Source:  Probate Book, Montgomery Co., TN, Bk C, p. 32

Inventory of Sales of David Peeples, Deceased

Nathan Peeples        1  Axe                      $2.00
Nathan Peeples        1  Axe    1.00
Thomas Watson        1  Broadaxe    2.50
P. W. Humphries        1  Footadze    1.50
N. Peeples        1  Axe    1.05
Sam'l Chapman        1  Log Chain    5.25
Geo. West        1  pair Stealyards    3.62½
Sam'l Curtis        2 Screws, Augers    4.40
Sam'l Pope        1  Axe    1.87¼
Alsey Bradford        15 3/4 # Iron    2.20¼  (@ 14¢ per lb.)
Sam'l Curtis        1  Crobar    2.43 3/4
Geo. Ury        1  Handsaw    1.87½
Geo. West        1  Plow share    1.37½
N. Peeples        1  Drawing Knife    1.12½
Geo. West        1  Plow share    1.00
Thennet (?) Reddick        2  Plows    1.00
Geo. Ury        1  Plow share    4.75
Burrell M. Williams        1 Sledge Hammer    2.00
Thos. Tucker        1  Single Tree & ?      .75
Heydon E. Wells        1  Weading hoe    1.00
Thomas Tucker        1  Weading hoe      .62½
William Penrice        1  Weading hoe      .62
P. W. Humphries        1  Weading hoe      .62½
Thos. Tucker        1  Grubing hoe      .30
Thomas Lewis        1 Spade & hoe      .37½
Aga Peeples        1  Cupboard              16.00
Sam'l Curtis        1  Side Board    5.25
Eleanor Washborn        1  Large chest    4.00
Aga Peeples        1  Large Bible    3.50
Thomas Watson        1  Geography    1.25
John Harnbargar        1  Dictionary      .56¼
Th. Curtis        1  Testament      .56¼
William Penrice        Johnson's Dict.    3.26¼
John Targgart        Fletcher's checks    4.00  (In 6 notes)
Thos. Tucker        Life of Bonaparte    1.50
Thos. Hankins        Primitive Physic      .75
H. E. Wells        Bennet Letters      .50
W. Curtis        Dialogue of Devils      .43 3/4

Source:  Probate Book, Montgomery Co., TN, Roll 91Bk C, p. 251.

Additional Inventory of the Estate of David Peeples, Dec'd.

11 Head of sheep that were let out on the shares to David Kizer, 9 only of which were returned.
       Nathan Peeples
       Heydon E. Wells
Sales of the above:
4  Sheep        Stephen Harris at $2.06¼    $ 8.25
4  Sheep        Stephen Harris at $1.62½       6.50
1  Sheep        Nathan Peeples at 1.52       1.52
Nov. 27th 1817
Rendered October Term 1819        Signed:  Nathan Peeples
                             Heydon E. Wells, Admin.

  Submitted by Jean Hancock 

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