URIAH MURFF/THOMAS SHAW                                   

  1834 Deed Book O Letter M pg.114

            This indenture made this ninth day of Sept. in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty four by and between Uriah Murff of the County of Montgomery & State of Tennessee of the first part and Thomas Shaw of the sd. (said) Uriah Murff is indebted to James Mallory in the sum of forty six dollars and fifty cents by two notes of land one for thirty two dollars and fifty cents due MC 8th Feb. 1832. The other for fourteen Dolls ( dollars) due the 7th March 1834. And whereas the said Murff has paid? One Nathan Morris of the county of Robertson and state aforesaid under liabilities sd. Morris being security for him in the sum of one hundred and forty three dollars and fifty cents in four separate notes one of seventy five dollars made to James Cain one of sixty two dollars and fifty cents made payable to Thos. (Thomas) Walker two of three dollars each made payable to Robert F. Williams. Therefore this indenture witnesseth that the said Uriah Murff in hand paid by the said Tho. Shaw the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained sold transferred & assigned & set over and by these presents doth grant bargain sold transfer assign and set over unto the sd. Tho. Shaw his heirs & assigns a certain tract or parcel of land containing by estimation eighteen & one half acres situate? lying & being in the county and state aforesaid on the waters of half pone Crk. (creek), being a part of a fifty eight and a half acre tract of land deeded to U. Murff by James J.(I) Polk viz. beginning at a locust & dogwood James Williams corner east of Mallory spring running thence east forty six degrees east with Murff’s line one hundred and thirty one poles to the north bank of Shaw’s spring branch, thence north sixty two degrees west fifty four poles to a Chinkapin oak corner of Sarah Woodson’s dower, thence west with said line seventy nine and one half poles to a stake south west corner of said dower, thence south three degrees west with sd. Williams line one hundred and sixteen poles to the beginning. The said tract or parcel of eighteen and one half acres of land being the southeast portion as divided between sd. Murff & James Lamaster of the above described tract of land also one gray mare twelve years old, one bay horse four years old, one iron gray 2 years old, one bay colt one year old, one red and white cow, one burrow?, three ploughs, one          , and two shovels, two axes , ten head of hogs, two rifle guns, one mans saddle, two bridles & marting ales?, two weeding hoes, two and a half stacks of       , one hundred bushels of corn of the present crop of corn now made, one cutting knife, two sets of plough gears, three iron wedges, one pair saddlebags, four stacks of fodder? to have and to hold the said land and premises and the said stock good  chattels ? & each and every of them unto the sd. Thomas Shaw his heirs & assigns to the proper use and behoof of the sd. Tho. Shaw his heirs & assigns forever. In trust however and to the intent and purpose that if the sd. notes with interest thereon one not well and the truly paid off and discharges by the sd. Murff or some other person for him then & in that case the sd. Tho. Shaw shall in executing the trust hereby taken upon himself advertise the said property of a part thereof for the span of twenty days in a newspaper printed at Clarksville in said county and by written advertise ane wts.? At four of the most public places sd. county & one of which shall be at the court house door of sd. county that he will expose to the highest bidder the sd. land goods & chattels? Or a part thereof  on a particular day designated as aforesaid then the said Thomas Shaw shall proceed to sell to the highest bidder for ready money and after sd. sale to make good & sufficient deed & title that the sd. Murff or his heirs may have in and to the same, provided never thereofs? That if the sd. money & interest should be paid before the day of sale herein mentioned then this Indenture to be wholly void and no effect either in loss or equity in witness whereof the sd. Murff here unto sets his hand and seal the day & date above written.

                                                                                                      Uriah Murff  (seal)

State of Tennessee         Personally appeared before me Charles Bailey deputy clerk of

Montgomery County     the county court of Montgomery, Uriah Murff the within named bargained with whom I am personally acquainted and who acknowledged that he executed the within deed of trust for the purposes therein contained. Witness my hand at office this 10th day of October 1834.

                 John Dicks   Register                                               Chas. Bailey  D. Clk.

               By his deputy   Chas. Bailey 



Transcribed and submitted by Thomas Murff


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