Will of Matthew Ryburn Hunter
Montgomery County, Tennessee, Roll No. 95, Book K, Pages 251 to 253
In the name of God Amen, I Mathew R. Hunter, of the state of Tennessee and County of Montgomery, being feeble in health but strong in mind and memory, and taking into consideration the uncertainty of human existence do by these presents make this my last will and testament.
1st. I will and bequeath unto my beloved wife Elizabeth W. [Moody] Hunter the following property to wit: Three beds, bedsteads and sufficient furniture, one dining table, one small dressing table, one bureau, one crib, one set of my best chairs, one clock, one mantle glass, a sufficiency of table and kitchen furniture for the necessary use and convenience of my wife and children, one years provisions for her and her children, one horse to be worth fifty dollars with her saddle and bridle and one choice cow and calf.
2nd. I will and bequeath unto my wife Elizabeth five hundred dollars the amount I consider she is entitled to as her dower right on my real estate being as I wish to dispose of all my personal and real estate which will leave her without a home.
3rd. I wish my Executor hereafter to be nominated to sell all of my personal property not above devised on a credit of twelve months out of the proceeds of which I wish all of my just and honest debts to be paid.
4th. I wish my Executors to sell all of my real estate in Dixon County consisting of fifty acres of land lying near Charlotte after advertising the same a reasonable length of time at the Courthouse in Charlotte on a credit of nine months for one half and twelve months for the other half with six percent interest from the date of sale or the last payment.
5th. I also wish my Executors to sell all my real estate in the town of Clarksville, Tenn., consisting of three town lots with all the improvements thereon at the courthouse in Clarksville on a credit of nine months for one half and twelve months for the other half with six percent interest from the date of sale on the last payment after properly advertising.
6th. I wish my executors to sell all my negroes consisting of [unreadable] (to wit.): Henry about twenty five years of age, Mandery about twenty three years old, [unreadable] about 20 years old, Tom about 14 years old on a credit of twelve months.
7th. Whereas it is my sole intention in making this my last will and Testament is to make all my children equal in property and having two sets of children of different legacies it is my wish and desire that the property and monies coming to my two children by my first wife, viz., Mary M. Hunter and William E. G. T. Hunter, which property or monies is coming from their grandfather, Robert Eaton's Estate to be put to the monies arising from the sale of my property and all made one general fund and be equally divided between my wife and children, viz., my wife Elizabeth W. Hunter and my children Mary M. Hunter & William E. G. T.. Hunter, Virginia F. Hunter, Melville C. Hunter, Madora Ann Hunter, Benjamin M. Hunter. Should my wife be pregnant I wish the child if a boy to be called Mathew Ryburn if a daughter, Rebecca Cage and have an equal portion of my estate with my other heirs & my wife Elizabeth W. Hunter.
Or if the above device cannot by equally made I wish my Executors or the Guardians of my children to ascertain the amount coming to my two children Mary M. & W. E. G. T. Hunter from said Robert Eaton's Estate & each of my other children & my wife to receive from my estate an amount equal to either of theirs so received and the balance equally divided between all of above named children & wife.
8th. I furthermore wish & desire that the money or property above divised by me to my wife Elizabeth at her death to be equally divided between all of my above named children.
9th. Whereas I hold Wm. Bradley's bond for two thousand dollars to be discharged in Brick work at $8 per thousand to be done during the summer and fall 1845. I wish my executors by the answer of said Wm. Bradley to divide said bond into three equal Bonds and to sell the same at the Courthouse in Clarksville as soon as practicable on credit of six months or otherwise as my Executors may think best for the interest of my estate.
10th. I nominate and appoint my brother in law Samuel R. Moody of Montgomery County and my brother Isaac Hunter of Davidson County Tennessee my lawful executors to this my last will and testament who I wish to proceed immediately to collecting the debts due me & settling all just claims against me. Given under my hand and seal this the 25th day of June 1845, signed, sealed & in our presence this day and date above written.
M. R. Hunter [signed and seal]
Edward Cage proven August term 1846
John M. Nolin proven Sept. term 1846
The execution of the written will was duly proven in open court according to law by the oath of Edward Cage on the 30th day of August 1845 and John M. Nolin on the 7th day of September 1846
B. G. Bradley, Clerk
By Wm. Ryers, Deputy
Inventory of Matthew R. Hunter, Deceased
Montgomery County, Roll No. 95, Book K, Page 282-283
An inventory of the property belonging to the estate of Matthew R. Hunter deceased taken Sept. the 7th 1846 by Samuel R. Moody one of the Executors of the will of said M. R. Hunter:
1 Bridle & Harness |
1 Cow & Yearling |
1 Grey Mare |
1 Water tray & Barne |
1 Cutting Knife |
1 Whip saw |
1 Cross cut saw |
1 Lounge |
1/2 bbl. Tar |
5 bedsteads & furniture |
1 Plough |
1 side board |
2 Weeding hoes |
1 Beuro |
1 Grubbing hoes |
1 Book Case |
2 Shovels |
3 Tables |
2 Skillets |
2 1/2 doz. Chairs |
3 Potts |
1 Sugar chest |
4 Ovens |
1 Brass clock |
1 pr. Pot hooks |
1 Mantle glass |
1 Water buckett |
4 pr. Andirons |
1 Pail |
4 Iron wedges |
1 Chain |
2 Axes |
1 Set tableware |
1 Set of old farming tools |
The following are the notes, accounts, & c:
1 note on Alva D. Cage due 1st January 1847 for $1,033
one note on Alva D. Cage due 1st January 1848 for $1,033
one note on Alva D. Cage due 1st January 1849 for $1,033
1 note on William Bradley due the 25th of December 1846 for $2,000
one note on James E. Douglas due 1st January 1847 $800
1 note on H. Carnell and S. R. Smith due 25 December 1846 $90
1 note on J. S. Allen due 18th June 1845 for $5
one due bill on W. G. Britton given 11th December 1840 $1.21
one note on Wm. R. Paley due 1st January 1847 $87.50 very doubtful
one note on same due 1st January 1848 $87.50 ditto ditto
1 note on Lynes & Brown given one day after date to be paid in smith work dated 12 January 1846 for $23.41
There are several other claims against many persons a part of which have been settled. The ex. Wishes to ascertain the proper amounts before entering thereon the Inventory above is a partial inventory but set out the facts as far as can be ascertained at this time and the Exr. begs leave to make an additional Inventory as soon as he can ascertain the amount of all the claims that man come unto his hands Sept. 7, 1846 S. R. Moody, Exr.
Total amt. $6,193.6
Sale of Property of Matthew R. Hunter, Deceased
Montgomery County, Tennessee, Roll No. 95, Book K, Page 345-346
An account of sale of the property belonging to the estate of Matthew R. Hunter Dec. sold on the 2nd day of October 1846 by S. R. Moody executor of Math. Hunter Deceased.
Purchasers Names |
Article Sold |
$ |
M. E. Houstin |
1 folding table |
0.75 |
Saml. R. Moody |
1 show case |
0.13 |
Mrs. E. Houstin |
1 pot & skillet |
0.50 |
S. R. Moody |
1 chamber & pot |
0.50 |
James Moody |
1 pot & skillet |
0.50 |
Same |
coffee pot & |
0.20 |
S. R. Moody |
pale & bucket |
0.25 |
Same |
1 lot of casting |
0.37 |
James Mody |
1 can & washpail |
0.13 |
S. R. Moody |
1 hoe & [unreadable] |
0.35 |
Same |
1 keg & [unreadable] |
1.00 |
James Moody |
3 augers & steely |
0.25 |
S. R. Moody |
1 lot of old irons |
0.25 |
Same |
1 pr. of Andirons |
0.00 |
Same |
1 plough & gear |
0.25 |
J. M. Fobbs |
1 whipsaw |
0.55 |
Sam. R. Moody |
Cross cut saw |
2.80 |
Same |
keg of tar |
1.05 |
Mrs E. Hunter |
dish barrel & gear |
7.75 |
James Moody |
1 barrel |
0.12 |
Saml. R. Moody |
1 mare & saddle |
9.75 |
Mrs. E. Hunter |
1 side saddle |
2.00 |
Wm. Locked |
1 side saddle |
4.50 |
Mrs. E. Hunter |
1 Lare stand |
0.10 |
Same |
1 sifter |
0.10 |
Same |
1 clock |
5.00 |
Same |
1 book case & desk |
3.00 |
Same |
1 crib & furniture |
0.50 |
Same |
1 dressing table |
1.00 |
Same |
1 dining table |
1.00 |
same |
6 rush bottom chairs |
1.50 |
Mrs. E. Hunter |
6 [unreadable] chairs |
1.00 |
Same |
2 chairs |
0.50 |
Same |
1 rocking chair |
0.25 |
Same |
1 [unreadable] & furniture |
12.00 |
Same |
1 bible |
0.50 |
S. R. Moody |
[unreadable] |
0.25 |
Mrs. E. Hunter |
1 [unreadable] |
[unr.] |
Same |
2 Dishes & [unreadable] |
[unr.] |
Same |
[unreadable] |
[unr.] |
Same |
1 [unreadable] |
[unr.] |
Same |
5 [unreadable] |
[unr.] |
Same |
[unreadable] |
0.40 |
Same |
1 window blinds |
0.50 |
Same |
1 bureau |
0.50 |
Same |
1 side board |
4.05 |
J. W. Hobbs |
2 lounge & mattress |
5.13 |
Mrs. Hunter |
1 bed & furniture & stead |
6.00 |
Same |
1 mantle looking glass |
2.00 |
Same |
1 bedstead & furniture |
1.00 |
Same |
1 sugar chest |
1.00 |
S. R. Moody |
1 frame & painting |
0.20 |
Mrs. Hunter |
1 bedstead & furniture |
7.00 |
Same |
1 carpet |
1.00 |
Same |
1 craz carpet |
0.20 |
Same |
1 wash stand |
0.10 |
Amt. Of Property sold on the 7th day of Dec. 1846 |
101.48 |
Mrs. E. Hunter |
1 negro Judah |
5.00 |
George Gray |
1 negro girl [unreadable] |
380.00 |
W. Bradley |
1 negro man Mandley |
765.00 |
John Bradley |
1 negro man [unreadable] |
761.00 |
J. Grant |
1 negro [unreadable] |
815.00 |
H. P. Dorris |
1 [unreadable] |
417.00 |
Mrs. Houston |
1 Barrauch |
?.50 |
Same |
1 mare |
22.00 |
S. R. Moody |
1 [unreadable] |
5.00 |
Rendered December Term, 1846 Total $3,345.95
S. T. Bradley, Clerk
Montgomery County, Tennessee, Roll 95, Book L, Page 500
Know all men by these presents, that we, Sam'l R. Mood, W. W. Warfield, and James E. Paine are held and firmly bound unto the state of Tennessee in the sum of two thousand dollars, in trust for the benefit of Virginia Hunter, Melville C. Hunter, B. F. Hunter, and Medora Hunter, minor heirs of M. R. Hunter deceased, for the payment of which, we bind ourselves, our heirs and jointly and severally and firmly by these presents; sealed with our seals and dated the 3rd day of December 1849.
The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas Sam'l r. Moody has been appointed guardian to the said Virginia Hunter, Melville C. Hunter, Benjamin F. Hunter, and Medora Hunter. Now, if the said Sam'l R. Moody shall well & faithfully make true and settlement with the County Court of Montgomery, agreeably to law, during said guardianship, and at the expiration thereof, shall well and faithfully account with the Justices of the County Court of Montgomery and pay over to them as their order, the profits of said Wards that may come into his by virtue of said Guardianship together with the principal; and the said Sam'l R. Moody as aforesaid shall demean himself in all things relative to said guardianship agreeably to law then this obligation to be void else to remain in full force and effect.
S. R. Moody [seal]
W. W. Warfield [seal]
James E. Paine [seal]
December Term, 1846
H. Shannon, Depty. Clerk
[Transcribed from a photocopy of the original by Ernest E. Hunt IV, April 2, 1999]
Montgomery County, Tennessee, Will Book C, Page 366
In the Name of God Amen I Allen Hunter of the County of Montgomery and State of Tennessee being of sound mind and memory blessed be God do this thirteenth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & twenty make and publish this to be my last will and testament in manner and form as follows, to Wit,
First, my will and desire is that all my just debts shall be paid to be levied out of my goods & chattles if required.
Secondly I give to my wife Elizabeth Hunter one hundred and sixty acres of land whereon I now live including, all the improvements thereon to her use & benefit. Also four Negroes namely Sam, Ellender, Ned & Nancy and one bed & stead and furniture, one mare, & colt the mare called Fillis a bridle & saddle two cows & calves her choice three sows and pigs and a sufficient quantity of pork for her next year support. Also a plenty of corn for the same year.
Thirdly I give & bequeath to my nephew Dempsey Hunter, Junior, one Negro Man named Mason to him and his heirs forever. I also give to his son Allen Hunter one Negro boy named Levy to remain in the family until the said Allen comes to the years of maturity.
I also give to Brittain Nicholson Hunter son of said Dempsey Hunter sixty three acres of land known by the name of the Pace tract to remain uncultivated until he comes to the age of twenty one years.
Item. I give to Allen Teasley one Negro boy named Simon to remain in the family until the said Allen Teasley comes to the age of twenty-one years.
Item. I give to Matthew Hunter one hundred and ten acres of land known by the name of the Annis Tract one young sorrel horse to him and his heirs forever and all the rest of my goods and chattles I wish to be sold to pay my debts as before stated and if there is as much remains after paying all my debts I wish to give my nephew Jacob Hunter son of Emanuel Hunter one hundred dollars to his use and benefit.
And I appoint Brittain Nicholson and Dempsey Hunter Junior my whole sole Executors to this my last Will & Testament. In witness whereof the said Allen Hunter hath hereunto set his hand & affixed his seal the day and year above written.
Allen Hunter [seal]
Signed, sealed, published and declared in presence of us:
Robert Biggar
Eli Biggar
Thomas Biggar
Recorded the 28th of Nov. 1820
Rendered October Term 1820
[Transcribed from photocopy of original by Ernest E. Hunt IV, March 28, 1999]
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