James Hollis to Ann Choate                  April the 24th 1770         1788-1796  Book A Letter C pg. 16

<>                This indenture made this first day of July one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine Between James of the our part and Ann Choate of the County of Tennessee of & the other of North Carolina of the other part witnesseth that for an in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds to the said James Hollis in hand paid the receipt for payment whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained sold aliened annoyed and confirmed and by these presents doth bargain grant sell assign and confirm unto the said Ann Choate her heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land containing two hundred acres lying and being in Tennessee County on the north side of Cumberland River about eight miles from said river an on the waters of half pone creek being part of six hundred forty acre survey and military claim where the said James Hollis has formirty livid the said two hundred acres lying on the west boundary of said military claim and bounded as follows beginning at a Black corners to said survey, thence north forty five degrees east one hundred and twelve poles to a Black Oak, thence east twenty six poles to a black oak and Dogwood, thence south thirteen degrees east one hundred and thirty two poles to a large oak and dogwood, thence south eighty degrees west eighty poles to a hickory and red oak, thence south so far as to include the quantity, thence west until it intersects said Hollis’ west boundary, thence north with said boundary to the beginning said tract being granted to the said James Hollis by the State of North Carolina granted bearing date the seventh day of March One thousand seven hundred and eighty nine? numbered one hundred and eighty five with the oppertinance?    ?       ?        ?        ?  what so win and every part and   ?     thereof and all rents issues services and profits to thine or either of them belonging or appertaining to have and to hold the said land and premises hereby granted with the appertinance unto the said An Choate her heirs and assigns the ?  property use and behoof of the said Ann Choate and the said James Hollis for himself his heirs an executors and administrators doth hereby covenant promise and agree that he will at all times here after warrant and forever defend the said land and premises to the said Ann Choate her heirs and assigns against all lawful claims and demands what ever Whatever Whereby the above mentioned premises may be affected or incumbered contrary to the true intent and meaning of these presents in witness whereof the said James Hollis hath hereunto set his hand and appeased his seal the day and year first above written                                                                     signed     James Hollis   (seal)
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the said deed was acknowledged in the property of the court  the 20th of July 1789                                                         Test     B?? Hardin


Transcribed and submitted by Thomas Murff


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