Sam Threatt
1865 - 1925

On Monday, Jan 19, 1925, the death angel entered the home of Mrs. Jennie Thweatt and claimed for its victim her devoted husband, Sam.  He had been sick for some time with Bright's disease.  He had moved to Clarksville only two weeks ago, he was 60 years old, and besides his wife, he leaves seven children, two boys, five girls, two sisters and many friends and relatives to mourn his death.  He professed faith in Christ when a boy and joined the Methodist church.  He realized that God would soon call him and said he was ready to go, but hated to leave his family, and asked them all to prepare to meet him.  Everything was done for him that loving hands could do, but the Allwise said, come.  He was laid to rest in the Bagwell graveyard.  Funeral services were conducted by Bro. Hughes.  We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family.  May God hear the broken hearts and let each of us strive to meet him in that sweet beyond, where there will be no more sorrow or sad good byes.  Oh, won't the meeting be joyful, On yon bright, beautiful shore, When friends who loved and parted, Shall meet to part no more.  Mrs. E. J. Wyatt.

(Note:  Samuel Threatt (Sep 28, 1865-Jan 19, 1925) was the son of Martha L. Roper and Edward Matthew Threatt and the grandson of Charles and Rachel Roper.)

Submitted by  Kyle, Melanie and David Atkins  on behalf of Louise Wyatt-  Thank you!


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