John M. and Fannie Killebrew Carter
John M. Carter is one of the most respected citizens and substantial farmers of Christian County.  He was born October 1, 1815, in Culpeper County, Va., whence he removed with his parents to Montgomery County, Tenn., in the year 1819.  There he received a good education, and grew to manhood, and finally removed to Christian County in 1842, and located on his present place, his residence being known as "Cedar Grove".  John M. Carter, our subject, now devotes his attention to agricultural pursuits.  His farm property consists of 895 acres of land, which is in a high state of cultivation, and is devoted to the raising of staple crops.  Mr. Carter is a gentleman of refined literary attainments.  The standard books and reviews, and works of eminent men, are a special attraction to his classical mind, and a delight is found in a comprehensive study of the social and political issues of the day.  He is a Democrat politically, and is a citizen who is held in high esteem by all who are favored with his acquaintance.  Mr. Carter was united in marriage with Miss Fannie A. Killebrew, November 7, 1841.  She is a daughter of Whitfield and Fannie (Johnson) Killebrew.  This union has been blessed with the following children:  Willie C. (Chilton), Daniel F., Gertrude, John W., Fannie R. (Moore), Henry B., Claudius C. and Eddie L.
Perrin, County of Christian, Kentucky, 1884

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