Uriah Murff                                                                           1832 Deed Book N Letter M pg. 107

To 3 deed

James Lamaster

                            This indenture made and entered into this eighteenth day of December one thousand eight hundred and thirty three between Uriah Murff of the county of Montgomery and state of Tennessee of the one part and James Lamaster of  Mon county and state aforesaid of the other part mention forth that for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and forty dollars to him the said Uriah Murff in hand paid by the said James Lamaster at or before the signing sealing and delivering these presents the receipt whereof in thereby acknowledged hath bargained sold conveyed and performed and do by these presents bargain sell convey and confirm unto the said James Lamaster his heirs and agreed on a certain tract or parcel of land situated lying and being the county and state aforesaid and on Mw waters of Half Pone creek bounded as follows (  ?    ) Beginning at a Locust and dogwood James Mallory’s corner standing east of his spring  fencing east      poles to pointers, thence forth thirty eight degrees east one hundred and fourteen poles to a locust standing in the hollow, thence east forty three poles to the north branch of Shaw’s Spring branch, thence North sixty two degrees west fifty four poles to a chinky pin oak a corner of Sarah Woodson dower, thence west with said dower line seventy nine and one half poles to a stake south west corner of said dower, thence south three degree’s east with said Mallory’s line one hundred and sixteen poles to the beginning containing forty acres be the same more or less which certain tract or parcel of land in the said Murff doth covenant to and with the said Lamaster his heirs and aligned to warrant and forever defend the aforesaid tract of land unto the said Lamaster his heirs is free from the       claim of every persons or person what so ever in witness where of     ?      ?     at my land and seal day and date first written     



                                                            Uriah Murff  (seal)

signed and delivered  in presents of us

Thomas Harris

State of Tennessee

Montgomery County Court                        January Term 1833

                                             The encertion of the foregoing deed was duly acknowledged in open court by Uriah Murff to be his act and deed for the purpose therein mentioned and on motion ordered to be certified for registration

                                                            Registered 20th March 1833

                                                                                                           John Dicks  regnelle?

                                                                                             By his deputy Cha Bailey





Transcribed and submitted by Thomas Murff


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