URIAH MURFF/E. G. MURPHEY                                 


Uriah Murff to E.G. Murphey deed                                                1855 Deed Book 4 Letter N pg. 359

  I Uriah Murff have this day bargained and sold and do hereby convey to Elias G. Murphey and his heirs forever for the consideration? of one hundred and three dollars and fifteen cents to me? Paid a certain price of land in the state of Tennessee Montgomery County and Dis. No.    containing by estimation 10 acres one road? And eleven and ½ poles be the same more or less and bounded as follows, beginning at a rock in Doct. Mallory’s line, thence North 42 ¼ degrees , East 79 ½ poles to a stake in the roads near the corner of sd.[said] Murff fence, thence south 76 degrees west said line 34 poles to a dogwood in Doct. Mallory’s line, thence south with sd. Mallory line to the beginning. To have and to hold the same to the sd. E.G. Murphey his heirs and assigns forever & do covenant with the sd. E.G. Murphey that I am lawfully seized of said land hence? A good right to convey it and that the same is unencumbered and I do further covenant and bind  myself my heirs and representing to warrant and forever defend the title to the sd. land to the sd. E.G. Murphey his heirs and assigns against? The lawfull claimed of all persons whatsoever this 11 day of June 1855

 Test                                                                                         Uriah Murff  (seal)

Harris Williams

E.G. Williams


<>  State of Tennessee     <>       
Montgomery County

<> Personally appeared before me William Roger clerk of the<> county court of said county . Harris Williams one of the subscribing witnesses to the within Deed who after being duly and says that he is personally aquainted with Uriah Murff  the written? named bargainer? And that he acknowledged in his presence that he executed the within Deed for the purpose therein contained witness? My hand at office this 23rd day of July 1855

                                                                                            Wm Rogers    Clerk   

<> Transcribed and submitted by Thomas Murff


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