MAY, 1998




In the middle 18OO's David NewtonKennedy was one of Clarksville's leading citizens. After engaging in adrygoods business, he became director of the Branch Bank of Tennessee in1844 and served as president from 1845 until 1851. In 1854 he and lamesL. Glenn founded the Northern Bank of Tennessee.

In 1861 he was elected to theTennessee State Legislature, but his term of office was interrupted bythe beginning of the Civil War. In 1870 he was elected to the State ConstitutionalConvention despite

his activities while servingthe Confederacy during the war years.

In November 1843 he was marriedto Miss Sarah A. Bailey of Woodville, Mississippi.

Before the capture of Clarksville,Mr. Kennedy fled south with the assets of the Northern Bank and transferredthe funds to an English Bank. Following the war the funds were returned.

All during the war Mrs. Kennedymanaged to smuggle letters to her husband who kept them and brought themback to Clarksville. These letters give a good account of conditions inthe city during the Union occupation. Excerpts from some of these lettersare given in this article.

Ben was here last week, he cametwice to see me, but was so stupid from too much drink that his visit affordedus little pleasure. Last Thursday Old Abes fast day, all the stores andschools were closed by order of the Military. On Friday the 1st the yoangladies had a coronaion, at Postons spring. There were a great many in attendance,very select, no one but invited guests, Cols. Bruce & Boone, with theiradjutants were among the number. They were invited for the purpose of savingannoyance from the attendance of the soldiery. Miss Sally Lewis wis crownedqueen. Everything passed pleasantly and agreeably. I did not attend, Mary,Jimmy and Sally went under the care of Mrs. Munford. and Mrs. McMullen.

Mr. Wardlaw had been quite sickbut now convalescent. Dr. McM filled pulpit last Sunday. Aunts health isvery bad, she has chills, and is looking very badly. I have so much sicknessat home that I seldom go out, and I am grieved that I cannot visit themoften. I started pair of shoes to you last Thursday, which I hope may reachyou. I sent them to your address and if the bearer should possibly notreach Atlanta I gave him J. A.Fisher’s address at Chattanooga.

McCormick's absence in the Northhas prevented me from having my likeness taken, but I shall have it doneand send as soon as possible.

I very seldom hear from Mr. Bakers,none of the family ever come to town, and although I very much desire topay them a visit as soon as the health of the family will permit, I suspectthat I shall not be able to do so. The last order is, that no lady willhe permitted to leave town without signing the Parole of honor, which isa mild term, for taking the oath, and having it paraded in the northernpapers. I learn that this port will in a short time be opened for the receptionof Dry goods and groceries. If it is not we will have to go barefoot, asthere is not a shoe in the town that will fit one of the family. Jimmyis already bare footed, and the little ones will turned out of shoes assoon as the weather will permit, but Mary and myself can't go unshod. Iam troubled at the idea of your scant, and threadbare wardrobe. I havea set of shirts for you and would like to send them, would do so if itwere possible for anyone to take so much and a perfectly reliable opportunityshould offer.

Mr. L. called to see me, afterhis return to fulfill the promise he made to you that he would do so, Iwas very glad to see him, and his visit, as well as the information hegave was very gratifying. There is so little of interest transpiring thatI fear my letters appear dull to you. I am ashamed of my poor epistles,when compared with the talent displayed in yours. My dear Husband, yourletters afford me all the consolation I have in the world, with the exceptionof the thought of being so highly favored, in being permitted to be athome with my children, for when I look back at the trip we made last year,and being so long deprived of home, it appears doubly dear to me, and Iam sincerely grateful to God for restoring it to me again. It is the onlyplace of happiness and comfort, to a woman with a family of children. Andalthough the presiding genius is compelled to be separated from us, thehope of his return keeps me strong to strive to do my duty alone. And OhI do pray for strength from on high to do my duty in every relation whichI sustain in life. I have a bad pen & thick ink, this is my excusefor the miserable blotch. The children join me in love to you. May Godprotect you is the Prayer of your devoted wife.

S. Kennedy