Central School
and one-half years ago, Central School near Sailors Rest opened. Mrs. Oscar
Gunson was principal and Miss Anna Belle Lyle was assistant teacher. This
school had not done so well for several years, the principle reason was
it had never had a Parent-Teacher Association.
The first opening day, Mrs. Gunson, invited the parents to come out and
meet with them. A lunch was prepared by the parents and was served picnic
style. Then in the afternoon the meeting was called. Mrs. Hurley Fitzgerald
was elected president, and Mrs. Effie Schuff was elected secretary.
The first work we planned to get money was to have an ice cream supper.
We had splendid success, realizing several dollars from the supper. The
next entertainment was a tacky party. We had also hamburgers, cold drinks
and candy.
The school
had wood stoves. The county replaced them with coal stoves. So the P.T.A.
of our school bought the jackets for them. Later on we bought water fountains.
A quilt was
pieced by members of the organization and tickets sold on it. The tickets
amounted to $7.50. Varnish was bought and the boys varnished the desks,
window boards were built, and some playground equipment.
The school opened
the next year with the same teachers and the same president and secretary.
The organization began with the same great interest again. The parents
gave 25c and 50c each and bought two Aladdin lamps for the schoolrooms.
Ice cream suppers, and hamburgers were given, paint was bought, the county
giving half, and our P.T.A. the other half. And soon the building was painted
inside and out. Books were also bought and several beautiful pictures were
bought for the walls, and other equipment that was necessary.
After painting the
school and as it was looking so well, we decided to have one meeting for
the parents to bring flowers and shrubbery. The shrubbery was done well,
and has beautified our yard a great deal. Graveled walks were also built.
The men of the community and the WPA workers doing the work.
The third year of
the P.T.A. began with the same teachers, president, and secretary. A play
was given to raise money, to buy an oil stove and have hot lunches. Our
P.T.A. sponsored hot lunches for two years. Some more new books were added
to the school, also a map and globe. Two swings and three seesaws were
added to the playground equipment.
Our school began this
fall with two new teachers, Miss Nancy Kennedy and Miss Esta Hayes. The
first day we organized our P.T.A. with a great deal of interest shown.
We have given one Ice cream supper, realizing $11.00 from it. It is the
aim of the P.T.A. to use it wisely, and to put it to the best of use for
the school.
I believe, as
president of this wonderful organization, that a school is practically
dead if it does not have an organization. The organization is for the purpose
of bringing the parent to the teacher, and the teacher to the parent.
Mrs. Hurley Fitzgerald
President P.T.A.
Submitted by Sandra Stacey and Mr. Winters.
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