | Hezekiah Baggett |
1907 Katie | Thell Harvey |
1907 Bertha | Joseph L. Dean |
1907 Pearl | Emmett Harris |
1908 Lucy | Henry Waller |
1911 Gussie | C.F. Grant |
1913 Myrtle | George Britt |
1913 Chattie | Calvin Adkins |
1916 Vallie | J. Hendricks Majors |
1916 Inez | Monroe Underwood |
1916 Lela | Horace Blackwell |
1917 Martha | Emmett Martin |
1917 Verdie | Rome Hicks |
1917 Anna | T. Eugene Rubel |
1919 Clara | Thurman Scott |
1920 Lena | Tommie Leftwich |
1920 Mina | Herman Sensing |
1921 Sara | C.E. Meeks |
1921 Flora | John Halmes |
1922 Emma | Jesse Hagewood |
1922 Grace | Russell Castleberry |
1922 Fannie | Doyle Parker |
1925 Emma | R.E. Blackwell |
1926 Thelma | Alfred Clark |
1926 Lessie | George Stalls |
1929 Mary Catherine | John Hartwell Cocke |
1929 Bailey | T.B. Batson |
1932 Robbie | Elton Black |
1936 Lara | Eugene Smith |
1937 Julie Mae | Elbert Davenport |
1937 Bernice Elizabeth | John L. Bumpus |
1941 Slettia | Roy Meeks |
1944 Wilma Loy | Charles E. Burnett |
1945 Marjorie | Jessie Allen Green |
1949 Emma L. | Henry Alvin Langford |
1951 Mary Sue | James Lee Slate |
Groom: A.E. (Archie Elvin) KEELING
Bride: Mabel Claire HUGHES
Date: 17th day of January 1906
"were united by A.E. Clement M.G. in the holy bonds of matrimony"
Marriage Record Book 23 page 334.
Certificate signed by "H.M. Smith, Clerk of the County Court"
and T. M. Harris, Deputy Clerk
Submitted by Jan Keeling Dailey
Submitted by Terrie Wyatt
Submitted by Carol L. Doane
This is a transcription of a letter written by Henry Minor Dudley (1811-1883) to Lucy Elizabeth Waller (1824-1878). Lucy E. Waller married H.M. Dudley in 1849 and lived in the vicinity of St. Bethlehem and both are buried in the Dudley Cemetery.
I thought this too good not to share. I've attempted to maintain the original format. I have some doubts about making public thoughts which were very private and emotional, but I hate to see this "precious document" lost. These are my great-great grandparents. Hope they will forgive me.
Sept. 30, 1849
Miss Lizzie,
I hope the peculiar circumstances which I am placed in will be sufficient apology for this hasty epistle. I think it best to say plain simple matter of fact you know I have been hinting at something long enough and I wish a definite understanding between us. I do not wish you for one moment to doubt my sincere and undivided
affection. I have no pledges to make only one that is to use every necessary exention in my power to make you happy for your happiness is an important item with me. If this meet with your approbation you will please confer with your parents before next Sunday as I wish your Pa apprised of it before he leaves. I have my doubts about a reciprocity of feeling and if you are not willing to unite your destiny with me we will be friends and drop it.
Yours in haste.
P.S. I would be happy to hear from you.
Henry Dudley
Henry Minor Dudley and Lucy Elizabeth Waller were married Oct. 23, 1849.
Submitted by
Records from William P. Ramay's Bible.
Submitted by Sue Field
"Due to a fire in the early history of Montgomery County, Tennessee,
formerly "Old Tennessee County," many of the early marriage records have
been destroyed. The following are a few of the marriage records that have
been preserved. The marriages of Montgomery County. E. R.W."
Henry GIBSON Hariott FRENCH 28 Aug. 1799
Thomas HAMILTON Rachel McGRACE 3 Aug 1799
Charles ROSE Polly ROSS 24 Dec. 1799
John KARR Timby GARDNER 6 Aug. 1799
John SCOTT Polly DOBBS 28 Aug. 1799
Thomas TINNIN Nancy ALLEN 7 Nov. 1799
William DUNBAR Elizabeth HALL 30 Nov. 1799
Thomas JONES Rebecca HURT 30 May 1799
John CLERK Lucy ELLIOTT 27 Feb. 1799
Richard COOK Elizabeth COFF 25 Feb 1799.
Alexander TROUSDALE Jean NELSON 23 Jan. 1799
Joseph WOODFORK Zeburch PENNING Jan. 1799
James COCKRAN Mary PHILIPS 3 Aug. 1799
Henry BRYANT Milly TAYLOR 13 June 1799
James TYARD Susanath McCARTY 7 May 1799
Cornelius McGRAW Betsy ALLEN Aug. 1799
Samuel WATSON Catherine EDMONSTON 6 Mar. 1799
Jonah HIBBS Lucy MILLER 4 Jan. 1799
Gideon WALKER Betsey JOHNSON 30 Jan. 1799
Cordel NORFLEET Polly PENNINGTON 20 Dec. 1799
From Tennessee Genealgical Records (page 248)
"Due to a fire in the early history of Montgomery County, Tennessee,
formerly "Old Tennessee County," many of the early marriage records have
been destroyed. The following are a few of the marriage records that have
been preserved. The marriages of Montgomery County. E. R.W."
Alexander PATTERSON Rebecca BIRD
4 Oct. 1802
Robert RAGH Nancy VARNES
3 July 1802
James EDWARDS Elizabeth SPARKS
4 Feb. 1802
19 Dec. 1802
Lawrence TENNEN Elizabeth ALLEN
3 Nov. 1802
Nathaniel HEWS Isbel McGARRITY
3 Aug. 1802
William GRAYSON Susannah TENNEN
6 Sept. 1802
George ELLIS Joniah HELTON
3 Apr. 1802
11 May 1802
John M. LANFORD Peggy ONEAL (Oneal, O'NEAL) 11 Feb. 1802
26 June 1802
James HENED Elizabeth McCARTY
15 June 1802
Ebenezer PIATT Abigail LINDZY
3 Jan. 1802
23 June 1802
25 May 1802
Robert DUKE Charlotte DUKE
25 May 1802
14 Sept. 1802
Benjamine RAY Anne HENRY
13 July 1802
Benjamine MASON Mary REEVES
9 Sept. 1802
10 Aug. 1802
Charles SEAL Christianna MILLER
9 Nov. 1802
Robert DRAKE Polly ROSE
15 Nov. 1802
Joseph B. NEVILLE Elizabeth (?)
5 Oct. 1802
William MONTGOMERY Fenny MILLER 23 Nov. 1802
25 Oct. 1802
25 Apr. 1802
Benjamine GAINIS Rebecca RABOROM
4 Nov. 1802
22 Dec. 1802
14 Sept. 1802
Sue Jones
From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle
July 25,1909-- Mr. W.O. Baggett and Miss Lorena Baggett were married this morning in the waiting room at the L.&N. passenger depot. Esquire W.R. Attaway performed the ceremony. The couple is from District 20 and are very popular in that vicinity.
From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle
December 26,1908-- Mr. David McCarroll and Miss Clara Lyle were married this afternoon at the Magnolia House, Rev. J.J. Stowe of Madison Street Methodist Church, performing the ceremony. It was not a runaway affair. The bride is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Reed Lyle of Hackberry and an attractive and popular young lady. The groom is a prominent young man of sterling worth who lives near Louise. The happy couple left on the Mineral Train for Hackberry to spend a few days.
From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle
August 19,1914-- License for the marriage of Mr. Irving Manning and Miss Mabel Orgain was issued this morning. The marriage will take place this afternoon at the home of Mr. Edgar Orgain
at Lone Oak.
From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle
January 6,1917-- A double wedding took place at 2:00 this afternoon at the Ladies Rest Room, this city , when Esquire James Broom united in marriage Mr. Sterling Davis to Miss Mamie Suiter and Mr. Luther Suiter to Miss Lilie Mai Brumme. All of the parties are residents of District 13 where they have many friends.
From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle
January 31,1917-- Esquire Corban Married Sanford Gibbens and Mrs. Mary Sivels in a buggy in his yard last Sunday. Twenty-nine years ago the Squire married this same woman, then
Miss Mary Seiber, to Mike Sivels at the same gate.
From: Clarksville Weekly Chronicle
May 29,1875-- Our friend Thomas Batson, Esquire of McAllister’s Crossroads was united in the bonds of wedlock with Miss Alice Dillon on of Stewart County’s fairest daughters on the 20th inst. The ceremony took place at the residence of the bride’s father, W.H. Dillon, Esquire.
From: Clarksville Semi-Weekly Tobacco Leaf
July 12,1887-- John S. Rice and Miss Mattie Roberts were married last Wednesday at the home of the bride’s father, Collin Roberts of the south side. The ceremony was performed by
Rev. W.R. Peebles of this city. The bridegroom is the son of Rev. J.G. Rice the Methodist Minister of the Antioch Circuit.
From: Clarksville Semi-Weekly Tobacco Leaf
January 3,1888-- Samuel C. Fessey of the Corbandale neighborhood and Miss Maud McCauley of the same vicinity were married last Sunday morning. The ceremony was performed at the residence of the bride’s father, William McCauley. Like a provident man, Mr. Fessey had provided a home for his charming bride and thither they went at once. They have the best wishes of a host of friends.
From: Daily Leaf Chronicle
December 1,1900-- On the morning of November 25, a couple of young people drove up in a carriage to Squire Jo. Trotter’s gate and asked to be married. The Squire accommodated them, as they sat in their vehicle, and when it was done they drove smiling away. They were His. Baggett, son of Jo. Baggett of the 18th District, and Miss Dora Karnes, daughter of George Karnes, of the 22nd. They are both very prominent popular young people of their community, and enter upon their married life with very bright prospects ahead of them.
From: Daily Leaf Chronicle
March 16,1918-- Esquire Joe Trotter of District 20 is in the city today and announced that Sunday afternoon he united in marriage Mr. John Clark, son of T.W. Clark and a prominent farmer of District 20 and Miss Elsie Black, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Dan Black of the same neighborhood. The marriage occurred at the bride’s home near Shiloh in the presence of a few friends.
From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle
July 30,1906-- Isham Sikes and Miss Lida Britt, well known young people of the 20th District, were united in marriage Sunday while seated in a buggy. Squire Joe Trotter performed the ceremony.
From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle
January 1,1917-- On Thursday December 28, Mr. Vernon Swift and Miss Sallie Morrison, both of Cunningham, were happily united in the holy bonds of matrimony by the Rev. G.L. Hensley at Rye’s Chapel Church. At 2:15, Miss Lillian Swift, a sister of the groom, began the Wedding March and the party entered in the following manner: Miss Audrey Batson and Reuben Swift, Miss Jessie Abernathy and Wade Morrison, Miss Pearl Batson and Thomas Bumpus, and Miss Lillian Batson and Allen Harvey. Following these came the bride and groom.
The bride was beautifully dressed in a coat suite and the groom wore black. The church was decorated neatly but not elaborately in the white and gold effect. It was darkened and artistically lighted while the double arch under which the bride and groom stood was lighted by candles.
From: Daily Leaf Chronicle
March 9,1897-- Mr. Newt Patterson of McAllister’s Crossroads and Miss Beard were married by Esquire Joe Trotter.
From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle
April 20,1918-- Mr. Hayden Green and Miss Lily Hamilton, a popular young couple of District 22, were married last Sunday afternoon at the home of Esquire Trotter in the 20th District, Esquire Trotter officiating.
Another wedding, that of Mr. John Baggett and Miss Annie Bagwell, was solemnized Thursday afternoon at Esquire Trotter’s home, he officiating.
From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle
June 5,1928-- Miss Martha Allen to wed Mr. Robert W. Ritter in the late afternoon. The impressive ceremony will be said just at dusk, an uncle of the bride, Rev. Felix H. Coleman of Mulberry, Tennessee, Pastor of the Lynchburg circuit, officiating.
Nuptial music will be rendered by Miss Virginia Flowers Ritter, Sister of the groom, accompanying Miss Lattie May Lyle, violinist, and Mrs. Lauren Edmondson who will sing “Because”. The piano and violin duet will be “Melody of Love” and “Mendelssohn’s March” will be used as recessional.
A pretty floral arrangement of pink and white will be emphasized through artistic placement of roses and fronds to form an altar in the living room and at tastefully selected places throughout the house. From her trousseau, the bride has chosen to wear georgette toilette of the palest rose-pink with rarely effective laces, a hat with lace trimming and the same nuance of color. Her flowers will be a shower bouquet of roses and sweet peas in the Dresden shade.
The couple will leave for a short bridal trip to Chattanooga and other points and upon their return will be at home in their apartment which they have taken at 408 College Street with Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Weakly.
Out-of-town guests here for the wedding include the bride’s grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. John W. Neblett, Miss Kate Neblett, Mr. & Mrs. Sam Neblett, Mr. & Mrs. P.M. Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. Reed Lyle and son, Mr. & Mrs. Arch Rollow, Miss Grace Ramey, and Dan Allen, all of Nashville, and Miss Allen’s uncle and aunt, Rev. & Mrs. Coleman from Mulberry.
She is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Hadley Allen and he is the son of Circuit and Criminal Court Clerk H.W. Ritter & Mrs. Ritter. Both are graduates of Clarksville High School and the groom has been connected with Ladd’s Motor Shop for several years in a mechanical way.
From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle
February 3,1919-- One of the prettiest home weddings of the season was that of
Miss Jessie Rice Abernathy and Mr. Clyde D. Lunn which was solemnized at the home of the bride in the Bend on Saturday afternoon.
The home was beautifully decorated for the occasion. The parlor, which was the scene of this happy event, being especially attractive; white candles, ferns and ivy being used to carry out a color scheme of green and white.
The guests were received by Mrs. Charlie Warfield, Misses Jennie Morrison, Nannie Swift, and Mabel Abernathy of Erin. Mrs. John Ussery kept the guest register.
Immediately preceding the ceremony, Mrs. Laura Edmondson sang most charmingly “ I Love You
Truly”. The bridal couple advanced to an improvised altar to the strains of the Mendelssohn’s Wedding March played by Miss Lillian Swift, where Rev. P.G. Johnson performed the impressive ceremony.
The bride was lovely in a taupe traveling suit with hat to harmonize and carried white carnations. She is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. A.J. Abernathy.
The couple left immediately after the ceremony for Nashville where Mr. Lunn is engaged in business.
Out of town guest: Mrs. Alf Abernathy, Misses Mabel Abernathy and Annie Laurie Adams of Erin, Mr. & Mrs. T.B. Batson, Mrs. Dick Neblett and Miss Audrey Batson of Southside, Mrs. George Abernathy and daughter Miss Elmer of Cunningham, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Abernathy of New Providence, and Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Swift of Cunningham.
From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle
December 27,1906-- Charles Mockabee and Miss Lusie Hodges; Dillard Dawson and Miss Mary Morgan; and J.T. Hollis and Miss Addie Powell all of the District 20 were united in marriage in the home of Squire Joseph Trotter.
From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle
December 14,1906-- An unexpected wedding that will be of interest to many people in this vicinity was that of Miss Lattie Neblett of the Bend to Mr. G.M. Willis, which occurred at 3:30 Thursday afternoon at the residence of Rev. J.L. Chenault on the south side. The couple was attended by Mr. & Mrs. John R. Edmondson, Mrs. Lilly Ussery, and Misses Bessie and Laura Wyatt. The ceremony was pronounced by Rev. Chenault.
The bride is the daughter of the late P. P. Neblett and a young lady of fine character who has a host of friends. Mr. Willis formerly lived at Ridgetop and was connected with the L&N Railroad, but was recently moved to the west. The best wishes of many friends will follow them.
From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle
May 30,1874-- Mr. James Adams of this county and Miss Dana Nichols of Dickson County were married recently.
From: Semi-Weekly Tobacco Leaf
October 17,1890-- The brilliant affair of the season was the marriage last Wednesday evening of Dr. G. Meadows of Blockton, Alabama and Miss Bertha Hunt, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. S.D. Hunt. Rev. W.A. Turner performed the ceremony. Attendants: Holmes Orgain and Miss Bettie Meadows; Louis Neblett and Miss Annie Hunt. After the ceremony the party repaired to the residents of J.E. Meadows and were royally entertained. Mr. Meadows is a bookkeeper for Aldrich, Caudie, Tyler & Company, one of the largest dry goods establishments at Blockton.
From: Semi-Weekly Tobacco Leaf
July 25,1890--Last Thursday at the home of the bride on the south side, Esquire J.K. Ramey united in marriage B.G. Harper and Mrs. Ophelia Batson, relict of the late Zach Batson. This is the 7th combined plunge the happy couple have taken in the matrimonial sea, this being the groom’s third wife and the bride’s 4th husband. The testimony, if in accordance with their example, would be that marriage is not a failure.
From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle
December 29,1928--The wedding of much interest to a large circle of friends was beautifully solemnized at high noon Thursday at Antioch Methodist Episcopal Church. The ceremony uniting in wedlock Miss Mary Ussery and Aubrey Barham of Petersburg, Tennessee was impressively said by Rev. C.T. Cook in the presence of a large assemblage of interested friends and relatives.
A program of appropriate nuptial music was given by Misses Esther Neblett and Allie Willis, cousins of the bride. Miss Lottie Mai Lyle, violinist, played the “Flower Song”. Miss Willis sang
“I Love you Truly” and “At Dawning”. Decorations were in keeping with the Christmas season. A small white gate with posts decorated with candelabra bearing lighted tapers was the entrance to the marriage altar. Little Angeline Edmondson charmingly dressed in a frock of white was flower girl, while Mrs. Lane Edmondson, also dressed in white, opened the gate for the bride’s entry.
The bride wore a modish gown of beige crepe fashioned on ensemble style with hat to harmonize. She wore an antique gold brooch which her grandmother, Mrs. P.P. Neblett, had worn on a similar occasion in the long ago. She carried a chatelaine bouque of roses and valley lilies.
Rodney Lyle, Robert Wyatt (cousin), Edwin and John Ussery (brothers of the bride) served as ushers.
Mr. & Mrs. Barham will make their home at Petersburg, Tennessee. She is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. George Ussery, and his parents are Mr. & Mrs. W.T. Barham of Petersburg, Tennessee.
From: Clarksville Leaf chronicle
January 1,1914-- On Wednesday December 24,1913 Miss Mary Moffitt of the Bend and Mr. Eldon Wall of near Cumberland Furnace were quietly married at the Methodist Parsonage near Salem by Rev. J.M. Oakley. Both the bride and her attendants were attired in attractive suit coats. The attendants were: Mr.& Mrs. Floyd Melon, Miss Clara Neblett and Mr. Homer Coke.
The groom is a prosperous young farmer. The bride is a daughter of Mr. L.S. Moffitt. They’ll make their new home near Cumberland Furnace.
From: Clarksville Leaf chronicle
December 21,1931-- The marriage of Miss Mattie Belle Davis and Lewis Plummer was solemnized Sunday December 20, at Blackford’s Spring with the Rev. C.P. Givens officiating. The attendants were: Miss Mayme Alice Waller, Miss Louise Davis, Miss Ruth Givens, Miss Grace Givens, and Paul Plummer, brother of the groom.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. John Davis of Southside, and the groom is the son of Mr. & Mrs. George Plummer of Southside.
Mr. & Mrs. Plummer will make their home in Southside.
From: Semi-Weekly Tobacco Leaf
January 8,1889-- Esquire Joe Trotter officiating, R.L. Biter and Miss Parthenia Underwood were married near Sailor’s Rest in this county on Christmas day. The attendants were: Robert Chambers and Miss Lavinia Underwood; R.E. Smith and Miss Emma Harvey; and Henry Underwood and Miss Dora Harvey.
From: Clarksville Leaf Chronicle
December 3,1920-- A wedding of much interest to their friends was that of Miss Ollie Dawson to Elijah Wyatt which was quietly solemnized Wednesday November 26, at Hopkinsville, Kentucky. Returning from a short motor trip, Mr. & Mrs. Wyatt are at home with his mother, Mrs. Mollie Wyatt. Mrs. Wyatt is a graduate of Southside High School. Mr. Wyatt is a prosperous young farmer.
From: Daily Leaf chronicle
June 28,1906--Miss Cora Carver, daughter of Constable G.H. Carver, and Paul Norfleet were married Sunday at the Parsonage by Rev. J.A. Patterson.
Kathy Reynolds & Patty Davis &
May 23,2000
M. F. Smith and Mrs. Blanche Allen, dated September 6, 1891 in Montgomery County, by J. T. Southall, Justice of the Peace.
M.F. was my Great-grandfather, Mack Ferrin (McFerrin) Smith.
Blanche had previously been married to William Allen.
A letter from Ed B. Powers indicates the wedding was held at his house.
Submitted by Larry Smith
I have a Bounty Land Claim for Sylvia Markham Tyler which states that she was
married in Montgomery Co., Tn to James Tyler by a man of the Gospel whose
name she can't remember October 1807. He was enlisted in the War of 1812 and
went from Clarksville in 1813 or 1814 for 3 weeks. This family moved to
Arkansas near 1820.
Submitted by Marla Goodrich
Robert Lee Bryant to Lana Maude Cook, m. December 2,1894.
Robert was the son of Richard Marion Bryant and Mary E. Gilbert. Lana Maude was the daughter of William Cook and Rebecca Moss.
Robert Lee Bryant and Lana Maude Cook were born in Clarksville, TN. They were married in Clarksville, TN. They moved to Southeast Missouri where they resided until their death.
Submitted by R. A. Lacy
1846 Robert Chance to Julian Birdwell Vol 2 Pg 14
1865 Sallie A Chance to James Underwood Vol 3 Pg
1873 Mary Eliza Chance to William B Beard Vol 5 Pg
Sara Ann Chance to William R Vaughn Vol 5 Pg
1880 E A R Chance (f) to J R Sanford Vol 9 Pg 217
1887 Bobby Chance (f) to B G Baird Vol 13 Pg 306
1894 Evannah Chance to H A Ellis Vol 18 Pg 438
Submitted by Teresa
Marriage Contract between Benjamin Whitehead and Sally Willis
Source: Probate Records, Montgomery County, Tennessee, E: p 512. Spelling is as written
Know all men by these present that we Benjamin Whitehead and Sally Willis both of the County of Montgomery & State of Tennessee having concluded to intermarry have agreed and covenanted with each other upon the following marriage contract viz: I Benjamin Whitehead do hereby agree and covenant with the said Sally Willis, that all the property both real and personal belonging to said Sally Willis or that may be aloted to her upon a division of the Estate is to (unreadable) to his daughter Sally Willis at his death or the said Sally Willis is at liberty to dispose of her part of the property aforesaid at his death to his daughter Sally aforesaid, & I, the said Sally Willis do hereby expressly covenant & agree with the said Benjamin Whitehead that all the property both real and personal belonging to the said Benjamin Whitehead is to be (unreadable) to his children or the said Benjamin Whitehead is at liberty to dispose of his property at his death to his children aforesaid. In witness whereof we have here unto set our hands & seals this 18th August 1828. Teste: Signed: Ben. Whitehead {seal} George Watkins her John Layne Sally X Willis {seal} mark
Submitted by Jean Hancock
Powell Marriages in Montgomery Co. TN between 1838-1854
1. Joseph Powell m. Rebecca Blanton on Feb. 15, 1852 witnessed by W.B.Stewart & R.T. Gupton
2.Mary Powell m. Howell Baggett on Jan 29, 1844 witnessed by Josiah Baggett
3. Malinda Powell m. Henry Baggett on Mar. 29, 1844 witnessed by Abraham Baggett
4. Henry Baggett m. Mary Weaver on May 26, 1851 witnessed by Thos. R. Clark
5. John Powell m. Martha Jett on Dec 19, 1853 witnessed by George W. Brown
6. Ransom Powell m. Caroline Powell on Apr. 29, 1840 witnessed by G. D. Hall
7. Caroline Powell m. Wesley Baggett on Apr. 3, 1839 witnessed by Abraham Baggett
8. Barney E. Powel m. Margarette A. Mockbee witnessed by John H. McFall
9. W. H. Powell m. Susan Morrison on Feb. 4, 1852 witnessed by G. D. Anglen
10. Nancy Powell m. Rich'd Vaughan on Jan. 31, 1849 witnessed by B. F. Bartlett
11. William Powell m. Sally Davis on Jan. 21, 1847 witnessed by W.P. Norwood
12. Ameline Powell m. Elisha Row on May 30, 1840 witnessed by Barnet Powell
13. Levi Powell m. Edyth H. Dodd on June 11, 1843 witnessed by Wm. Powell
14. John Powell m. Eliza Channell on Dec. 5, 1843 witnessed by Wm. Ferrell
2. Martha Powell m. Robert Sikes Apr. 24, 1846 witnessed by George W. Jackson
3. Francis Powell m. Luke Suiter Aug. 28, 1848 witnessed by John Black
4. Manerva Powell m. Elisha J. Charnell Jan. 22, 1849 witnessed by Jesse Sikes
5. Mary Powell m. Willis Walker Jul. 9, 1849 witnessed by B. F. Breeden
6. Daniel Powell to Mary Angeline Perry 10-6-1840
7. Wiley Powel to Rebecca Martin 1-19-1864
8. Hawkett Powell to Lila Myers 11-30-1865
9. William A. Powell to Sarah Wilcut 7-28-1866
10. William G. Powell to Nancy L. Beedin 9-15-1846
11. Jack Powell to Eliza Shaw (Ce) 12-26-1878
12. J. W. Powell to Lucy Ann Barbee 6-2-1856
13. Henry W. Powell to Mary Chanwell 11-20-1856
14. W. H. Powell to Sarah Binkley (Ce) 9-18-1872
15. W. J. Powell to Mary T. Sisk 8-15-1860
16. Wiley Powell to Jane Martin 10-8-1847
17. Evelina Powel to Howel Vick 9-28-1864
18. Nancy Powelll to Ennis B. Lyle 2-4-1861
19. Fannie Powell to George Smith 11-4-1864
20. Hanna Powell to Dick Nothington 9-7-1866
21. Lucy Ann Powell to John H. Colesham 1-4-1855
22. Mary Powell to Alliner McCarnes 10-30-1845
23. Sally Ann Powell to George Jamison 12-7-1855
24. Sarah J. Powell to William Smith 5-14-1864
25. Susanna Powell to Ambers W. Norris 2-28-1860
26. Willie B. Stewart m. Emily M. Stroud Nov. 21, 184? witnessed by Thomas H. Stewart
27. Nancy Baggett m. Marion Sims Dec. 26, 1850 witnessed by Howell Baggett. JP A. Baggett
28. John Blanton m. Lucy B. Buck Dec. 4, 1851 witnessed by W. F. Fall JP A. Baggett
29. James J. Blanton m. Clarinda Black Mar. 10, 1852 witnessed by Joseph T. Stewart
30. Eliza Ann Baggett m. Marian Sims Sep 17, 1853 witnessed by Henry Baggett JP. A. Baggett
31. Mrs. C. Blanton m. G. W. Coon Dec. 20, 1863 no noted witness or JP.
Corrections from previously submitted Powell marriages:
1. Malinda Powell m. Henry Baggett on Feb. 29, 1844 witnessed by Abraham Baggett
2. Barney E. Powel m. Margarette A. Macklin 4-21-1840 witnessed by John H. McFall
3. Emeline (Ameline) Powell m. Elisha Row on May 30, 1840 witnessed by Barnet Powell.
Information obtained from several sources.
Submitted by Cindy Powell 11-25-2001
Submitted by Cindy Powell at
Submitted byDickie Harris
1852 UTLEY Nancy C. to Dixon G. Wright
1852 USSERY Sara F. James M. Swift
1863 UNDERWOOD Mary John Baggett
1868 USHERS Lucy A. James Owens
1873 USSERY Armita Arron Collier
1875 USSERY Harriett John Leigh
1878 USSERY Lucy H. Alex M. Lyle
1880 USSERY Ida John B. Steel
1881 UNDERWOOD Joanna James S. Eads
1883 UNDERWOOD Parina W. F. Moody
1884 USERY Lisa Wilson Bell
1886 USSERY Kate B. A. Orgain
1886 UNDERWOOD Florence George Lee Baggett
1886 USERY Harriet Armstead Hutchinson
1887 USSERY Lizzie N. D. Northington
1887 USSERY Mily Stuart Chilton
1888 UNDERWOOD Lizzie Wesley Lawson
1888 UNDERWOOD Partheny R. L. Biter
1889 UNDERWOOD Ada Elias Sinks
1890 UNDERWOOD Sallie A. Elias Davis
1890 UNDERWOOD Catherine J. J. Britt
1891 UNDERWOOD Lavinia S. G. Weaver
1891 UNDERWOOD John (male) Currila A. Black (F)
1892 UNDERWOOD Jennie Willie Meriwether
1893 USSERY Carnelia Manuel Fox
1896 UNDERWOOD Sallie George A. Swift
1897 USSERY Eloise J. S. Edmondson
1898 USSERY Maude H. Leonard Hitler
1898 UMBLE Lulu Henry Hutchinson
1898 USSERY Mary R. B. Edmondson
1898 UPSHAW Maggie John Clamps
1898 UNDERWOOD Lena Alfred Baggett
1902 UNDERWOOD Mary E. Dillard Bryant
1907 UNDERWOOD Lessie Sterling Baggett
1907 USSERY Lena John Adams
1908 URAY Ellen Baston Mallory
1909 USSERY Lillie Son Galliday
1910 UTLEY Sallie Gidney Tapp
1910 UNDERWOOD Maude J. S. Arvin
1912 USSERY Maggie Bailey Johnson
1912 USSERY Boyde A. T. Felts
1913 USSERY Willie Floyd Peacher
1913 USSERY Mary G. H. Carver
1915 UNDERWOOD Hugh Kizzie Ferrell
1915 UNDERWOOD Pathena Teamont Eads
1916 USSERY Eunice Wallace Perry
1916 UNDERWOOD Clarence (M) Zadie Baggett (F)
1917 UNDERWOOD Minnie Henry Edwards
1917 USSERY Lena Moses Washington
1918 USSERY Ethel W. H. Petway
1918 UNDERWOOD Eva M. Lee A. Biter
1919 UNDERWOOD Minnia L. Herman Baggett
1919 UTLEY Lora Walter Hibbs
1919 USSERY Ruth R. S. Brown
1919 USSERY Sarah E. James G. Davis
1919 USSERY Gladys Bruce L. Morrison
1920 UNDERWOOD Mina R. D. Fambrough
1920 UNDERWOOD Birdie Dewey Hodges
1920 UTLEY Eunice Erby Fowler
1921 UNDERWOOD Willie Sidney Black
1921 UNDERWOOD Lena J. A. Biter
1921 UPTON Irene Charley Jones
1922 UNDERWOOD Maude Clay Baggett
1922 UGGLE Myrtle Castil Harris
1923 UTLEY Burnest James Bennett
1923 UNDERWOOD Dixie Wylie Sykes
1923 UNDERWOOD Nannie James Green
1924 UPTON Emma James E. Miller
1924 UNGER Katie Miles Edwards
1924 UZZLE Maudie Aubrey Chaney
1924 UNDERWOOD Mabel Rainey Kennedy
1924 UTTERBACK Evelyn Lexie Holman
1926 UNDERWOOD Elsie H. D. McWhorter
1926 UNDERWOOD Virgie W. J. Black
1926 UNDERWOOD Effie Hilton Underwood
1926 USSERY Pearl W. F. Steele
1926 UZZLE Ina May E. E. Sisk
1927 UNDERWOOD Stella Arthur Hodge
1928 UZZLE Agnes Lyndel Stovall
1928 UTLEY Bonnie Mae Edward Bell
1928 USSERY Mary A. W. Barham
1928 UNDERWOOD Estelle Frank Mackens
1929 UNDERWOOD Stella T. Jessie Baggett
1929 USSERY Mary Belle Dick Barnes
1933 UNDERWOOD Pauline Ray Gafford
1934 UNDERWOOD Gertie T. B. Richardson
1935 UNDERWOOD Ermine Joseph D. Jones
1936 UTLEY Mildred Jewell Prowse
1936 USSERY Annie Lee Ellis Sig_ars
1937 UTLEY Josephine Edwin M. Terry
1937 USSERY Eula Sidney Lisenby
1939 UNDERWOOD Mrs. Louise James Britt
1940 UNDERWOOD Erlene Clayton Black
1940 UNDERHILL Mary R. E. Dalton
General Index of “U” Males
1851 USSERY William M. to Elizabeth Ann Neblett
1853 USSERY John R. America Smith
1854 UNDERWOOD T. S. Sarah Meadow
1854 UNDERWOOD Lorenzo J. Nancy C. Davis
1858 UNDERWOOD Wm. Benj. Oliva Hodges
1861 UNDERWOOD Alexander Elizabeth C. Jackson
1861 UNDERWOOD Henry H. Malina E. Ferrill
1864 UNDERWOOD Calvin Amanda Baggett
1865 UNDERWOOD James Sallie Chance (Channell)
1869 USSERY Peter Niss Outlaw
1872 URSHER Richard Nancy Barker (c)
1873 USSERY George Harriet Mackbee (c)
1874 USSERY Peters Haley Ledford
1879 USSERY Pete Margaret Jones
1879 UNDERWOOD Gilbert Parthenia Leigh
1879 USSERY Peter Laura Anderson (c)
1882 UNDERWOOD Green Desy Grimistead
1883 USSERY William Sarah Wilkerson (c)
1883 UNDERWOOD Felix Florence E. Baggett
1884 UNDERWOOD George Melinda Kimble (c)
1886 USERY Richard Dixie Rogers (c)
1889 UNDERWOOD John Linny Smith
1889 UNDERWOOD W. H. Miss Dora Harvey
1890 USSERY George Adell Neblett
1890 USSERY William Nora Nesbitt (c)
1890 USSERY Peter Fannie Wist (c)
1891 USSERY Robert Eunice Robert
1892 UNDERWOOD George Lizzie Dawson
1892 USSERY J. N. Agnis Lyle
1892 UNDERWOOD Gill Rosa Fletcher
1893 USSERY Norman Hattie Bagwell
1894 UNDERWOOD Hiram Carrie Baggett
1895 UNDERWOOD Archie Lou Harvey
1895 UTLEY Tom Ida Jones
1895 UNDERWOOD J.W. (No Return) Nancy _____ ? No Name
1896 USSERY Henry Mariah Briggs
1896 USSERY Sterling Mary Harris
1896 USSERY William Pearl Neblett
1896 UTLEY C. S. Irene Talley
1899 USSERY William Lillian Neblett
1902 UNDERWOOD John Dora Harness
1902 USSERY Will Ola King
1902 USSERY Frank Annie C. Neblett
1903 USSERY B. R. Boyde Allen
1904 USSERY J. E. Eliza Henley
1904 USSERY Wilmer Kate Harris
1906 UNDERWOOD George Douglas Ferguson (c)
1906 UNDERWOOD J. R. Minnie Crockett
1907 UGGLE Jack Virlie Bone
1908 UFFLEMAN H. Z. Edna Swan
1908 UTLEY Charley Cara Ausenbough
1909 UNDERWOOD Leman Bessie Kennedy
1910 UNDERWOOD Ed. Russia Reese
1912 UZZLE Logan Ada Stewart
1912 UNDERWOOD Barney Ethel Davis
1913 UNDERWOOD Albert Essie Thomas
1915 UNDERWOOD Ranzy A. Lela Clark
1915 USSERY John R. Lillian N. King
1916 UNDERWOOD Monroe Inez Trotter
1916 USSERY Will Addie A. Boyd (c)
1917 UNDERWOOD Lee Beulah Baggett
1918 UNDERWOOD Elder Ethel Baggett
1918 UNDERWOOD Clay Nora Davis
1918 UNDERWOOD Sherman Fredonia Neblett
1919 UNDERWOOD Floyd Ada Mai Rye
1920 UNDERWOOD Dewey Annie Jones
1920 UNDERWOOD Wylie Cuba Luther
1920 UNDERWOOD Clate Myrtle Moorefield
1921 UNDERWOOD Dennis Maud Schmittou
1922 USSERY R. M. Elsie Porter
1924 UNDERWOOD Dossie Lou Conatser
1924 USSERY P. L. Mary Allen
1924 UNDERWOOD Griffin Norma L. Woodburn
1925 UNDERWOOD William Birdie Baggett
1925 UTLEY Lexie Pearl D. Gilliam
1925 USSERY N. L. Emma Lee Winn
1926 UNDERWOOD Hilton Effie Underwood
1927 UZZLE Sellans Mada Poole
1927 UNDERWOOD Alex Sallie B. Sykes
1928 USSERY Garvin Nellie Waller
1929 UTLEY Fount Ruth Gardner
1929 UNDERWOOD Hugh Ruby Harrison
1929 UNDERWOOD Jim Anna Allen
1931 USSERY Vernon S. Sarah Ann Neblett
1932 USSERY Will Alice Lee
1932 UNDERWOOD Roy Lester Mackens
1932 UTLEY Francis Mrs. Mattie H. Graity(?)
1934 UFFLEMAN Malcolm C. Margaret L. Davidson
1935 UNDERWOOD John Bradley Ora Dune Hickerson
1938 UNDERWOOD Wm. C. Sallie Meriwether
1940 UTLEY Ruben Margaret Brown
1940 UNDERWOOD Howard Gladys Gullett
Submitted by Debbie McMinn
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