written from Lamar Mississippi, Jan 12, 1851 to Elizabeth Rook Vick

Dear Grandmother: [Elizabeth Rook Vick]

Although in a distant land I cannot nor would forget you and your feelings of kindness toward me; they are fresh in my memory every day and hope that your health by the guidance of a kind providence has improved since I saw you.

Uncle John's health is improving. The rest of the relations are well and send their respects to you all. John sends his respects to you and Mother but none of the rest and says he will write to you as soon as his eyes get so he can write.

Cousin Susan wishes to be remembered to you.

Grandma, I see by the Acts of Congress you are entitled to 80 or 160 acres of public land and if I were you I would get the certificate for it. Robert Bumpus or Ben Orgn knows all about the officers that your husband served under in the army. Uncle John says he thinks they were Captain Strother; Colonel Pickins [?] and General Winchester. The land would be worth something.

I will close by saying that I remain your grandson until death.

                                                                                    D. F. Leech

P. S. Father you will please inform Mr. J. Hardin that I made the necessary inquiry concerning the purchase he wanted to make and found it all right for him and wrote him the particulars, but I presume that he did not get the letter as I have received no answer. Give him and family my best respects.

                                                                          With due respect I close.
                                                                                     D. F. Leech

Submitted by Jean Hancock

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