Montgomery County Family Histories






l.Hanratty, a tobacconist, came from Ireland the same year as John Conroy (1859) to C’ville. In fact, his dau married

Conroy’s son, John.


2. But we are not going to talk about Hanratty today for 2 reasons:

A. Hanratty loved Ireland so much he never took out U.S. citizenship.

B. Hanratty had the audacity to blatantly side with the yankees in C’ville, TN during the entire occupation by the



3. A few years ago when one of his great, great grandsons was visiting Ireland and his Conroy kin, he REFUSED to even go by Hanratty’s birthplace!





Information used on the Greenwood Historic Tour of 2001.  Site location information may be found on the  Greenwood

Cemetery site.


Submitted by Randall Rubel  e-mail:



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Double Bracket: While I appreciate your interest in my family's history, I feel the need to point out that there must be some misunderstanding regarding our family's attitude towards our ancestor. I do not know who told you that my brother would not visit our Hanratty
cousins or birthplace, that simply did not happen. One of our cousins in
Monaghan (a Hanratty) bears a striking resemblance to our grandfather. Also, John Conroy and James Hanratty did not immigrate at the same time. John Conroy was in
Clarksville well before the War and Hanratty came afterwards. In fact,
Hanratty fought in the Union Army, not simply sided with them when
Clarksville was occupied. This is something which our family honors as much
as our Confederate ancestors--each Memorial Day I place the appropriate
flag on his grave.
 Louisa Conroy <>






























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