Cumberland Lore

A Newspaper supplement of The Leaf-Chronicle published in cooperation with the Clarksville-Montgomery County Historical Museum. It was launched as a project of the Tennessee Community Heritage Project and Austin Peay State University as a publication to consolidate history and lore appropriate to Clarksville, Fort Campbell and Montgomery County. Articles are reprinted here by permission of The Leaf-Chronicle and Gene Washer.

Stockade Annie Was Soldiers' Friend May 1998 Miss Nora:Portrait of a Woman's Life May 1997
Presbyterianism in Clarksville May 1997 Parade, Drama Mark 1934 Celebration September 1996
Dorothy Dix Returns to Woodstock April 1999 Early Churches of Clarksville- Catholic and First Presbyterian February 2000
Mrs. Kennedy Tells of Union Occupation May 1998 Montgomery County Sheriff's from 1796 March 2000
How Clarksville Entertained Itself August 1997
 Clarksville's Historic Cemetery Trails  September 1999
 Fanny Looney and the Bailey Family   September 2008

Permission to print given by The Leaf-Chronicle.

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