1790/2—1867 1796—1854
HANNAH (POLK) SHELBY* and was born in March 17, 1792, in Anson County (now
Union) North Carolina. In about 1812 he married MARY TRAMMELL, [Maiden
names seems to come from John Washington Shelby's Bible]. She was born
1796 in--------. She is the daughter of ______________
MARY (TRAMMELL) SHELBY died May 12, 1854, at the
age of 66 years in Montgomery Co., Tennessee and is buried on the Joe Moss
place which is on the Fort Campbell Military Reservation. Isaac married
Eliza Bailey December 20, 1855 (she had 4 children/I have copy of marriage
record.) [Both John W. and Evan W. bought land from a Charles Bailey in
1839.] His children did not like the mother and Isaac then sold his farm
to Mr. Nap of Ky and he and Eliza Bailey moved to Kentucky where ISAAC
MENTIONS HIM DECEASED ON MARCH 20, 1867] at the age of 75 years, 20 days
in ALLEN County, Kentucky. In Montgomry Co. Tennessee, he lived at West
Fork Farm, 4th District.
1) John Washington Shelby born December 10, 1813; married November 5, 1835,
Mary Ann Trammell (1814-1893) Children: Asenath Frances, Mary Julia, Terrence
Bassuer, Isaac Evan, Martha Margaret, Elias Shadrick, John Thomas, James
William and an infant. John Washington died February 27, 1887 (age 72 yrs.
1 mo 17 days) and is buried in the Mack P. Rice Cemetery, Pleasant Mill
Rd., Montgomery Co., TN [now on Ft. Campbell]
2) EVAN WILEY SHELBY born approximately December 1, 1817, (according
to tombstone) in Tennessee. He married in April 1841 VIRGINIA ALMIRA SALLEE,
died January 29, 1875, and is buried in Pike County, Illinois. Children:
Mildred, Louisa Ellen, Mary E., William, Sarah J., James Isaac, Susan and
3) Patience H. Shelby born 1820 married February 26, 1840 Urvin Polk
Shelby d. 1872. Children: Evan Polk, Nancy, Margaret, William Isaac, Thomas
Jefferson, Richard Anderson. [I have a copy of marriage record.]
4) Melissa Malinda Shelby [?1830 Tenn] married John Pruitt (she evidently
died before Isaac Shelby) Children: William, Mary, Robert [Listed in 1850/1860
census/did not sign papers about Isaac's land]
5) Margaret M. Shelby born March 22, 1836; died March 3, 1901, Montgomery
Co. Tennessee; married December 26, 1853, James D Pruitt. Children: Ann
married Elbert Worton, Mary, Corea [I have a copy of this marriage record/1860
Census Montgomery Co. Tenn/James Pruet 24] b.N.C.; Margaret 24 born Tenn.;
Ann 4, Mary 2, Mary Tramwell 15/1880 Montgomery Co. James Prewitt 50 NC
NC NC; Margaret 44 Tenn NC NC; Ann 22 Tenn NC Tenn; Corea 13 Tenn NC Tenn]
6) Mary E. Shelby born 1821;[1801-1860] died 1847 married William Tramill
[(?Mollie) November 1846 Tenn.] married Proctus Moss [possible children:
Emma, Nettie, Lee, Wooten]
?) Was there another daughter who married Dennis Trammill and died
before Isaac?[A Mary Trammel, 15 is listed with James and Margaret Pruit
in 1860, however she is not an infant.] [A Daniel Trammell married a Sarah
7) Sarah Shelby born December 11, 1815; married Daniel Trammel in 1836
in Montgomery County, Tennessee. Daughter: Rosanah Shadrice Trammel married
Solon Archibald Earp. [Descendent: Robert L. Cook, Austin, Texas] She died
January 4, 1898 in Collin County, Texas, Thompson Cemetery
8) William H. Shelby born March 9, 1824, Tennessee; married Sally A
Walked September 25, 1844 in Montgomery County, Tennessee; died October
28, 1891, Montgomery County, Tennessee buried J.B. Shelby Cemetery, Indian
Mound Rd., Stewart Co, TN now Ft. Campbell.
9) ? Son b. 1812-1838; died 1818-1918.
* Grace Shelby a descendant says that Isaac's wife's maiden name was
Trammell - says it comes from John Washington Shelby's Bible. She also
says that Isaac was the son of Thomas, I do not know if that comes from
the Bible also.[He was not listed in Thomas's will but seemed to be the
administrator of his brother's will.] Also the Monroe Enquierer, Monroe,
N.C. Mar. 21, 1961 says Isaac is the son of Thomas and Hannah. However
Isaac did not name a son Thomas or a daughter Hannah. He did name a son
Evan Wiley and one John Washington. The Shelby's seem to be a very close
family following cousins around quite a bit and naming after cousins etc.
They also seemed to move around a lot. It seems that since they are such
a close family Thomas would have named Isaac in his will if he had known
he was living. The names of Isaac and Mary's parents are in question in
my mind, although I get many sources listing Thomas including Camp and
Charles E. Shelby.
1790/2—Isaac born in Anson Co. (now Union Co.) N. Carolina
[MONTGOMERY CO TENN—Not all info may apply]
1797, July 14—John Shelby, son of Evan of Washington Co. VA. and John
Shelby Junr. son of John of County of Sullivan and State of Tennesse for
$1000, 800 acres in Montgomery Co. Tenn [I have a copy]
1797, Sept. 2—John Shelby son of Evan deceased of the County of Sullivan
Tenn $1200 1200 acres in Mont Co. Tenn to James Brigham
1801, Oct. 5—Isaac Shelby heir of Evin of Mont Co. Tenn and James Jeffries
$50 640 acres
1801, Oct. 5—Isaac Shelby sold to James Jeffries 10 negroes witnesses:
John Shelby, Burrus Baylis
1802, April.—Isaac Shelby sold to James Jeffries 640 acres for Witnesses:
John Shelby and Burrill Bayless
1803, Oct. 6—John Shelby granted by Warrent #494 32 acres in Montgomery
1804, July 3—Catharine Shelby received from James Jeffries, heir in
part of Evan Shelby desc. Witnesses: John Shelby Jr., John Shelby and Matilda
1806, July 3—John Shelby of Sullivan Co. gave 2 mulatoes to his daughter
Sarah in Montgomery Co. Witnesses: John Shelby Jr., Samuel Alexander, James
Jeffries, Priscially Jeffries
1807, Aug. 4—John Shelby granted 320 acres on Piney Creek Dist 1
1810, Aug. 5—Deed of Conveyance Book I p. 218? Isaac Shelby Junior
of the County of Rutherford and State of Tennessee and Isaac Shelby of
Montgomery Co. Tenn. n. side of Cumberland River 500 acres for $4000. Witnesses:
John Shelby, Ro Prince, Stephen Cocke, James A Bunting
1810, Aug. 10—Hugh Thele admarried of estate of Robert Nelson deceased
of Davidson Co. Tenn and Isaac Shelby of Rutherford Co Tenn 500 acres Montgomery
Co. Tenn. N. side of Cumberland $1600.
1810, Oct. 15—Robert Prince to John Shelby $1500 247 + 52 1/2 acres
1811, Sept. 16—Robert Tagart to Isaac Shelby 129 acres Montgomery Co.
on Cumberland River $1000. Witnesses: John Shelby, Elisha Willis
1816, May 1—Deed 101 acres of Land Evan S. Wiley of the State of North
Carolina and County of Cabarrus and Thomas Shelby Junor deceased of the
State of Tennessee and County of Montgomery $150 paid by widow and heirs
of Thomas Shelby Junir deceast. Witnesses: Thomas Shelby and Ely Shelby
[Thomas Jr. must be Thomas Polk]
1816, May 1—Isaac Shelby bought land in Montgomery Co., Tenn. from
EVAN SHELBY WILEY, Cabarrus North Carolina for $150 51 1/2 acres South
west side of the Muddy fork a branch of sinking creek that empties in the
west side of the west fork of red river by modrenly called the flat lick
fork Thomas Shelby and Eli Shelby were witnesses (Deed Book I p. 696/I
have a copy) [Evan Shelby Wiley was the son of Oliver Wiley and Mary Shelby.
Mary Shelby was the daughter of Moses and Isabella Shelby. Evan Shelby
Wiley was born in 1783 married Mary McCaceb . In 1804 moved to Lawrence
Co. Ala. D. 1825.]
1816, Oct. 1—$500 bond Isaac (his mark) and Clary Shelby (her mark)
1816, Nov. 11—sale of Inventory of Thomas P. Shelby. Buyers: Clary
Shelby (her mark administrator) Evan Shelby; Isaac Shelby
1816—Administrator of Thomas Polk Shelby's estate (Isaac/brother)
1817, Apr. 22—Isaac Shelby son of Thomas Shelby; and Frances Baker
of Montgomery Co. Tenn to John Shelby $206 51 1/2 acres (this Isaac Signed
with an x)
1817, Nov. 11—John Shelby will Mont Co. Wife Elizabeth and 3 children:
Alfred Married Shelby, Louisa L. Brunson, Clark Molton Shelby; nephew Anthony
Born Shelby
1820—Montgomery Co. Tenn census Isaac Shelby 2 males 0-10, l male 26-45,
2 females 0-10, 1 16-26, 1 45+
1822/3—Thomas Shelby, [Maury Co Tenn] died did not list Isaac as an
1823—Heirs of John Shelby: Alfred Married Shelby, Clark Married Shelby,
Jesse Brunson
1823, July 30—Montgomery Co. Deed Book K pg. 596/7—An Evan W. Shelby,
county of Humphries, heir and legatee of Isaac Shelby sold land to John
H. Marable of Mt. Co. Tenn. [My E.W. too young]
1830—Montgomery Co. Tenn census Isaac Shelby l male 0-5, l male 10-15;
1 15-20; 1 20-30; 1-30-40; 0 females—does not fit
1836—Montgomery Tennessee taxes list Alfred J. Shelby 1 white poll;
Miss Tennesee Shelby 3 slaves $1200; Isaac Shelby heirs 640 acres of land
$3200; Shadrack Trammell 432 a $1296 3 slave $1700; Daniel Trammel 100
a $300; William Trammel 1 white pole; Irvin P. Shelby 1 white pole; Isaac
Shelby 200 acres $800 1 white pole; John Shelby 100a $150 1 white pole
1840—census Montgomery Co. Tenn Page 275 Isaac Shelby l male 5-10;
1 15-20; 1 20-30; 1 50-60; 1 female 0-5, l 10-15; 1 15-20; 1 40-50; Page
276 John W. Shelby 1 (20-30) 1 female under 5 1 (20-30; E.W. Shelby 1 male
(20-30) I have copies [Who were the children with Isaac?] I have a copy]
1841, April 12—Montgomery Co. Tenn. Evan W. Shelby got license to marry
Virginia A. Sallee, Isaac Shelby security (was not returned) [I have a
copy of record]
1845, July 10—Urvin P. Shelby sold 120 acres to Isaac Shelby for $5.00
Dist 4, Montgomery co. Tenn. stating he owes John W. Shelby $150 due July
10, 1847 [Book W. p. 10, I have copy]
1850—census [Where was Isaac?]
1854, May 12—Mary Shelby died on their West Fork farm in the 4th District
of Montgomery Co. Tenn (information from tombstone)
1855, Dec. 20—Isaac married widow Eliza Bailey
1858, October 13—James Lynch and Isaac Shelby both of Montgomery Co.,
Tenn. $520 paid by Isaac Shelby sold Dist. No. 4 on the waters of the Brushy
fork of the Little West fork of Red River. Witnesses: W.Married Bailey,
A.G. ?, John. W. Shelby and James. Married Moody [I have a copy]
1859, September 17—Book L page 477/8 Allen Co., Kent: For the consideration
of one thousand three hundred and eighty dollars and 95 cents in hand paid
to us N.W. Cage and wife Elizabeth...and ISAAC SHELBY all of the parties
at the time of purchase was citizens of Allen Co Kent.
1859—Allen Co., Kent tax list: Isaac Shelby 235 acres of land Allen
Co., Ba:ysfork $300; 2 males over 21 l slave (under 16) Value $500 3 horse
or mares value $190; 3 cattle worth over $50; 15 stores 3+ children between
6-18; 8 hogs; Total value at 30 centers per $100 - 2005; $50 vehicles;
$12 gold or silver [I have copy]
1860—census Allen Co, Kent. Page 351 Scottville: Isaac Shelby 70 m
farming $1200 $200 born NC can't read or write; L.W. Shelby 47 f housewife
Ky can't read or write; W. M Bailey 23 m student Tenn; E.C. Bailey 20 f
spinning Tenn; T.E. Bailey 17 f spinning; H. ?P Bailey 16 farming Ky [I
have copy]
1860—Allen Co. Kent. Tax record: Isaac Shelby $235 land; water course
Hullmon; Value of land $1300; over 21; 1 slave over age 16 l slave total;
value of slave $600; 3 horses and mares; Value $200; 6 cattle; Value $30;
3 children between 6-18; 16 hogs value $600; 300 bushels of corn; Total
$2780; Value of vehicles $30; Value of gold, silver etc. $20; Total $40
[I have copy]
1861—Allen Co., Kent census there but unreadable
1861, December 20—Allen Co., Kent. Book M page 160: (270 acres) For
the consideration of Two Thousand Dollars, thirty dollars of which is paid
in hand the rest in one two and three equal payments to us ISAAC SHELBY
and wife LOUISA W. SHELBY by Mary Jane Bruce all the parties living in
and citizens of Allen County Kent at the time of purchase. Witnesseth that
for the aforesaid consideration of two thousand dollars the aforesaid Shelby
and wife doth hereby sell and convey the below described tracts of land
in Allen Co Kent to said Mary Jane Bruce her heirs and assigns forever
the 1st of which is bounded as follows to wit, beginning at an ash white
oak and dogwood...near the Scotsville and Ling Creek road and near the
spring of H.P. ?Green .... on line of William Payne...Nelson Longs field....Margaret
Lyles survey....20 day of December 1861 Isaac Shelby his mark and Louisa
Shelby her mark.
1867, March 20—Evan W. Shelby and Virginia A Shelby of Pike Co., Ill
appointed John W. Shelby, power of attorney [Book 10 Montgomery Co. Tenn
page 438-440] Speaks of land in Montgomery Co. Tenn (53 acres in Dist.
4 bounded on the east by land owned by John W. Shelby, on the north by
the same on the west by the land owned by the widow of the late Isaac Shelby
and on the South by the land owned by John Caudle.) and 60 acres of the
eastern portion of a tract of land containing 270 acres on which the LATE
ISAAC SHELBY resided at the time of his death, situate in the County of
Allen and State of Kentucky.
1867, November 4— [Montgomery Co Tenn Book 10 page 492f] Know all men
by these present that we James Pruitt and Margaret Pruitt his wife, Irvin
Shelby and Patience Shelby his wife, and Prothus Moss, and Mary E. Moss
his wife, and Dennis Tramill and John Pruitt guardians for his infant children
for and in consideration of the Sum of $325 sell unto John W. Shelby 53
acres in district 4 Montgomery Co. Tenn., 60 acres in Allen Co., Kent.
on which the late Isaac Shelby resided at the time of his death. [Same
Description of land as with E.W. Shelby/J.W. Shelby
1902—Allen Co., Kentucky courthouse fire
1820 Census Tenn
Sumner David 020001-01001
Montgomery Eleanor 101300-02101
Mont Elizabeth 100000-00011 married Rev. Wmarried Barnett
Maury Evan 010010-41010
Maury George 000010-00100
Mont Isaac 200010-20101
Davidson John 000010-20100
Maury Thomas 000211-00001
Maury Vardeman 100100-00100
Hickman William 300010-00100
Maury William 100100-10100
1830 Census Tenn
Hickman Evan 200011-0122001
Dickson William 1021001-110001
Submitted byCarol Kosanke Peterson
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