Montgomery County Tennessee
Probate Records


Will of Lockey Brown, deceased -- In the name of God, Amen. I, Lockey Brown of  the state of TN and county of Montgomery, being old and infirm in body, but sound in mind and memory, and calling to mind the mortality of my body, and
that it is appointed for me to die, I do hereby make this my last will and testament in manner and form following. And first of all, I recommend my soul  to God, and my body to be buried in a decent and orderly manner at the discretion of my Executors. And as to what wordly goods God had been pleased to bless me with, I will that all my lawful debts should be discharged. And  next, I will unto my kind and beloved wife, all my estate, both real and  personel, as long as she lives and continues to be my widow, and if she marries again, I only will to her one feather bed and furniture, one horse,  saddle and bridle, and at her death or marriage, I do will my son Robert L. Brown, one negro boy named David. And next I will unto my beloving grandson John W. Brown, one hundred and thirty-six acres of land, it being the one half  of that tract of land whereon i now live on McAdoo Creek. And next, I will the remainder of my estate to my children, to be equally divided between them,
Rebekah Stewart, Clement Brown, John E. Brown, Robert L. Brown, Susanna Green,  and Richard Brown, to be theirs and their heirs forever. Susanna Green's let  her have it in money as she needs it for her support. I do appoint my son
Robert L. Brown, and my grandson John W. Brown, to be the Executors of this my last will and testament.

Signed and sealed this eleventh day of March 1825.
Test: William Morrow, Drury Bagwell, James H. Morrow --- Lockey Brown.....
Will was proven in open court at the July term of 1825. Andrew Vance, Clerk

There is another from, Bond from Clement Brown to Jeremiah Brown 1825.

Submitted by Thomas Murff

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